Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

How Do You Like to Connect With Authors and Readers?

Doing a little crowdsourcing here on how readers like to connect with authors, and also how authors are connecting to readers. I’m at a point where I’m looking at marketing and such for my published works and coming up with plans for future works, so I wanted to hear from all of you, both readers and authors.

Any and all answers are much appreciated! And I’d love to hear specifics in the comments if you’ve had a particular successful way you’ve connected to an author or reader.


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  1. Meradeth

    I’m super serious how this turns out 🙂

    • Katie L. Carroll

      I’m not sure how scientific the results will be (or how many people will answer), but I’ll definitely be sharing the results…for what they’re worth. 🙂

  2. Jeff Chapman

    Looking forward to your results and your new projects. A sequel to Elixir Bound? As a writer, my goal is to get people onto my newsletter.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      The sequel to EB has turned into a perpetual project, but it’s slowly getting done. I’ve been thinking about starting up a newsletter. Off to subscribe to yours…

  3. Mirka Breen

    When I answered the poll (both as a reader and as a writer) I took “connect” as seeking more information, not necessarily starting a two-way conversation. I’ve actually had few of the latter as a reader, because I am shy. But I always look up writers when I like their books.
    I do get some folks reaching out through my site (& a few from my blog.)

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks for expanding on your answers to the poll. It certainly wasn’t very specific. I wanted to keep it simple as it’s the first time I’m using this feature on the blog.

  4. Vijaya

    Katie, as a reader, I love getting glimpses into the author’s life so the website is the first place I look and if they have a blog, even better. Not necessarily to interact, but just to read about their writing life.

    I’ve connected best with my readers through school visits and second through my blog/website (usually they’ll be teachers).

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks for sharing, Vijaya! School visits are wonderful for connecting directly to readers. It’s one area I’m always looking to improve and expand upon. I know firsthand the value of school visits (which is one of the reason I didn’t include it on the poll…I plan on continuing to pursue school visit opportunities already).

  5. ClaudineGueh@CarryUsOffBooks

    I just left my votes. Let us know how they turn out!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Claudine! Will do!

  6. Douglass Ballan

    You’ll spark a little back-and-forth conversation, which will not only help you learn more about the company , but will also prove to the interviewer that you’re truly interested in the position. Overall, you’ll bring a little life into what can often be a very formal, on-your-best-behavior kind of interaction.

  7. Kelly Hashway

    Very curious to see the results.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      I hope to post the results by the end of this month or early next month…depending on how my blog schedule plays out.

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