Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Tag: YA (Page 8 of 12)

Meet T.B. Markinson Author of Marionette

Please welcome author, blogger, and traveler T.B. Markinson as talks about her recently released YA MarionetteWelcome, T.B.!

mar-kindleDid you always know you wanted to write? If so, what prompted you to turn your dream into reality?

Ever since grade school I wanted to pursue writing. Over the years I would jot down stories and I started at least one novel but never finished it. Life always interfered. I was working full-time and whenever I tried to take my writing to the next level, something would happen and I found myself consumed with everyday life. Then over two years ago my partner’s company asked us to move from Boston to London. Suddenly I was unemployed. The transfer was supposed to last two years and my partner and I decided that I would use the time to give writing a go. So I pulled an unfinished manuscript out of the drawer and got to work. Now the book is published and I’ve completed the second one, Marionette. It’s a wonderful feeling and I feel so lucky that life worked out the way it did. And we fell in love with London and have extended our time here.

Did you explore traditional publication before deciding to self-publish? Why did you choose to self-publish?

At first I wanted to go the traditional route and started searching for a publisher. I narrowed it down to a couple of publishers I wanted to pursue. Then one went out of business and when I dug a little deeper into the other one I found out that many of their writers were disappointed with their contracts and the publisher. I started to rethink my choice. I knew my odds of signing with a large publisher were more than a long shot considering I hadn’t published before and my genre is lesbian fiction. I didn’t want to sign with a small publisher and then figure out too late that the publisher wouldn’t do enough. I decided if I wanted it done my way I had to be in charge of all the details. So far, I don’t regret my decision. And I’ve learned so much about editing, cover design, publishing, and marketing. Each day I continue to learn. Who knows what will happen in the future, but I’m excited to see what does.

Writing a book must be like a dream come true.  Now that you’ve been published how does the dream and the reality compare?

That is an interesting question. It’s fantastic knowing that I finally did it. I talked about publishing for so long and now I can say yes I did publish a novel. But since hitting the publish button I’ve been so busy promoting it I haven’t really had time to enjoy it. No matter what, there’s always something more that needs doing. It’s exciting, frustrating, daunting, and tiring. Yet, I wouldn’t have it any other way. In my experience, work is work. And until now I haven’t had many jobs that I liked or was that committed to. Writing and publishing are not easy, but at least I love what I do now. That makes it a whole lot easier when my alarm goes off each morning. And working from home helps. I love wearing my pajamas to work every day. Companies should allow that.

Who’s your favorite character in your latest novel Marionette?

Paige, the main character. I love her intelligence, bravery, and wicked sense of humor. She’s the type of person I would like to know in real life. Not only is she strong, but she has a vulnerability about her that really drew me to her. And she’s snarky. I like that.

How did you up with the idea for Marionette?

I wanted to write a novel about a young woman who is going through a lot. Paige has a lot going on: she tried to kill herself, is hiding the fact that she’s a lesbian from her family and college roommates, and is dealing with tension about an amendment dealing with gay and lesbian rights. When I started the novel I had a general idea of where it would go, but Paige ended up being a lot stronger than I ever imagined. She surprised me on many occasions and I admired her strength.

What advice would you give to an aspiring author?

My advice is simple. Sit down and write. So many people tell me that they’ve always wanted to write a book and when I ask them how often they write I usually hear, “Oh I don’t actually write anything, but I would like to.” There’s no magic formula to becoming a writer. You just have to force yourself every day to sit down and write. I think many would be surprised by how quickly a story comes together. Even if you only write 500 words a day, it adds up. Right now I’m trying to write 2,000 words a day. Sometimes I make it and other days I don’t. But the important thing is I continue to write and stay focused on the story.

What’s your favorite time of day?

Anytime after the first hour after waking up. I really enjoy life, but I hate mornings. Whenever my alarm trills the first word that pops into my head is not suitable for this post. I don’t understand morning people at all. Saying that, I should mention that I love watching the sunrise. I know it doesn’t make sense. Here’s a warning, don’t say hi to me until I’ve had my first cup of tea. After that, I’m friendly and ready to start the day. Before that, I can’t be blamed for my behavior. I did warn you.

