Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Local Authors Day and an Interview

Today a great event will be taking place at the Milford, CT Public Library at 5:00 p.m. for Local Authors Day as Milford celebrates its 375th anniversary. I was going to be there selling signed copies of Elixir Bound, chatting about books and stuff, and giving out bookmarks, but baby boy #2 arrived late Monday night. We are both doing well, but I will not be attending the event. Don’t worry, I’ll post more about this once I wrap my head around having a new baby around.

In the meantime catch an interview of me at A Thousand Words A Million Books blog, along with a review of Elixir Bound and a giveaway. If you’re interested, some other guest posts and interviews I’ve done lately include a post on the seeds of inspiration for one of works in progress BLACK BUTTERFLY over at J.Q. Rose’s blog, one about my favorite writing spaces on the MuseItUp Tween and YA blog, an author interview on The Masquerade Crew, and a post about Sary in the real world on Meradeth Houston’s blog.

What have you all been up to lately? Any thoughts on what you’d like me to write about on the blog this summer? I’ll have an office update and probably another couple of posts in the Females in YA series, but I’m open to suggestions. 🙂

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  1. Loren

    Wow! A huge congratulations to you and your family, Katie! So happy for you (and I can’t believe you’re posting:-)

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Loren! That’s the beauty of scheduling posts in advance. I already had it all ready to go…just had to pop in quick and update. 🙂

  2. Jeff Chapman

    Congrats on baby boy #2! I suspect you’re very tired and very busy.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Jeff! Yup, tired and busy, but filled with joy.

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