Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Tag: Elixir Bound (Page 5 of 15)

Learning A New Lesson With Each Novel

For every novel I’ve written, I’ve learned a different important lesson about a major aspect of writing. Not all of these novels are published (yet!), but as I work on finishing up this round of revisions on ELIXIR SAVED and reflect on what I’ve needed to work on most in this manuscript, I find myself pondering all the other areas of writing that I’ve improved upon during this long journey of being a writer.

For my very first manuscript, ELIXIR BOUND, it was all about point of view (for a good overview of what POV is see “Different Types of Point of View” on The Beginning Writer). My early drafts of that story were a hot mess of different POVs sneaking in to disrupt Katora’s voice. Even though the story is in third-person POV, I learned over time that it had to be a closed, or limited, POV. Katora was the one who had to tell that story, but a lot of other characters wanted to have their say unnecessarily. It took me more feedback and revisions than I like to admit to get the POV narrowed down properly.

Then came PIRATE ISLAND, which started as an exercise in voice (for an idea of what voice is see “How to Create Voice in Writing” by Mary Kole). I wanted to write something very different from YA fantasy, so I delved into middle grade and went contemporary. Middle grade voice is very hard to do well, and I still don’t think I nailed it in PIRATE ISLAND. Billy, the main character, was originally 11 and I ended up aging him up to 13 in later drafts, largely because that slightly older voice worked better for my abilities as a writer.

The next manuscript I finished (I’m skipping over that still unfinished WIP whose only lesson was teaching me when to shelf a manuscript) hasn’t been published yet, but I’ve talked about it here on the blog a little. That was is my YA thriller BLACK BUTTERFLY, which is super dark and gritty. There are flashbacks and it’s all in first-person present tense and was very intense and fun to write. The lesson here was all about novel structure. I played around a lot with the scenes and where they end up in the final version of this story. I wrote a lot of the story out of order, too. The first time I had ever done that and it was a very freeing experience that I continue to use in my drafting process.

That brings us to the novel I’m currently working on revising ELIXIR SAVED. As a companion novel, it’s been an interesting process to keep all the continuity issues in order. Surprisingly, the lesson here has been in world building (see “20 Things to Consider When Building Fantasy Worlds” by Sara Raasch for more about world building). Some of the world building was done in the first Elixir book, but we see a lot more of the world in SAVED, so there more work to be done for this manuscript. It has three different POV characters that go off into three different parts of the world, much of which wasn’t explored in the first Elixir novel, so I had a lot more world building to add.

One of my goals with the Elixir novels has been to create a super feminist world in the sense that there is no patriarchy in this world. So one of my biggest challenges was to check myself and my internal biases to see if those patriarchal views were sneaking in (and even for someone who considers themselves a feminist, I found a lot of those things rearing their ugly heads, and I’m sure I’ve missed some as well). This was a huge consideration in my world building.

I’m sure there are more lessons to come along this journey. And these are only the biggies that have come from each novel. There have been many, many other smaller lessons along the way. And that’s not even taking into consideration the publishing lessons I’ve learned or the ones I’ve learned from writing picture books. What have you learned from your own writing?

Summer Reading Giveaway With Little Free Libraries

Before I get to the summer reading giveaway, I have to give a shout out to all the people who made Pirate Day happen. Thanks the members of the Downtown Milford Business Association for organizing the event. We had perfect weather and a great turnout It was so fun meeting all the little (and big!) pirates and sharing PIRATE ISLAND with them!

On a personal, level thanks to my mom for spending the whole day with me, my sisters for supplies and/or for hanging out, my nephew for stopping by and introducing me to his girlfriend, my mother-in-law for making sure The Prince (my middle kiddo) had a special shopping trip on his birthday, my dad for grabbing lunch, and my husband and kiddos for always being my biggest cheerleaders. It truly does take a village!

Now for the summer reading giveaway! I have some copies of ELIXIR BOUND with the old cover hanging around, so I’ve decided to drop them in little free libraries while on my adventures this summer. As a bonus, whoever finds one of these books will also get a code to claim an ebook ARC (advanced reader copy) of the second Elixir book ELIXIR BOUND when those are ready in the fall!

I’ve chosen most of the little free libraries already, but I’m keeping a few copies open to spontaneous giveaways. Many of the libraries are in my home state of Connecticut, but upstate New York, Virginia, and Washington D.C. are among the other spots where you’ll be able to find copies. I’ll be posting pics of the libraries as the copies are dropped off on Instagram (yup, I finally joined!) @katielcarrollauthor, Twitter @katielcarroll, and Facebook

You can always check out what I’m reading this summer on my Goodreads page, and I’ll probably do a post later in the summer highlighting some of my favorites. What’s on your summer reading list?

Upcoming Author Events 2019

It’s been a quiet year for author events so far (which is okay with me, given the lousy weather in New England in the winter and the busy fall I had). I’ve also been a bit quiet here on the blog this year because I’ve been busy writing, writing, writing. But I’m excited to announce two events for this year with hopefully more to come.

