Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Introducing Ripples in the Inkwell


Ripples in the Inkwell #inkripples is a new monthly meme created by Kai Strand, Mary Waibel, and Katie L. Carroll. We’ll be posting on the second Monday of every month with a new topic. We’re all authors, but you don’t have to be to participate. Simply compose your post using the monthly theme, grab one of the images, and link back to the three of us. Make sure to use #inkripples when you play along and promote your posts. The idea is that we toss a word, idea, or image into the inkwell and each post is a new ripple. There’s no wrong way to do it!

Inkwell meme green

May’s theme is change, and look for posts from all three of us on Monday, May 11th. I’ll be talking about how hard change is, but how often it’s just the thing we need.

Going forward for the rest of the year, the themes are:

June: Summer/Vacation
July: PatriotismInkwellHashtag2
August: Dog days/Things that drag you down
September: Fall/School
October: Fears/Things That Go Bump in the Night
November: Remembrance /Thankfulness
December: Celebration/Gifts

I look forward to seeing all of your ripples. Feel free to link to them in the comments of Monday’s post (or here). And don’t forget to use #inkripples. We’ll be discussing change all month long on Twitter in addition to the blog posts.

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  1. suzanne de montigny

    Can you give us an example? I’m kind of lost here.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Our first posts will all be up on Monday, Suzanne. Basically, you can write about anything related to the topic of the month, anytime in that month (so anything about change in the month of May). Just make sure to provide links back to Kai, Mary, and me in your post and to use #inkripples when you talk about it. We’ll also be on twitter all month talking about change with #inkripples. 🙂

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