What’s your horoscope sign?

All my life I thought I was a Taurus. Then I moved to England and checked my horoscope in the paper. That’s when I realized I’ve been living a lie. My birthday is on May 20th. In the States that’s the cutoff date for a Taurus. In England, it’s the first day for Gemini. I’m so confused. But I’m also stubborn so I keep telling people I’m a Taurus. This leads me to believe that I actually am a Taurus. After thirty-nine years it’s hard to change.

Marionette blurb:

Paige Alexander is seventeen and has her whole life in front of her. One day her girlfriend comes home to discover that Paige has slit her wrists. Paige isn’t insane, but she acts like she is. Why?

After the incident, Paige agrees to go to therapy to appease her girlfriend, Jess. However, Paige doesn’t believe that therapy will help her. She believes she’s beyond help. Paige doesn’t want to find herself and she doesn’t want to relive her painful past in order to come to terms with it. What Paige wants is control over her life, which she hasn’t had since her birth.

During her childhood, Paige is blamed for a family tragedy, when in fact, her twin sister, Abbie was responsible. Abbie doesn’t come forward and Paige becomes the pariah of the family.

To add to Paige’s woes while attending a college in a small town in Colorado, the residents are in the midst of debating whether or not gays and lesbians should have equal rights. Tension is high and there’s a threat of violence. She isn’t out of the closet and pretends to be straight at school since she fears what will happen if her parents find out she’s a lesbian. Will she end up dead like her best friend, Alex?

Purchase Links: Amazon (US)   Amazon (UK)

T B MarkinsonAbout the Author:

T. B. Markinson is a 39-year old American writer, living in England, who pledged she would publish before she was 35. Better late than never. When she isn’t writing, she’s traveling around the world, watching sports on the telly, visiting pubs in England, or taking the dog for a walk. Not necessarily in that order. Marionette is her second novel.  A Woman Lost was her debut novel.

Mailing List:

Sign up to TB’s New Release Mailing List here. Your email will never be shared and you will only be contacted when a new book is out.

Links: Twitter    Facebook     Blog     Goodreads   Amazon Author Page

Meet the Kings of The Palace of Twelve Pillars Books by Christina Weigand

Have you missed any of my Elixir Bound in paperback blog tour visits? No worries, stop here to get the full schedule (and don’t forget to enter the giveaway!). While I’m off on tour, Christina Weigand and the kings of her Palace of the Twelve Pillars books have stopped by for an interview. Welcome, Christina and your highnesses!

palaceofthethreecrosses200x300King Brandan and King Joachim requested an interview. I’m not sure this is a good idea, but when a king summons it behooves one to listen.

King Brandan: Welcome to the Dragon’s Lair at Palace of the Twelve Pillars. I hope your trip wasn’t too stressful.

King Joachim: Yes, welcome. I am so happy you could join us today. We know you have a lot going on in your life, so your visit is much appreciated.

King Brandan: Now that you are here we have a few matters to discuss with you. First: Magic. What’s with all the magic rules? There is so much that can be accomplished with just a little spell.

Chris: Yes, but more can be accomplished when humans, Kningrad and Mantion partner with Asha. Use of magic is tied to emotions and too often it is used selfishly for power and subjugation of others. Feelings of hatred, anger, envy and other negative emotions can be manipulated to do evil. The rules are there to prevent that.

King Brandan: Well I disagree with your decisions as well as the rules. Ramajadin would be better off without the limitations.

King Joachim: Better off for whom? You maybe! I’m not so sure about the rest of us.

Chris: Look at the chaos use of magic has wrought. Your Father is dead because of it, your mother is missing, your family and countries devastated by war and illness. Is that really best?

King Brandan: Father’s death was unfortunate, but considering the position he took, defying Waldrom, it became necessary. Mother made her choice and if she disappeared because of it, this is no concern of mine. The countries: if they submit to my rule there will be no problems. I will rebuild them.

