Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

“The Rewrite Before Christmas” by Beth Overmyer Author of In a Pickle

Today (ahem, on my birthday…and, yes, I’ve stopped counting how many I’ve celebrated) I have a unique poem from Beth Overmyer, author of the middle grade novella In a Pickle. Be prepared to laugh as Beth takes over the blog!

Just in time for Christmas in July…I present:

The Rewrite Before Christmas

(Parody of Clement C. Moore’s The Night Before Christmas)

‘Twas the first draft of my novel and all through the book

There were typos and blunders, not even a hook;

The scenes were all tied together by a hair,

All hoping the editors soon would repair;

The characters were voiceless, all bland and cardboard,

They talked and they rambled, no sense in their words;

And my alphas and my betas put on thinking caps,

“How do I keep reading? I want a long nap!”

And out of my prose there arose such a clutter

Of dialogue tags such as “murmured” and “muttered;”

“Away,” “through” and “of” all ended each sentence;

I misspelled all words without a hint of repentance;

All adverbs were abused shamelessly;

The luster and shine was very much lacking.

When pressing my brain on to make this thing better,

There appeared on my desk an over-sized shredder.

With a clunky old hard drive, so ancient and sick,

I rigged up old Bob with the help of a fork lift.

More vapid than prairies my stories I shredded,

Lit them with a match, doused with unleaded,

“Now burn, you! Now, die, you!

Now shred, burn and fry, you!

No ands ifs or buts:

I’ll burn short stories too!

To the top of the shredder, to the top of the wall!

No dashes, m-dashes, n-dashes; away, all!”

As dry as leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,

I watched the smoke drifting up, up to the sky;

So shiny and lovely, the ashes, they flew,

With smell of burnt plastic and toxic waste too.

And then I’d an inkling, a nudge in my head,

The itching and clawing, as that of the undead.

And I drew in my head an outline so sound

For a shiny new novel, and then went to town!

So, hear me exclaim as I drop out of sight:

“A novel isn’t written; thou must rewrite!”

inapickle 333x500In a Pickle blurb:

Charlie Pickle can’t stay put in the year 1920, due to an annoying habit of time-traveling. On a trip back to 1910, he meets a man with a secret. Murder makes the headlines that day, and Charlie’s new friend knows who the guilty party is. Now, not only does Charlie have bullies and murderers to contend with, he’s got some history to fix.

Find In a Pickle at the MuseItUp bookstore, Amazon, and other ebook retailers.

About the Author:CC Pic Beth Overmyer: writer of kidlit, penner of prose, petter of cats.

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  1. Suzanne de Montigny

    Very clever, Beth. Everyone, her book is fabulous. I was quite moved by it and my son gives it a 5-star. So make sure you get it. You won’t regret it. (Hey, I’m rhyming too!)

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Hi, Suzanne! You’re a poet and you DO know it!

  2. Heather Greenis

    Katie – age is just a number. My husband & I add the two digits together. Like a fine wine, we’re improving with age!
    Beth- your book sounds intriguing. Change history – can it be changed…?
    Heather G – Natasha’s Dream

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Heather! I really don’t mind that much about getting older, but I am infamous for forgetting my age. 😉

  3. Margaret Fieland

    Beth, loved the poem. I finished your book a couple of days ago, and thoroughly enjoyed it.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks for stopping by, Margaret!

  4. Loren

    Beth, I’m sure I’ll be more conscious of my writing today. Plus, your poem brought a smile to my face, thanks!

    Happy Birthday Katie!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks for the birthday wishes, Loren!

  5. Neil

    The title of this book immediately catches my attention and draws me in. Will have to read it once I get caught up on my stack. Happy BirthDay Katie! If your like me your celebrating your 30th for the umpteenth time 😉

    N.W. Harris, Joshua’s Tree

    • Katie L. Carroll

      LOL, Neil! Well, many adults would probably think I’m young, but when you write stories for teens, anything above like 21 is ancient!

  6. Beth Overmyer

    @Katie – Thanks for having me, and happy birthday! Heather is right: Age is just a number.

    @Suzanne – Thanks so much, Suzanne. Your support has been very much appreciated 😀

    @Heather – Thanks. You’ll have to read In a Pickle to find out! 😀

    @Margaret – I’m so glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading 🙂

    @Loren – Glad to make you smile 🙂 Happy writing!

    @Neil – Hope you enjoy!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Beth, for the birthday wishes! And thanks for being on the blog today…such a fun post!

  7. Becky Shillington

    I loved Beth’s funny poem–thanks for sharing! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Katie! = )

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks for stopping by the blog, Becky…and thanks for the birthday wishes. 🙂

  8. Erin

    Great post!

    Happy Belated Birthday!! 🙂

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