Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Putting My Writing in a Bubble

I’ve been in kind of a weird place with my writing lately, really feeling the need to put my writerly self in a bubble and focus on what I want from my stories without thinking about the reader, my critique partners, or anyone else. I’ve been putting myself out there a lot lately, with the blog tour last month, contacting schools and bookstores for speaking opportunities, and being really open about my process. So I think it’s time to step back for awhile from all this crazy public life stuff.

That doesn’t mean I won’t be blogging, though. I’ve come to really love my Observation Desk (which in case you didn’t know is the name of this blog), my place that’s all my own where I can wax philosophical (or less than philosophical!) about anything I want. And I love interacting with all my readers through your comments. And I love hosting other authors here, too!

Keep an eye out for a new Females in YA posts with lots of linky love, some scientific type posts (because I haven’t been doing enough of those lately), and pictures. Because pictures are easy posts to do! πŸ˜‰ And of course, all those lovely guest posts from my fellow author friends.

So I’ll be in the bubble, but it seems there will be lots of holes in the bubble for me to breathe and share with you all, but maybe just not about any of my current WIPs! What have you all been up to lately?

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  1. Joshua David Bellin

    Good for you! I think writers need to withdraw from the world sometimes; the public activities can be exhilarating, but also exhausting. Enjoy the bubble, and I’ll look forward to the moments when you emerge!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Joshua! My brain has really been so scattered lately, I need the retreat.

  2. Kai

    It’s interesting – now that I have multiple books out (swear I don’t mean to toot my own horn!) I find I can’t step away like I used to. Or maybe I can’t justify the time away from promotion like I used to. On a more positive note, I’m better at the balance (most days) than I used to be.

    Good luck in your bubble! May all your projects sparkle!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      I’ve been working on the balance thing. I think I was too far one end and need to overcorrect for a bit. I won’t be totally away, though. Just keeping the writing stuff close to my chest for now.

  3. Kelly Hashway

    Sometimes we need to stay inside our bubble for a while. Totally understandable. Enjoy it in there. πŸ˜‰

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Kelly! I’m hoping to come out re-energized!

  4. Meradeth

    A bubble sounds really nice. I hope it leaves you feeling re-energized and in a better writing spot! πŸ™‚

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Meradeth! I think it’s going to take me a couple of days to turn off my internal filter now.

  5. Johnell DeWitt

    I think we all need that from time to time. Good luck with your self-time and may it be filled with good things :).

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Johnell! I explained it to my writer’s group as having too many voices in my head from their feedback and me critiquing their work as well. I want to focus on the voices that come from just inside of me. So it’ll be just me and my voices in the bubble.

  6. Leona Pence

    It takes courage to step back and live in the bubble, but well worth the needed rest. May your enery level bounce back strong and renewed.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Leona! Keeping quiet seems to be agreeing with me so far.

  7. Leandra

    Air holes are certainly important! Lol! Enjoy your ‘me’ time. We all definitely need it from time to time!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Hi, Leandra! Thanks.

  8. Loren

    Enjoy the mental peace.
    (I can totally relate to the pull of quiet, as I’m now trying to devote myself to a WIP and am going into hibernation mode.)
    I’m sure we’ll be seeing great things when you pop that bubble and emerge!
    Good Luck,

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Hi, Loren! Thanks and good luck to you on your WIP. Enjoy your hibernation.

  9. Erin Albert Books

    Sometimes, there are just too many distractions. Go girl!

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