King Joachim: What of Asha?

King Brandan: Asha is of no consequence. I can do without Him and His preposterous cabal.

Chris: Brandan, when did you become so jaded?

King Brandan: A better question: why didn’t you make Joa more like me? I love my brother, but his outdated, rose-colored glasses ideals are in the way of my plans.

King Joachim: Brandan that’s enough harassing the dear author she was kind enough to create us and let us live, even with the grief we gave her in the second book, refusing to follow the outline she plotted. We owe her our gratitude not our disdain.

King Brandan: Why did we ask her to come if not to answer our questions? I have more to ask and she will answer to me.

King Joachim: Brandan I think that is enough for now. Can’t you see you have upset her with all your disagreeable statements?

Chris: Thank you, Sire, for you defense. Although King Brandan’s questions do not bother me, I do have some other characters that need attending too as well as edits on the end of your story. So if you don’t mind I will take my leave now.

King Joachim: Yes that’s fine. I am so glad you could stop by today. Thank you.

King Brandan: This is not finished yet, but I understand your time constraints, besides I have some Mantions to torture. You will hear from me again. Thank you and goodbye.

Chris: Thank you Sires. It has been an honor and a privilege to visit and work with you. I look forward to our continued endeavors.

The adventures of Kings Brandan and Joachim can be read in Palace of the Twelve Pillars released April 26, 2013 and continued in Palace of the Three Crosses to be released in September 2013 and Sanctuary of the Nine Dragons set to be released in February 2014.

Palace of the Three Crosses blurb:

Brandan and Joachim have returned from the brink of Hell, but everyone questions if they are truly healed and one with Asha.

As each prince tries to readjust to life, they must face the funeral of their father and their missing mother.

They each take on the responsibility of ruling a country with new wives by their sides, but can they and the countries survive the trials that will ensue because of their choices?

Brandan and Joachim survived the war, but can their relationship and their countries survive the aftermath.

Palace of Three Crosses is available at the MuseItUp bookstore, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and Kobo.

013About the Author:

Christina Weigand’s a writer, wife, and mother of three grown children and a middle school daughter. She is also Nana to three granddaughters. She lives with her husband and youngest daughter in Pennsylvania, returning there after a short sabbatical in Washington. Currently, she’s working on fantasy novels and inspirational writing. Through her writing, she strives to share the Word of God and help people young and old to realize the love and mercy He has for everyone.

When she’s not writing, she’s active in her local Church as a lector, Bible Study, or with the church theater group, volunteering at her daughter and granddaughter’s school in the library as well as helping the children develop a love for reading and writing. Jesus fills her home with love as she shares Him through her writing.


Twitter: @CAWeigand





Elixir Saved Sneak Peek

First off a bit of news: I have received my print galley of Elixir Bound from the publisher and it’s up on my publisher’s website as available to order! Still no firm date on when I’ll be able to hold it in my hot little hands, but the galley and order option means we’re getting close. Yay!

So as the Elixir Bound in paperback blog tour continues (full schedule here), I’ve got a sneak peek at the companion novel (still a work-in-progress…and it’s kind of terrifying to be putting this out there at the this stage, but figured I’d be brave) Elixir Saved. In this next book, Kylene, Zelenka (both of whom you might know from Elixir Bound), and Devon (new character here!) have all been saved the by the Elixir. Now they must decide how much they are willing to sacrifice with their second chances at life.

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As you can see from the description, Elixir Saved will feature many of the characters from Bound, but will also introduce some new characters. With three POV characters and new quests, Saved is even more epic than the first book.

I’ve mentioned before how I originally wrote Bound as a fantasy adventure after my sister Kylene passed away at the age of 16. I tried writing the story from her POV, but it was too hard at the time. I’m happy to say one of the POV characters of Saved is the character Kylene. This sneak peek is the first few pages from her POV (keep in mind this is an unedited version :)). Enjoy!

Kylene Kase waited in the wings for her big moment on stage when lightning struck. It hit a giant oak behind the outdoor stage, which split down the middle with a loud crack and caught on fire. The upper half of the tree toppled over and smashed through the backdrop, shooting sparks out toward the crowd.

