Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Recognizing Different Kinds of Productivity

I’ve been feeling particularly unproductive this year, in part because I haven’t been doing much drafting. It’s my favorite part of the writing process and the one that creatively feels the most fulfilling. I feel whole when I’m in the midst of a draft and able to lose myself in the process of adding words to the page.

The other part of feeling unproductive is being pregnant. With the bad colds all winter long, the morning sickness for the first half of the pregnancy, and the fatigue and swelling that’s come with the last trimester and warmer weather, I haven’t exactly been racking up the work hours. I get that my limits are temporary and necessary right now, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t frustrating as well.

So I’m trying to recognize other ways I’ve been productive this year. The obvious one is I’m growing a baby (no small feat!). I’m also bringing a book baby into the world in October with my middle grade adventure PIRATE ISLAND. I’ts the first time I’m self-publishing a book, and I’ve learned a ton about the process this year, much of which I’ve enjoyed…even when it’s slightly frustrating and takes more time than I had hoped.

Then there are those other little guys (The Boy and The Prince) who demand so much of my time. The Boy flourished in kindergarten and is on his way to being a big first-grader. The Prince is learning and growing so much and will start preschool in the fall. I’ve been doing my best to spend as much quality time with those two before baby (a.k.a. The Gentleman) comes.

I’ve been working on a picture book, doing some freelance work, and working on other small projects as well. Then there’s the veggie garden (we picked our first peas of the season the other day), prepping for baby (six months worth of laundry washed, sorted, and folded and new mini-van purchased), blogging, and all those other things that require time and attention (grocery shopping and dinner, I’m looking at you!).

So, yeah, I think it’s fair to say that I’ve been as productive as I can be with the time and energy I have right now. And it’s important to recognize that (even blog about it) to validate that I’m doing stuff…even if it’s not all the stuff!

What kind of productive have you been lately?

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  1. mirkabreen

    Sweetie, when you are pregnant you are by definition productive.
    But I know what you mean, and indeed it’s high time for a self pat-on-the-back, and add one from me.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks for the validation, Mirka! I almost didn’t write this post because it was highly self-serving as a way to acknowledge to myself that my time is well-spent (even when I’m resting). But then I realized that maybe others were feeling the same way and then it felt like this post was reaching out to others and not just to point out my productivity. Still thinking out loud here in this comment. Thanks for listening. <3

  2. Kai Strand (@KaiStrand)

    Life can derail plans or hopes or dreams. It is up to us how we handle it. Some people allow those dreams to dissipate completely, while others simple let them ruminate a while longer and come back at them with a more fully formed approach – you know, because of all the extra time there was to think about it!

    We’ve had graduations and visitors and end of the school year and dog having puppies and all sorts of events, big and small, that have lined up just closely enough to keep me from making the progress I’d like on some projects. But all in all I’m off to an excellent start in 2017 and I plan to keep the momentum going. Even if it’s at times only a trickle.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      I find my brain is always working on those projects even when I’m not actually writing. I always like to let my stories ruminate in my brain for a bit before I sit down and try ot write them. So there’s definitely been some of that going on while I’ve been doing other things.

      This is definitely a busy time. Hopefully you’ll be able to take the momentum you had from earlier in the year into the summer when things will (maybe) slow down for you. 🙂

  3. Cindy Borgne

    We writers tend to focus on writing so much we forget all the other things we do. It’s good to recognize all kinds of productivity. Raising children and making babies is the most productive thing of all.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Cindy! Such a good point that being a writer isn’t just about the writing. There are so many other things that go into, and sometimes that means taking a break from the actual writing to live life.

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