Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Spotlight on Lightning Quick Reads

I wanted to take today to highlight Lightning Quick Reads (#LQR), a flash fiction blog I contribute to, along with ten other authors. There is a theme every month and we each write a short story and post it on our designated day (mine is the 11th). There are also author spotlights, event announcements, a reader flash where readers can share their shorts, and the occasional giveaway. There are a ton of great stories coming out of the blog!

Most of my stories are a part of series I’m calling Tales From the Field about a women’s high school soccer team. Each piece is from a different players perspective, and I’m really pleased with how the stories are coming out. I was a pretty competitive soccer player growing up and find it really easy to think of material. And it’s not just about soccer because in high school all of life’s issues seems to get tangled up into one big messy ball. It’s about soccer, competition, pressure, love, and life.

With the World Cup (I refuse to use the qualifier “women’s”…of course I’m not talking about the men’s World Cup, that was last year!) going on, I thought it would be fun to give you a sneak peek of my June story (check out the full story on LQR).

Tale From the Field: Olivia’s Camp Fail by Katie L. Carroll

Sometimes the hardest person to forgive is yourself.

The table sags under heaping containers of salad, pasta, and rolls at our pregame party the night before the big match against our cross-town rivals Valley High. But all it takes for me to lose my appetite is one comment from team captain Megan.

“We don’t want a repeat of camp finals.”

The low rumble of conversation and the smack of full mouths immediately ceases as nearly every player on the Central High women’s soccer team looks at me. I lock my gaze on the fat meatball atop a pile of spaghetti covered with tomato sauce, which I’m sure matches the color of my face right now.

“What happened at camp?” asks Brooke. An innocent enough question, if you don’t know what happened this summer—which she doesn’t because freshmen don’t attend camp—but a terribly taboo one if you do know what happened.


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  1. S. J. Pajonas

    I want to know what happens! Subscribing to the blog 🙂

  2. Katie L. Carroll

    I’ve been slowly reading through this Lightning Quick Read shorts from the other authors. So many great reads!

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