The whole production—written by, directed by, and starring Kylene—flashed to a halt. A message, brought by the higher beings, filled her head. The implications of the six terrible words paralyzed her.

Kylene regained her senses and jumped off the nonstage side of the wings, tumbling to the hard ground covered in browning grass. The wood used to construct the stage served as kindling and the whole thing billowed with smoke and flames in a matter of minutes. She ran from the stage to escape the ashes, but acrid smoke curled toward her and burned her throat.

From a safe distance, she watched props of faux golden pillars melt and distort into shapes reminiscent of grotesque faces. As the stage collapsed in on itself, she sank to her hands and knees and sobbed. A strong hand pulled her to her feet. Her younger, but much taller brother, Bhar, grasped her hands. His blue eyes turned hazel as they reflected the orange flames.

He grasped her shoulders. “You okay?”

Kylene nodded; she was fine physically, if not mentally. She searched the frenzied crowd for the rest of her family, face stricken as she suddenly realized one of them might be hurt.

The list of her closet family members tumbled from her dry lips. “Ma, Pop, Katora, Lili, Ariana and the kids?”

“They’re all fine!” Bhar yelled over his shoulder as he ran to the perimeter of the disaster. “Pop says go home. I’ll see you there.”

He peered into the flames, presumably searching for anyone trapped in the ruins of the stage. A crowd of spectators, actors, and crew—some screaming—ran past. An old man fell in the chaos. Bhar lifted him up, offered him a shoulder to lean on, and escorted him to the road, disappearing into the throng.

Kylene stood, frozen in place, while her dreams of a successful production burned to the ground with the stage. The last support beam creaked and groaned, giving itself to the inferno. She fled for home, the early autumn leaves crunching underfoot in rhythm with her hiccupping sobs. Her white-blond hair flew wildly behind her and tears flowed from her bright blue eyes, obscuring her sight. Not that seeing mattered; her feet automatically knew the way down the dirt road to home.

It wasn’t the failure in front of her whole family and the entire town of Tussar that made her cry as much as the six words resonating in her head. In the Great Peninsula, higher beings—sometimes even Mother Nature herself—communicated with humans through the weather. The messages were often cryptic, hard to interpret. However, the message brought by the lightning came through clearer than the transparent bottles that held the essence—a renowned beverage in the Great Peninsula—brewed by her family.

Kylene sprinted straight through the front door of her family’s old, wooden farmhouse, up the rickety stairs, and into the room she shared with her sister Katora. She flung herself onto her bed and sucked in heaving breaths. Even with her face buried deep in her freshly laundered pillow slip, all she smelled was fire.

Before long, a warm hand caressed her back accompanied by Katora’s soothing voice. “Shhh. It’s okay. Don’t cry, Ky.”

Easy enough for Katora to say. She never cries.

She knew her whole family thought she cried too much, but surely the shocking message justified her distress. Eventually the sobs abated and Kylene’s body quieted. She sat and smiled at Katora, one of her three older sisters, the one closest in age to Kylene.

Katora’s blue-green eyes sparkled in her flushed faced. “You heard the message too. Sounds like another quest.”

Kylene rubbed her eyes and frowned. She shared neither her sister’s interpretation of the message nor her enthusiasm for quests. The last and only quest she had been on had nearly killed her. It had been Katora’s job to pick the flowers that contained the nectar for their family’s secret healing Elixir and take over as the Elixir’s guardian. Kylene, merely there to accompany her sister, received a deadly wound from a poisoned spear as a souvenir. If not for the Elixir, she likely would not have recovered.

Lately, nightmares of her loved ones, cold and blue-lipped, haunted her sleep. Would that be her fate if she went on another quest? She pushed away the thought as tears prickled the corners of her eyes.

“The message for the last quest to pick the flowers for the Elixir…” Kylene paused, not sure how to phrase what she wanted to know. “Did you hear it?”

