Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Lodging a Complaint

Complaining is self-indulgent. It’s annoying. And worst of all, it’s boring. But, I’m writing this blog post on a Sunday while The Boy naps. I’ll probably be working tonight editing a manuscript that isn’t mine. When all I really want to be doing right now is snuggling up under a blanket with the book sitting on my coffee table, neglected.

There’s so many reasons why I have no business complaining. Last September I was lucky enough to be able to leave my office job to focus more on taking care of The Boy. Now my job is reading and editing other people’s stories. My schedule and my workload are determined by me. I don’t make as much money as I did in my office job, but money isn’t everything, right?

I have a solid roof over my head. A pretty nice car. A wonderful husband who works full-time, vacuums, does the dishes and laundry, and is a fun and loving father. Last year I had two books published.

Who am I to even utter a single word of complaint? I’m human, that’s who I am. I have bad days. I get tired and whiny. Some days the to-do list exceeds the number of hours in the day and my energy level to get those things done.

So official complaint lodged…I’m moving on. Focusing on the great stuff instead of the stuff that sucks the life out of me. A new year meets a new perspective. That is, until I feel like getting whiny again!

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  1. Suzanne de Montignys

    Sigh. I know just how you feel. Reading has become more of a burden than a joy with me like it used to be. But all in all, I’m moving in another direction too. Wait and see…

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Oh, a new direction, Suzanne…you’ve got me curious.

      The thing is I like all most of the things I have to do. Hanging out with The Boy is awesome, editing is fun, and writing, of course, I love writing.

      I’m just having a hard time enjoying the thing I’m doing while I’m doing it, keeping my mind from thinking about the things I’m NOT doing.

  2. Rochelle Weber

    Katie, I know what you mean. I’m on disability for bi-polar disorder and I’m fairly compliant with my meds. I miss a dose here and there not because I think I can do without them, but because my life is so full I have to have a to-do list and calendar reminders to keep up. The VA treats my physical and psychological problems and they do a pretty good job. Good enough that I do volunteer work there to give back a bit, because I never served in combat when I was in the Navy. I really enjoyed my time in the military. It was fun, not trauamatic, so I have no reason to kvetch. I chose to do this. The only problem is I can’t get any writing done on the days I work at the VA. And I’m too tired when I get home. I sit down in my recliner, eat supper and fall asleep.

    My birthday was last week and I worked at the VA and then partied until 8:30. Woo Hoo. I drank water with Hawaiian punch packets and had a burger patty (no bun) and salad. That’s how I lost 145 pounds and that’s how I’m keeping it off. The cake went to my grandkids. I’m not complaining, really. It’s so much better being thin than being too fat to fit in the chair or to walk from one end of the VA to the other. And it was a VA nutritionist who helped me lose the weight and keep it off. But, I would like more time to write. I tried taking my laptop to the VA, but I’m too outgoing to work there. I strike up conversations with the vets in the waiting area when it’s slow. Anyway, I review books, too, and I have my Kindle with me.

    Hang in there, Kaite. Pretty soon The Boy will be in school and you’ll miss waiting for nap time.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks for sharing your story, Rochelle. You sound like you have a full life…no wonder you’re tired at the end of the day. Volunteering is one of those things I’ve kind of cut out of my life. I just stopped doing it, and adding in another thing right now feels so overwhelming. I did find it very rewarding, though. I need a clone!

      I keep telling myself to treasure my moments with The Boy…because, you’re right, soon he’ll be in school and he won’t be such a momma’s boy and I’ll miss him.

  3. Rosalie

    Somehow your complaining listed plenty of positives. Don’t worry about succumbing to human nature occasionally. It’s only human. hehe.
    Being a mother is a full time job. Managing to achieve anything else at the same time, even with a supportive husband, is terrific.
    Don’t fret. Vent. It’s all part of the journey.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks for listening, Rosalie. It’s hard to tell myself that being a mom is my biggest job now. I’m so used to being able to do all the jobs that I want/need to get done. Sometimes I just have to tell myself that whatever it is that gets done is enough. I’m always pushing, pushing, pushing. It’s helpful just being able to vent about it. Makes it better somehow.

  4. Meradeth

    I read this and was totally nodding along, fully understanding what you mean. I hate my to-do list right now. I’d love to just go for a long walk and forget it all! Some days it really is good to just take some time for yourself and relax! (This is what I tell myself at least, though I’m seriously bad about actually doing so!)

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Yeah, some time for myself. What’s that? The shower…that’s about the time I get for myself. Even when the hubby tells me he’s fine with The Boy and to take time for myself, I don’t always do it. Okay, I think maybe I’m some kind of control freak. Huh? I never used to be like that! That’s a whole other blog post…

      I hope you get some downtime, Meradeth!

  5. Mirka Breen

    This post doesn’t come off as a complaint, but as counting-one’s-blessings. Now if you want to hear some real complaining… Well, maybe not today.

    We are blessed. So is The Boy.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      We are blessed. Doing what we love. But…feel free to complain…my ears are open.

  6. J.Q. Rose

    You’re right. We are human and never satisfied. It’s like being a farmer, we need rain, we don’t need rain, too cold, too hot. They are never satisfied with the weather. LOL…I agree. I think I detect a bit of guilt because you aren’t satisfied all the time. But don’t those times help us truly appreciate the good times more?? I think we can all identify with this post.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      I think not feeling satisfied also fuels us to do better and more. I’m always pushing myself and saying, “What’s next?” I think I’ve been doing a little too much of that lately, so this post in part was about taking a moment to be happy and appreciate what I have and not think about the next thing. It seems I’m not the only one!

  7. Lorrie Unites-Struiff

    I complain all the time. I swear I get computeritis from being on this computer so much. It runs and ruins my life. Always so much ‘catch-up’ to do. What is reading a book like? I have forgotten.
    What is it like to just curl up on the couch and watch a TV program?
    Well, I guess I could ignore all my friends. But then I feel guilty. I need to come up with a new plan, too.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      I feel you about the computer thing, Lorrie. My smartphone in particular has made me a bit crazy about always being online. I love it for the convenience, but sometimes I need to just put it away (that and my laptop!).

  8. Kelly Hashway

    Everyone’s allowed to vent here and there. It’s good that you recognize what you have though. Congrats on your success and go give that little boy a squeeze. 🙂

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Kelly…The Boy has been squeezed.

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