Is it too late for a 2023 writing wrap-up? I hope not because I have one for you! But first…a quick peek at what’s ahead for my author career this year. I started off the New Year super inspired and have been brainstorming new ideas all month with my picture book critique partners as part of Storystorm.

I’m working on a bunch of other things as well. I’m currently pushing through the muddy middle of the first draft of a young adult WIP, which is a love story (not a romance!) with a sci-fi twist. It’s too early to say if I’ll get this one ready to be released this year, but it’s not out of the question. If you follow me on TikTok, you might have seen me offer up a little teaser on this project!

I’ve also started the design process on my next children’s nonfiction. I was really happy with the response to my first nonfiction SELFIES FROM MARS: THE TRUE STORY OF MARS ROVER OPPORTUNITY, so I’m making this new nonfiction a priority. The new nonfiction is about the NASA Voyagers, which were the first human-made objects to reach interstellar space. I’m working on a fun idea for the official cover reveal, so stay tuned for that.

In Family Holiday Tales news (first two books are MOMMY’S NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS and DADDY’S 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS), I’ve begun working with illustrator Phoebe Cho on a third one. This one features a grandma and takes place on Halloween night! I’ve always wanted to do board book versions of these books, and this year might be the year I set up a kickstarter to accomplish that.

As for 2023, well I hit some author goals and missed on a few others. I released three books, which was a record for me! Most notably for misses, I didn’t finish the draft of the second part of a YA duology I’ve been working on for many years. There’s something about these books that isn’t quite working yet, but I’ll get back to them eventually. And if you’re interested to see what I read last year, you can check out my 2023 Year in Books.

How did your 2023 end up? What are you looking forward to in 2024?