Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Tag: The boys (Page 1 of 2)

Fall 2017 in Pictures and Looking Toward 2018

The hustle and bustle of the season is in full swing here at chateau Carroll. The boys have been making out their Christmas lists for Santa, we’ve been baking, and I’ve been fitting in a few words here and there on Elixir Saved. So that means it’s time for a picture post!

But before we get to that, I’ve been thinking about what I’ll be blogging about next year. I’d like take some time to feature some books and authors I’ve been enjoying, but in a way I haven’t done before on the Observation Desk. I also haven’t officially introduced The Gentleman here on the blog, though he’s now 5 months old (sorry third kiddo!). So I might try and get a feature on his birth story up here, ya know, before his first birthday. 😉 I have some fun news in the works that I’ll be sharing soon. And I think I’d like to talk more about creativity in 2018, particularly as it fits into my life as a writer/mom.

And now to look back on fall:

Summer 2017 in Pictures – All About Adjusting

It’s been a summer of adjusting to the new family dynamic, but we have managed to do some fun summer stuff as well. We had The Prince’s birthday party before baby was born and The Boy’s after…with custom decorated cakes of course. My birthday was just two days before The Gentleman was born.

We managed to get in a trip to Boston before baby was born where the most exciting part was checking out one of Cambridge’s fire houses. The boys went to the splash pad with their auntie, we went strawberry picking, ate lots of fresh corn, did the summer running races in our town, went out for ice cream…all kinds of stuff! The Boy got to take a special trip up to my sister-in-law’s family farm. We even bought a mini-van to accommodate the growing family (and the convenience of it totally negates any soccer-mom stereotypical feelings I had about it!).

I’m definitely feeling like there isn’t enough time or sleep or patience on my part, but all that will come as The Gentleman gets a little older. I’ve been meaning to write up his birth story for the blog but just haven’t had the time and energy…it’ll get up here eventually. The Boy starts first grade next week, and The Prince is starting preschool! Can’t believe how fast time is going by. Enjoy our summer pics!

What have you all been up to this summer?

Baby News: Meet The Gentleman!

One can hardly compete with Beyonce’s Instagram announcement that set the Internet on fire earlier this month, so it is with much humbler origins that I announce my own baby news! Baby boy #3 is on the way, expected delivery in July, though my boys never seem to arrive as expected (see The Boy’s hurricane birth story and The Prince’s precipitous one).

We haven’t decided on a name yet (The Boy has made many suggestions thus far), and we generally don’t share the kiddos’ actual names here, but we do have an Internet nickname: The Gentleman.

So far this pregnancy has consisted of too many days of colds (whose idea was it to get pregnant when your oldest is in kindergarten and being exposed to all those wonderful germs?) and lots of morning sickness. But *knocks on wood* I think we’re finally past the morning sickness at least, and despite the illnesses, everything seems to be going well.

I will definitely not be sharing any bump pictures online, and all those sonogram pretty much look the same. So I’ll leave you with a recent pic of the boys and a teaser that I will be sharing some book news here on the blog next week!

Merry Christmas and a Trip to the Mall Santa

The boys have never had much interest in sitting on Santa’s lap. In fact, The Boy had absolutely no desire to meet Santa for the first few years of his life. The Prince has been pretty indifferent to the whole situation. Up until this year!

The other day we were at the mall (really just at Target–which is mostly the only reason we go to the mall–and then we decided to get a hot pretzel). We could see down into the spot where Santa was all set up. The boys were like, “Let’s go see Santa!” There was no one else there, so I was like, “Sure.”

Of course I ended (over)paying for the photo, but I think it came out quite nice…shark hoodie and all. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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