Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Make Me Laugh and Giveaway Winner

First things first, I have a winner for the giveaway in honor of announcing that Elixir Bound is out in paperback. And the winner is…*drum roll*…Megan! She got to choose either a signed copy of Elixir Bound + Swag or a 3 chapter critique. Thanks to everyone who entered.

I’ll probably be running another giveaway when Elixir Bound releases in paperback later this year. And don’t forget that it’s already available as an ebook from the MuseItUp bookstore, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other ebook retailers.

In other news, last night I attended a humor-writing video chat with Robin Mellom, author of the humorous YA Ditched and the MG The Classroom series. She shared her secrets of writing funny.

We talked potty humor, slapstick, reading and watching funny shows and films for inspiration, age appropriate humor, and the importance of adding heartfelt  moments into humor writing. One interesting thing Robin mentioned was how she likes to immerse herself in all things funny while working on a humorous story.

That got me thinking about the funny moments in my life. And just this morning, The Boy provided me with a little humor. I was eating a grapefruit and he indicated he wanted to try some, so I gave him a piece. He played with it for a minute and then shoved it in his mouth. His face puckered up in the classic lemon-face pose, but then he asked for more! Despite continuing to make the face, he gobbled up piece after piece.

This reminded me of when my nephew (who is now six, but at the time was maybe two) ate a lemon at a diner. He sucked on it and his face puckered up. All the adults at the table laughed hysterically. So you know what he did? He started sucking on the lemon again!

Humor is everywhere! What made you laugh recently?

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  1. Angelina C. Hansen

    I’d forgotten how funny the squirrels are here in Flagstaff. They have big ears like rabbits and they run around with huge pinecones in their mouths. I love watching them. ^_^

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Ha! The squirrels here in CT are mostly annoying…always stealing my unripe veggies out of the garden!

  2. Suzanne de Montigny

    Sounds like your nephew loved the attention! Yup, kids are pretty funny alright.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Yes, my nephew was really hamming it up! Kids offer the best fodder for books too.

  3. Meradeth

    Cute story! Hmm, what made me laugh lately? I frequent the humor board on Pinterest and generally find some good stuff there. It’s great for between lectures when I need to unwind a little 🙂

    • Katie L. Carroll

      I haven’t gotten on Pinterest…maybe I’ll have to see about joining…or maybe I’ll get some writing done instead…hehe!

  4. Mirka Breen

    The day The Boy discovered the grapefruit! Hooray!

    {My mom used to sit at the kitchen table eating spicy hot peppers, tearing from their fire and signing that it was “so good.” Can you imagine how baffling this was to me as a child?}

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Everyday is an adventure with The Boy! Such a mixed message from your mom. I once put paprika instead of cinnamon in The Boy’s sweet potatoes…he ate them right up…guess he doesn’t mind a little spice!

  5. Jeff Chapman

    My lips are puckering just reading about the grapefruit incident. My kids have said and done so many funny things. I should write them down.

    A few years ago one of my daughters saw me shaving. She asked, “Daddy, why are you shaving off all your fur?”

    • Katie L. Carroll

      LOL, Jeff! Too cute.

      I’ve been keeping a journal for The Boy since before he was born. I write down all the funny things he does in there.

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