Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Tag: personality quiz

ELIXIR SAVED Quiz Answers Revealed: What Element Fuels Your Magic?

Thanks to everyone who took the “What Element Fuels Your Magic” quiz and shared their answers. It was insightful to learn what some of my long-time followers got as answers. I was very pleased to see that many of you thought your results matched up with your personality!

Technically you can take the quiz as many times as you’d like to try and get each of the possible elements, but I realize that can be harder to do than it seems and it’s also time consuming. (Despite switching around his answers, my spouse had a hard time getting anything other than Earth.) So I decided to share the descriptions of all the elements here.

If you have gotten a chance to take the quiz yet, try it out now before you know what the answers are.

And now for the descriptions:

Air Magic

Your magical element is air! You can be described as having your head in the clouds, but that’s only because it’s easy for you to get lost in your own amazing thoughts. The key to harnessing your air magic is practicality and focus, and then the sky is your limit.

Elixir Saved characters with air magic: Devon, Tarq, and Queenie.

Earth Magic

Your magical element is earth! You thrive on having a plan and acting upon it, and you aren’t afraid to showcase your best qualities. The key to mining your earth magic is to let go and trust your instincts, and then you’ll be able to move mountains.

Elixir Saved characters with earth magic: Katora, Hirsten, and Pop.

Fire Magic

Your magical element is fire! Your passions and feelings run deep, which means your emotions can burst out when they become too big, but that means everyone knows where they stand with you. The key to controlling your fire magic is discipline and balance, and then there’s no extinguishing your flame.

Elixir Saved characters with fire magic: Kylene, Zelenka, and Nika.

Water Magic

Your magical element is water! You don’t mind going with the flow. You have a healthy respect for your limits, which tend to be high, and you don’t like to have them tested. The key to capturing your water magic is boundaries and precision, and you’ll be a tidal wave.

Elixir Saved characters with water magic: Bhar, Palafair, and Em.

Now that you’ve seen all the possibilities, I’d love to know if you still think you got the one that best describes you?


Three lives saved by the Elixir; three lives bound by it.

The Elixir entwines the lives of those it touches. Once upon a time, Kylene, Zelenka, and Devon tasted it and escaped death. None were left without scars. Now, a shocking message from the Ice Queen—one of Mother Nature’s higher beings—sends each survivor on a quest. Kylene travels to the frozen depths of Blanchardwood, Zelenka heads back to the wilds of Faway Forest, and Devon journeys to a reclusive mountain temple. The three paths converge in a war against an ancient and tricky foe. And even the Elixir cannot save everyone. The fate of the world balances on the edge of a sword, and the outcome depends on whether the survivors will sacrifice their second chances.

Escape back into the world of the Great Peninsula in this much-anticipated sequel to the award-winning ELIXIR BOUND. Perfect for fans of the Thrones of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas.

Buy the book on BookshopAmazonKoboIndieBoundBarnes & NobleSmashwordsApple Books, and Book Depository (for international folks).

ELIXIR SAVED Personality Quiz: What Element Fuels Your Magic

I’ve always loved those BuzzFeed personality quizzes: Which Disney Princess Are You, What YA Dystopian Novel Would You Live In, What Fantasy Character Fits Your Personality. They remind me of my adolescents days when I would take the quizzes in Seventeen Magazine (when a physical magazine would actually come to your mailbox…I’m old!).

So I decided to make one for my latest YA fantasy ELIXIR SAVED. It was a lot of fun to make, and even more fun to take. (Can you tell all my marketing efforts for this book have been about doing things that I enjoy? If you haven’t seen my launch video with ELIXIR SAVED’s birth story, definitely check that out.)

One aspect of the worldbuilding I expanded upon from ELIXIR BOUND to ELIXIR SAVED was the magic. In book 1, we know some characters can use magic and others don’t. But as far as where magic comes from or what governs how it can be used, there’s not much there. What we do know is that Katora has inherited the magic of guardianship of the Elixir from her father and Hirsten has inherited his mapmaking magic from his father. We also know the higher beings use magic a lot more than humans and demicks, the mortal beings.

In book 2, I expanded upon how the magic in the world of the Great Peninsula works. One of the old theories is that magic comes from the elements, but that belief has fallen out of fashion in the time where the Elixir stories take place. Turns out, this is true. Each human or demick has one element that fuels their magic, though many mortal beings don’t tap into their magic at all. And higher beings can tap into all four elements as a source of magic.

The magic is fueled by the elements, but the magic itself isn’t necessarily tied to being able to manipulate a certain element Avatar-style (I only watched the series Avatar: The Last Airbender in the last couple of months and loved it!). So someone who gets their magic form the element water doesn’t use their magic to manipulate water…it’s simply the source of it. Each person’s magic is usually tied to being able to do one thing (like making maps move and hold memories), though, again, the higher beings aren’t restricted by this.

Which brings me to the quiz (finally!). You can find out what element fuels your magic, but what you do with that magic is only limited by your imagination. It also shows you what Elixir characters share that same element. It’s only 7 questions, and there are no wrong answers…the best kind of quiz!

B.T.W. I’m pretty consistently earth magic (no surprise that matches Katora’s element). I’d love to hear what your results are. Oh and if anyone is reading any of my book, I’d love pictures of them in the wild, so please tag me when you share.

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