Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

A very big thanks to Beverly Stowe McClure for nominating me for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Beverly is a force in the kidlit world with a slew of writing credits to her name and a generous soul. Make sure to check out her website and blog The Story of a Writer.


The rules for accepting this award are as follows:
1. Thank the person who nominated you, and link to their blog.
2. Display the award logo.
3. Nominate at least 15 other blogs (more or less) and provide a link where they may be found.
4. Then, go to their blog, leave a comment to let them know they have been nominated, and where to find the information they need to accept (rules).
5. Mention three things that inspired you the most during the past few weeks.

So here are the three things that have inspired me recently…

1. My kids…of course! Love those little guys. They are a constant reminder of all that is wonderful in the world: the way they think, the way they learn, the way they share, even the way they “fight.” (A fight between the boys usually entails The Boy yelling at The Prince for some nonexistence slight or rudeness–cause 7-month-olds are so rude, right–and The Prince, loving the attention from his older brother, breaks into a big two-tooth grin.) They’re still young enough to be impressed by their old mom, so I’m enjoying their enthusiasm while it lasts. Just yesterday when The Boy spotted the cover of my picture book, he said, “Oh, I love that one,” and insisted we read it. So, yeah, they keep me inspired in so many ways, even as they are tiring me out.

2. A group of students I have yet to meet. I’ve been putting the finishing touches on a school presentation for early February in conjunction with The Great Connecticut Caper. Among the group, are 7 students who submitted a story to the Caper’s first contest and won the author visit. Just thinking about the fun activities I have planned for them and thinking about the writing that will hopefully come out of it keeps me excited about my projects.

3. My writing group. I have a pretty awesome in-person critique group that I meet with once a month. The quality of the work coming from every single person in the group has reached such a level of excellence lately. We’ve really hit a groove. Not only do I look forward to reading their offerings every month, but knowing they are all waiting for the next installment in my WIP keeps me on track with my word count goals.

Okay, now it’s your turn. I’ve never been very good at nominating people for these blogger awards, so here’s five people I’ve come up with. And, if you’re a blogger and would like to be nominated and play along, just leave a comment and I’ll add you to the list. My nominees:

1. Kai Strand – Strands of Thought

2. Meradeth Houston – Write Stuff 

3. Stuart R. West – Twisted Tales from Tornado Alley

4. Eric Price – Fantasy, Science Fiction, and Whatever Else Comes to Mind

5. Jeff Chapman – Jeff Chapman’s Writing

6. Comment to have your blog added here!

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  1. Meradeth

    Thanks so much for the nomination! I’m very inspired! 🙂 And I love your list items, especially that your in-person group sounds so cool!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      You’re welcome! I missed January’s meeting with my group and was so bummed. Looking forward to your post. 🙂

  2. Kai Strand

    Thanks for nominating me. I too have a in person group that inspires me. I might have to copy that one from you 😉

    • Katie L. Carroll

      You’re welcome, Kai! Copy away. 🙂

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