Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Lesa’s Bald Faced Liar “Creative Writer” Blogger Award

I’m honored to have been given the Lesa’s Bald Faced Liar “Creative Writer” Blogger Award! Thanks to Donna McDine for recognizing my special talents as a liar…I mean writer. Check out her blog and website.

Here are the rules that I must follow:

  1. Thank the person who gave you the award and link to them.
  2. Add the award to your blog.
  3. Tell six outrageous lies about yourself and One Truth.
  4. Nominate six creative liars…I mean writers and post links to them.
  5. Let your nominees know they have been nominated.

Okay, so I’m not very good at following directions, so I’m going to tell six almost truths and one absolute truth. Can you figure out the one absolute truth? (Check out the comments for the answer.)

  1. I once ran a marathon in Alaska on a whim.
  2. My favorite food is pepperoni pizza.
  3. I read 65 novels last year.
  4. I’ve been playing soccer for over 20 years.
  5. My favorite Harry Potter book is the Prisoner of Azkaban.
  6. I’ve never been on TV.
  7. I got married at a haunted restaurant in Windsor, CT.

And here’s my nominees:

Kimberly Sabatini at

Debbie Mumford at

Rena Jones at

Anna Staniszewski at

Marcia Hoehne at

Lisha Cauthen at

Okay, off to let my nominees know!

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  1. Katie L. Carroll (KT)

    Okay, so here's the truth:
    1. Not true. I once decided to run a marathon in Alaska on a whim…I actually trained very hard for it.
    2. Not true. My favorite food is cheese pizza!
    3. 100% true.
    4. Not true. I've been playing soccer for 20 years this year…not over 20 years.
    5. Not true. My favorite Harry Potter book is the Goblet of Fire.
    6. Not true. I've been on local TV twice. Once for a Q&A with a dentist and once as a scholar athelte of the week.
    7. Not true. I got married in a rumored to be haunted restaurant in East Windsor, CT.

  2. Debbie Mumford

    I'm honored that you passed this prestigious award on to me! I'll do my best to live up to the honor *lol*

  3. Anna

    Thanks so much for passing this award on to me! I'm a terrible liar, but I'll do my best. 🙂

  4. Rena

    Thanks, Katie! I got nominated for this award twice today, so I'll have to give it a shot tomorrow. Thanks, again! 🙂

  5. Marcia

    Thanks, Katie. I'm a terrible liar, too. But I like the questions that go with these kinds of awards. Kind of like writing exercises…

  6. Katie L. Carroll (KT)

    You're welcome, ladies. I'm looking forward to seeing your lies! I'm sure they'll be great, even for Anna and Marcia (I bet you're better liars than you think, and it's really more about being creative than a good liar). Debbie…too funny…lol! And Rena, you're one popular writer!

  7. Anonymous

    Pitiful! I don't even know my own sister very well! I guessed that the last one was true… Windsor/ East Windsor… same thing to me! Although, now I can at least say with absolute certainty that the reason I never again saw my brides maid dress after that day was because the ghosts stole it!

    P.S. What kind of weirdo keeps track of how many books she reads in a year, anyway?

  8. Katie L. Carroll (KT)

    Ah, dear sister, I am quite the enigma…even to those who think they know me best.

    Oh, and I'll have you know that most of us crazy authors keep track of the books we read. I'm only a little embarrassed to admit that I keep an excel spreadsheet as a reading log! LOL!

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