Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Gearing Up for a Noncommittal Summer

This time last year I was preparing for the arrival of The Prince with plans to spend the summer enjoying my two boys and adjusting to life as a mom of two. Now looking forward to this summer, I have that strange feeling of not believing how quickly time has gone but also feeling like it’s been a long year.

In a couple of weeks, we’ll be kicking off summer a little early with The Prince’s first birthday party at my parents’ house. My birthday (a special milestone one if I were a hobbit) falls in the middle of summer, but no big parties scheduled for me. Fast forward to the end of August and we’ll be unofficially ending the summer with The Boy’s fourth birthday party, probably also at my parents’ house.

So what do I plan on sandwiching in between those two big events (besides celebrating/crying over getting another year older)? Hopefully lots of summer fun: beach days, playing in the yard with the boys, grounding myselfΒ every day, day trips with the family…that kind of stuff.

The first half of the year has been full of author events (all told I’ve probably done more author events in the last six months than in all my previous years combined) and I’ve got three more planned for June (check out my homepage for details), so I’d like to slow down a bit for the summer. Iced tea in the afternoon, wine in the evening, feet in the sand, and read a book for pleasure kind of slowing down.

I’m so very close to completing a good draft of my WIP, so I’ll be devoting some time to revising once I get my beta feedback and a little break from said WIP post-drafting. Maybe I’ll start drafting a new book…or maybe not. I think I’ll see where the winds take me on that one. I may need a break in order to refill the creative well.

I’d also like to pay attention to one aspect of my life I’ve been woefully neglectful of: namely, getting in shape. I’ve been slowly acclimating my mind to the idea of maybe getting back into running, and I might try working with a personal trainer and seeing if I like it. Not sure about going back to playing soccer. I’ll see how I feel after I’m in better shape.

Overall, I’m in the mood to be very noncommittal about things. Before long those boys of mine will be off running all over the place without me, so I’m trying to be more in the moment and enjoy them while they’re little (even through the hard times of them being little).

I’m thinking of running old posts here for most of the summer, and probably not too many guest posts. Keep things simple…yeah, that sounds real nice. What are your plans for the summer?

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  1. S. J. Pajonas

    Lots of writing this summer! My kids go to the town camp all of July, so I’ll be doing writing sprints and finishing off projects I’ve been meaning to take care of. Then, afternoons are all pool pool pool!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      That sounds blissful. Enjoy!

  2. suzanne de montigny

    First of all, your boys are adorable and I’m glad you’re enjoying them. Me? I’m going to be getting up at 5 every morning to write. Got a book to finish. Also, we’re going to Australia in August.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Awww thanks, Suzanne! Have you heard of the 5 am writers club on twitter? I haven’t participated (I’m so not a morning person, and it’s bad enough the kiddos wake me up at 6 am most days), but I’ve heard good things about it. And also, have an amazing trip! I’ve always wanted to go to Australia.

  3. Meradeth

    I just celebrated that same Hobbit birthday–it’s not so bad πŸ˜‰ I hope you have a wonderfully relaxing summer with your boys (and the beach, which I am so jealous about!). Me, I’ll be writing a lot, and getting my lab together at work, but hopefully also getting in some time to relax πŸ™‚

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Happy belated, Meradeth! I do love living so close to the water (it’s Long Island Sound, so not quite the ocean…at least it’s a lot cleaner than it was when I was a kid), though all your pictures of Montana make me jealous of where you live. πŸ™‚

  4. Mirka Breen

    The stage I’m in, my kids (no longer kiddos) are home for the summer and away during the year. So– guess where I’ll be this summer… Not going anywhere except for (possibly) long hikes with them or day excursions.

    Enjoy the summer, everyone!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Enjoy the time with your big kids, Mirka. I’m sure you miss them when it’s not summer, but it’s nice that they still come home to stay for a little while.

  5. Kelly Hashway

    I have four client edits scheduled, a novella to revise, and a lot of swimming planned. πŸ™‚

    • cdavidrollins

      Open water? Competitive or just for fun and fitness?

      • Katie L. Carroll

        We just go play at the beach. My little ones are only almost 4 and 1, so nothing exciting.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      I see you’re busy as usual, Kelly! Enjoy your swimming time. πŸ™‚

  6. cdavidrollins

    Enjoy your laid back summer Katie. I think I’ll keep it pretty chill too.Right now just looking at two vacations, three triathlons, a mud run, a bike rally, and oh yeah, finish first draft on “Theodore Grayson and he Devil Men of Mars”.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      LOL! Yeah, real laid back. πŸ˜‰

  7. Marcia Strykowski

    I’m hoping to do a little of everything this summer–enjoy yours!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Marcia! Enjoy your dabbling summer. πŸ™‚

  8. Vijaya

    I too will be spending time with my kids and squeezing in some writing when I can. They are both in high school so our time together is short. Enjoy your summer Katie.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      I know that day will come too soon with me and my boys. I always tease my older son about how’ll be off to college tomorrow. He actually made the college joke yesterday to me. Have a great summer, Vijaya!

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