I’ve been sitting on this news for awhile and am so excited to finally announce that my middle grade adventure PIRATE ISLAND has been selected by the Milford Public Library for the One City, One Story program this fall. The library states that the “One City One Story is a program encouraging all residents, preschool to seniors, to read books sharing a common theme, encouraging dialogue and fostering a greater sense of community…one page at a time.”

The books are all pirate themed this year. TREASURE ISLAND by Robert Louis Stevenson is the adult title and SHIVER ME TIMBERS! PIRATE POEMS AND DRAWINGS by Doug Florian is the elementary title. The library has been so supportive of PIRATE ISLAND, putting my book on their shelves, hosting my launch party, and now this!

I’ll be doing a special event on Wednesday, September 19 at 2:30 (this is a day off from school for the kids…apologies to my Jewish friends who will be celebrating Yom Kippur and won’t be able to make it) at the library. Learn a bit about the real pirate lore that inspired the book, play some fun games, grab a cookie and a signed book, and get inspired with a writing prompt.

I have a few more events in the pipeline for this fall, so stay tuned for those announcements. Non-local friends, I’ll be posting a video of me reading the first two chapters of PIRATE ISLAND in the next couple of weeks, so you can join in on the fun too! I’ve also updated my Pirate Island Curriculum Guide for the occasion.

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