Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Tag: Pictures (Page 4 of 5)

Spring 2015 in Pictures and the Final Push to Summer Relaxation

I’ve got another week and half until I make it through a few final obligations and can begin to relax a little this summer. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about having so many authory type things to do this year. I’ve had a wonderful first half of the year with book events, school visits, library talks…it’s been inspirational!

…But I really need a break. I finished the draft of Black Butterfly, but I have a few lingering things I need to work on before it can go out to beta readers. And I have some subbing I’d like to do for another project I’ve had in my pocket for awhile. Those things have been put on hold with the author craziness that was this spring. So in the spirit of getting stuff done (and I did check off one very big item on my to-do list just yesterday), here is spring 2015 in pictures. Enjoy!







Never-Ending Winter 2015 in Pictures

There are still big snow piles outside, but the weather is warming and the earth is waking again in preparation for spring. Still won’t be getting those pea seeds planted on St. Patrick’s Day like most years, but I keep telling myself soon enough the garden will be full of flowers and veggies.

I was backing up a bunch of pictures yesterday, so I thought I’d share a picturesque look back on this winter (and also pictures are an easy post while I’m crazy busy trying to finish a first draft of BLACK BUTTERFLY and preparing for my workshops in April). We spent most of it indoors because of sub-freezing (often sub-zero) temperatures, frigid wind chills, and of course all that snow. Enjoy the cuteness!

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Fall 2014 in Pictures

We’ve been having a wonderful fall here, playing in the leaves, watching The Prince’s personality emerge more each day, starting pre-school with The Boy, baking, Halloween…all kinds of fun things (except for our disastrous vacation where the house leaked, but I’m so over that now!). Busy, for sure, but a good kind of busy. I haven’t done a picture post in awhile, and you all love seeing pictures of the cuteness of the boys (right?), so I’ve got some great pictures to share with you all today.




Exciting things are happening in my writing as well. I am loving my WIP. I’m deep into drafting it and still have that new book enthusiasm. We’ve got something of a regular schedule at home, too, so that’s helping me to keep up with my word counts and get in regular writing sessions.

Chapter one of The Great CT Caper, a collaborative, serialized MG mystery is set to be released on January 4, 2015. A new chapter with its illustration will be released every two weeks, so look for chapter two (mine!) on January 18. As the chapters release, I’ll be featuring guest posts from some of the writers and illustrators here on the blog, so that should be a lot of fun. It looks like I’ll be making some in person appearances as well to help promote the Caper…I’ll keep you all posted on that.

And more pictures!20141106_075422







Adventures and Writing Prompts in the Backyard

When people ask where my ideas come from, I always tell them from any and everywhere. As I’ve mentioned in my Confessions of an Author series, coming up with ideas is not a problem; it’s whittling down those ideas to find the gems and then following through on them that’s the hard part.

Out in the backyard the other day, just playing with the boys, there was no shortage of visual prompts that could easily turn into book ideas (and it was a different black butterfly on the butterfly bush that inspired my current WIP–see first pic!). So I thought I’d go ahead and share those visuals with all of you (and of course some cuteness with pics of said boys).







Whenever I find mushrooms in the yard, I wonder what kind of magical creatures might live there. Though I knew The Boy had created the little rock formation, I thought about someone who didn’t know its origin coming across it and wondering how it came to be. And bubbles are always magical and fun!

Where do your ideas come from? What gets your creative juices going?

Spring 2014 in Pictures and Updates

Baby’s due date is fast approaching, so if I’m bit quiet on the blog over the next month or so, don’t fret. I’ll make sure to post a baby update when the time comes and I’ve got some great guest posts lined up. I might even go and grab a few old posts from the archives and rerun them. We’ll see!

Local peeps, be sure to check out Local Authors Day on June 11, 2014 in honor of the 375th anniversary of the founding of Milford, CT. I may be making an appearance (if baby’s arrival cooperates) and will post  more details soon. In the meantime, here’s a quick and easy post of pictures from spring!

Fun with the cousins:









Outdoor time:






Writing time:



How was everyone’s spring? What are you looking forward to doing this summer?

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