Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Life is a WIP

Today isn’t Wednesday nor is it the second week of the month. Oh well, you’re getting my WIP update anyway!

I finally opened up a Word document and typed out the beginning page of a certain project that has been developing in my mind for quite some time now. This one has been making my skin prickle with excitement. It’s mostly some scribbles in my notebook. I hope I can keep the excitement up about it now that it has it’s very own document on my computer. I have notions of trying to do a fast draft with this story, but so far in my writing career nothing has been fast!

The working title is a color followed by an animal. I’d love to hear your guesses about what it is?

This weekend I’m off to the Poconos for my favorite small conference with the Eastern PA SCBWI (and no, I won’t be hanging out in one of those wine glass hot tubs). I love catching up with my Poconos friends. And the amazing Laurie Halse Anderson is a keynote speaker! I signed up for her revision class too…maybe that’ll get my butt in gear on revising my MG novel Pirate Island.

What are looking forward to this weekend?

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  1. Anne M Leone

    Wow! How cool to take a class with LHA! Enjoy!

    My mind is whirring with book title ideas… Red Fox? Black Crow? Pink Elephant? Magenta Aardvark? So many possibilities!

  2. Katrina DeLallo

    I'm looking forward to some word-building this weekend, and maybe some artistic doodling. I'm also cramming in some reading. **sigh** One of these days I'll be PAID to do this! LOL

    And BLACK BUTTERFLY! That's a great title. đŸ™‚ (Did I guess correctly?)

  3. Katie L. Carroll (KT)

    Ha, Anne! I totally have to write a book called Magenta Aardvark!

    You nailed it, Katrina. BLACK BUTTERFLY! How goes it with the world-building and doodles…I used to doodle all the time in class…maybe I should get back to doodling.

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