Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Tag: family (Page 3 of 3)

Happy Holidays From My Family to Yours

It’s a busy time of year for everyone, and that’s no exception for this gal! Between the decorating, cookie making, and holiday activities, a minute of spare time is just not to be found.


This past weekend we took a holiday train ride with Santa (and other fun characters) on the Essex Steam Train. And tomorrow we’re taking The Boy on his first ever trip to NYC. So that means another train ride (this time on the train we see from the cafe all of the time), seeing the big tree at Rockefeller Center, and probably a trip to the toy store.

I’ve also got some really exciting things going on with the writing career, but I’ll be gabbing about all that in the New Year. If you’re local, don’t forget to check out the launch party for The Great Connecticut Caper at the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art in Hartford on January 7, 2015. The countdown has already begun for the first chapter release on January 4, 2015. The official site for reading the chapters as they release is

I’ve got one last guest post scheduled for Thursday (a cover reveal!) and then I’ll be taking next week off from blogging for Christmas. The Observation Desk will be back strong in the New Year with lots of guest posts from The Great Connecticut Caper contributors and the usual writing, parenting, blathering posts from me. 😉

With that, I wish all of you a happy and healthy holiday season and New Year!



Fall 2014 in Pictures

We’ve been having a wonderful fall here, playing in the leaves, watching The Prince’s personality emerge more each day, starting pre-school with The Boy, baking, Halloween…all kinds of fun things (except for our disastrous vacation where the house leaked, but I’m so over that now!). Busy, for sure, but a good kind of busy. I haven’t done a picture post in awhile, and you all love seeing pictures of the cuteness of the boys (right?), so I’ve got some great pictures to share with you all today.




Exciting things are happening in my writing as well. I am loving my WIP. I’m deep into drafting it and still have that new book enthusiasm. We’ve got something of a regular schedule at home, too, so that’s helping me to keep up with my word counts and get in regular writing sessions.

Chapter one of The Great CT Caper, a collaborative, serialized MG mystery is set to be released on January 4, 2015. A new chapter with its illustration will be released every two weeks, so look for chapter two (mine!) on January 18. As the chapters release, I’ll be featuring guest posts from some of the writers and illustrators here on the blog, so that should be a lot of fun. It looks like I’ll be making some in person appearances as well to help promote the Caper…I’ll keep you all posted on that.

And more pictures!20141106_075422







The Precipitous Birth of Baby Boy #2

Seems my boys always arrive with excitement. My first son (a.k.a The Boy, who will be three at the end of August) arrived 17 days early in the middle of Hurricane Irene (you can read his birth story here). Baby Boy #2 (which admittedly is not a great nickname…any suggestions on what his Internet name should be?) arrived during storm free weather, but with haste.

The word used by the nurses and doctors was “precipitous” and I was warned that if I should have any more children, everyone should know my last labor was fast. My water broke while we were getting The Boy ready for bed, and since my water had broken (which supposedly only happens to about 15 percent of women before labor starts…but I’m skeptical on this number b/c of my two labor experiences) with the first baby, I actually knew it was my water breaking this time (last time I was kind of hoping it was a bladder control issue!).

So we settled The Boy into bed and called the on-call doctor. Based my my history, which was a 12-hour labor with induction the first time around, she said it was up to me whether or not to labor at home or to come right to the hospital. We had to wait for my mother-in-law to come and to finish up packing the essentials in our bags, so we said we’d head to the hospital soon.

My contractions were steady at about 7 minutes and not too bad. Fast forward an hour or so and they were closer to 4 minutes apart and we were ready to go. Fast forward another few minutes while we were on the way to the hospital and they were coming hard and only 2 minutes apart. Yikes! The hubby picked up the pace and we made it to the hospital (which is several towns away) in 12 minutes, despite getting stuck behind some slooooow construction vehicles.

I had a contraction in the valet parking area and three more on the short trip up to the triage area where they check to see how far along you are. The pain was intense and there was some kind of emergency so the staff was scarce. I could barely stand and couldn’t get on the table, and the hubby was frantically trying to get someone to check me out.

It was a long few minutes until someone came in and when she checked me she was like, “The head is right there.” Then yet another contraction hit and with a panicked face, she was like, “Please, don’t push.” And I was like, “I’m trying not to push.” But this baby was coming!

Then things started happening really fast. My doctor hadn’t arrived at the hospital yet, so a bunch of nurses, a resident, a midwife, and the NICU doctor all squeezed into the tiny triage room with me, my husband, and all our bags. A handful of pushes later and an 8 lb 2 oz, 20.5 inches long baby boy was born, healthy and happy.

My two older sisters were supposed to be there for the birth. One made it in the middle and wasn’t allowed in (and couldn’t fit in the tiny room anyway) and the other arrived shortly after the birth. Needless to say, no one expected our little bundle of joy to arrive so fast. All the staff in the triage agreed it was a very exciting birth and that we certainly spiced up the night for them.

We’re home now and getting used to our new, bigger family. The Boy is such a sweet big brother, and the baby has been great so far too! Loving my time with the family, even with the expected sleep deprivation. Closing out the post with some pics.









Group Poetry

My family likes to play games on holidays. At Thanksgiving this year, we decided to play a particular favorite poetry game.

The first person writes two lines of poetry at the top of the paper, folds down the first line, and passes it on. The second person adds one additional line and folds over the previous line, and so on until the page is full. So each writer sees just one line of poetry before having to add his/her own line. It can get pretty ridiculous!

Admittedly, they all end up somewhat offensive and slightly plagiarized, and none of them make much sense, so I just picked one that made me chuckle. Enjoy!

The lily wilted on the vine

Her veins they dripped with turpentine

It was an ugly Valentine

It had stripes in its center

They could buy, who not rent her

Spending money is the root of all evils

So hoard it all from the poor peoples

Raise a glass and salute them

Salute them for how they fought

The angry clowns who were addicted to meth

Made by the locals in the town of Bathe

He leaned back his head and drained the carafe

Down his scarf and into his banana hammock so as to set his sausage afloat

Well, I hope no one was seriously offended by that…it’s really mean to be all in good fun!



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