“No.” Katora’s brow furrowed as she gazed at her. “I only saw the snow. The message was for Pop—he was still the guardian of the Elixir then.”

“Did Pop tell you what he heard?” Kylene asked.

Katora stared past Kylene to the wall, but she didn’t really appear to be looking at anything in particular. “I don’t know if he heard a specific message last time. What was it he said? Something about how the greater beings aren’t always clear on what they mean. He told me the snowstorm came as the Elixir’s supply was low, so he took that as a message we needed to retrieve more of the nectar.”

Kylene frowned. The message she heard as the lightning struck held no such ambiguity.

“But you heard a specific message this time?” she asked.

Katora smiled. “Oh, yes. It was like someone speaking right inside my head. No guessing games this time.”

The experience sounded the same as Kylene’s. Tears squeaked from her eyes again, blurring Katora’s face so much it reminded Kylene of the ugly shapes of the melting columns. Perhaps she misinterpreted the message and someone else would be made to fulfill it. She shivered. She didn’t want the message to be true for her or anyone else.


Elixir Bound Blog Tour Schedule

It’s here: the Elixir Bound in paperback blog tour! I still don’t have an exact date for when the paperback version will be available, but I’ve been assured by my publisher that it will be this month or possibly October. The blog tour goes all month long, so I’ll be sure to update you all when I know.

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I have a fabulous line-up of guest posts scheduled and am being hosted by a group of awesome authors, book bloggers, and bookish people! There will be inside looks into my writing life, never before revealed info about the book, a giveaway, and the usual shenanigans you’ve come to expect from me! Here’s a list of stops:

August 31st – Krystal’s Enchanting Reads – A pre-blog tour post with a beautiful review of Elixir Bound and a post about world building from me

2nd – Where Writers and Authors Meet – Author spotlight and a chance to ask me questions (c’mon, you know you’ve been dying to ask me something!)

3rd – Observation Desk – (Yup, that’s my blog) Your chance to see the official map of the Great Peninsula

4th – Books for Company – My favorite spots to write with pictures

Author Eric Price’s blog – Find out how Katora, Kylene, and Bhar celebrate the Winter Solstice with an Elixir original short story

5th – Erin Albert Books – Twelve random things about yours truly (including one of my biggest fears!)

9th – Stuart R. West’s blog – The dos and don’ts of novel openings, plus my favorite openers

Where Writers and Authors Meet – The A’s to your Q’s from last week

Ladybug Lin’s Exceptional Reviews – A surprise post with a review of Elixir Bound from fellow Muser Lin Holmes

10th – Meradeth Houston’s blog Write Stuff – My favorite books in my top fantasy series

11th – Kai Strand’s blog Strands of Thought – Three Times a Charm feature in which I reveal my three favorite writing snacks, top three pieces of advice for kids, and three professions I wanted to be while growing up

You Gotta Read Reviews – An author interview where you find out who my favorite author is

12th – Girls Succeed! – My personal story on how I became a writer (fair warning, it’s a bit sad)

13th – Kelly Hashway’s blog – A deleted (and never before publicized) scene between Katora and Hirsten

14th – Literary Meanderings – Learn more about Zelenka and the demicks in this character interview

16th – Waibel’s World – A character interview of Kylene (really more of a scene…I got a bit creative–i.e. totally disregarded–with the traditional Q&A of an interview)

17th – Philip Coleman’s blog – Talking my favorite tipples in this author interview

18th – Susan A. Royal’s blog – An author interview where I reveal the movie I always watch when it’s on and I spill on my next book Elixir Saved

20th – Observation Desk – (My blog again…you didn’t think I was going to let everyone else have all the fun, did you?) A sneak peek look at the next Elixir book Elixir Saved

21st – Tina’s Book Reviews – Saturday spotlight on the making of the cover of Elixir Bound

23rd – The Story of a Writer – Find out what readers of Elixir Bound have to say with this book spotlight  and snippets of reviews

25th – Behind a Million and One Pages – Katora may be a traditional “strong” female protagonist, but find out what other kind of strong female I admire

Observation Desk – (Yup, back to my blog again) Pics of the swag being offered in the giveaway

26th – These Words Tell a Story – A list of musical inspiration I turned to while writing Elixir Bound 

27th – Nicole Zoltack’s blog Where Fantasy & Love Take Flight – A character interview of Katora, in which she reveals the one thing she would change about herself

30th – Suzanne’s Thoughts for the Day – I go crazy on other people’s books and suggest alternate endings

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Meet Erin Rhew Author of The Prophecy

I’m super excited to welcome Erin Rhew, author of the forthcoming YA fantasy The Prophecy. I have had the pleasure of reading it, but I haven’t posted my Goodreads review yet (I’m waiting until a little closer to the November release). I will tell you it will be getting 5 stars! Welcome, Erin!

TheProphecy_ErinAlbert_AuthorPhoto_SmallerWhat inspired you to write The Prophecy?

At the time I started writing The Prophecy, I’d been reading and watching a lot of Game of Thrones and stories of Arthurian legend.  I don’t know that they inspired the story, per se, but they definitely influenced the feel and time period of the world.

What books had the most influence on you while growing up?

Growing up, I loved Charlotte’s Web.  I wanted to name a child Charlotte because I loved it so much. LOL!  I also enjoyed most books by Judy Blume and Beverly Cleary.  As I got older, I fell in writing love with Shakespeare. I prefer the depth of his tragedies though I traditionally like happily ever after endings.  My favorite Shakespeare plays are Romeo and Juliet and Othello.

At what moment did you truly begin to feel like an author?

I think I started to really feel like an author when I began doing interviews and people started to “know” me.  I’ve always defined myself as a “writer,” but the definition “author” feels like it comes more from the outside.  The moment someone buys and reads The Prophecy, I will truly wear the “author” label…and proudly.  😉

You’re a bit of a grammar nerd. What is your biggest grammar pet peeve?

Awwww…you’re sweet to say “a bit.”  I’m a major grammar nerd.  😉  I’d say my biggest grammar pet peeve, that spazzes me out the most, is less and fewer.  If a quantity can be counted, always use fewer, with the exception of time, money, and distance. Don’t you love the English language—that ALWAYS do such and such just with this exception?  LOL!  The checkout lines at Wal-Mart, Target, and similar stores should read “10 items or fewer.”  I get a nervous tic every time I see “10 items or less.”

What is your favorite literary love triangle?

I’d have to say Tessa, Will, and Jem in The Infernal Devices series. Tessa never reduces herself to the whiny, sniveling, torn girl, and I love that.  Will and Jem are both upstanding, and I honestly had trouble choosing between them. Cassandra Clare set the bar very high for a good love triangle.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be? 

I’m super nosey, so I’d like to be invisible.  If I had a dime for every time I said, “I’d love to be fly on that wall,” I’d be rich.  Invisibility would give me the power to do that without having to turn into a yucky fly!  😉

The Prophecy excerpt:

Even though she knew she had no chance to escape now, Layla shoved the Elder with all her might. The blow sent him flying into the baker’s door, which splintered under the force, and she darted forward. The Vanguard soldiers moved to block her.

“We are all Vanguards,” she pleaded. “Please let me go.”

For a moment, they hesitated. Layla used the opening to slip around them. She ran as fast as her legs would carry her, but they proved to be too slow. Within moments, the soldiers leapt upon her, knocking her to the ground. Wrenching Layla up by her hair, they dragged her back to the Elder, whose face now bled from his encounter with the baker’s door.

“I see you’re going to be trouble.” He brushed the dirt off his robes. “You can’t escape your destiny, girl.”

About the Author:

Erin Rhew is an author and fitness trainer.  Since she picked up Morris the Moose Goes to School at age four, she has been infatuated with the written word.  She went on to work as a grammar and writing tutor in college and is still teased by her family and friends for being a member of the “Grammar Police.”  In her free time, Erin enjoys acting, running, kickboxing, and, of course, reading and writing.

Find Erin on her website, Goodreads, Facebook, and Instagram.

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