The first one is only a couple of weeks away! I’ll be attending the Local Authors Fest at the Public Library of New London on Saturday, March 23 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There will be a whopping 50 authors in attendance! Grabbed a signed book, enter the raffle, take a photo with an author, and listen to a select group of authors speak about their books and writing journeys. There will be children’s books and adult books in all types of genres, so something for everyone. I’ll have copies of my YA fantasy ELIXIR BOUNDand my middle grade adventure PIRATE ISLAND, and some book swag too.

I’m please to also announce that I’ve been selected as one of the authors in this year’s Connecticut Authors Trail. I’ll be at the Voluntown Public Library on Monday, August 5 at 6:00 p.m. to talk about my writing journey and PIRATE ISLAND. I’ll have more details about this event soon and CT Authors Trail finale event at Mohegan Sun in September.

If any educators and librarians are interested in booking me for a writing workshop or talk, I have spots open for this year as well. Check out my author visitspage for more details or email me at KatieLCarroll @ (minus the spaces).

So Close to “The End” in the Second Elixir Book

The cover of Elixir Bound by Katie L. Carroll.

Many of you know that I’ve been working on ELIXIR SAVED, a companion novel to my YA fantasy ELIXIR BOUND. Some of you know I’ve been working on it a very long time (see my blog post from 2017 “Why Is It Taking Me So Long To Write The Second Elixir Book?” for some of the reasons). It’s been so long that I wasn’t even sure when I started it, so I took a look back some of my earliest computer files for SAVED and see at least one dating back to 2010.

That’s just the oldest computer file I have on it. I have no idea how long some of my handwritten notes and ideas go back. The truth is that SAVED is the original book I had in mind when I first conceived of the Elixir world, and that was way back when I was still in college, so we’re talking 2003 probably. So a really (insert swearword here) long time!

The good news is that I have all three (yes, that’s three!) point-of-view characters written right up the to climax of the story. They’ve all been in different places for most the story and now they’re finally coming together for that final battle. I know some of the things that are going to happen, but I’ve left some room open for the characters to surprise me. And it’s so intimidating.

I thought once I got the characters to this point that I’d dive right in to finishing this draft. But I find myself hesitating to put the words down, finding that I need some time to think through more of the details. The vision I have so far for these final scenes is kind of vague and fuzzy in spots and I can’t quite pin down what those parts are going to look like. I might not figure that out until I start writing it, though.

Then I start wondering if it’s really that I’m not sure how to finish off the story or if it’s a matter of cold feet. I’ve been working on this story for so long, it’s weird to think about not working on it. Believe me, I have plenty of other projects that I want to start once this one is done (hello, my pretty middle grade witchy book!). And it’s not like finishing this draft means I’m anywhere close to being done with the story (hello, rewrites, revisions, and edits!). So it’s not that I’m afraid I’ll have nothing to do after. What is it exactly that’s holding me back then?

Part of it is definitely worrying about not doing the story justice, an extra large concern when one of the characters is inspired by my sister Kylene. Like I won’t even be close to bridging that gap between what I’ve envisioned for the story and what ends up on the page, which is always a concern with any creative pursuit. Though, it’s not like I need to have it there with a draft anyway…that’s what all those rewrites, revisions, and edits are for.

So why do I have a nervous bundle of energy in my stomach when I think about writing “The End,” something I’ve been striving for all this time? It makes me think about when I’m getting close to finishing a really good book. There’s that urge to read as fast as I can in order to find out what happens. But there’s also this urge to slow down and take it all in. Because once the book is over, that’s it. Sure, you can reread a book, but it’s never the same as the first time.

The End handwritten on a torn sheet of notebook paper.

Perhaps I’m just needing to be in this moment of almost-finished for a little bit before I get there. To take my time to be in the moment and appreciate it before it’s over…to keep those butterflies of anticipation alive a little longer.

Then I need to finish the book because, damn, that many years of working on it is enough already!

PIRATE ISLAND Event Pictures and News

It’s been a whirlwind this past week with two book events (plus all the usual shenanigans that go on around here with the kiddos and such)! The PIRATE ISLAND One City, One Story event at the library was so much fun. I always enjoy talking about Charles Island, the real island that inspired Pirate Island, and the legends of Captain William Kidd’s lost pirate treasure that may be buried there.

Since I’ve talked about this topic at the library once before I hit some of the old favorite facts and legends but also mixed in some new ones. Then we had cookies, a writing prompt, and pictures…lots of pictures. A photographer from the Connecticut Post stopped by and took a bunch of pictures and put a nice little write up about the event in the newspaper with a slideshow. The librarian also set up the green screen and the kids hammed it up. Here are a couple of shots from her.

Then on Saturday I was at the Milford Barnes & Noble signing books and helping raise funds for the Friends of the Milford Public Library. You can shop online at through Friday, September 28 with bookfair code 12394516 to help out the Friends! If you’re local, the are probably still some signed copies of PIRATE ISLAND at the bookstore as well.

I’ve got one more event coming up on Saturday, October 13 at the Norwalk Public Library for their Indie Author Day. They don’t have a lot of details listed on their website yet, but I can tell you that it’s an all day event with a ton of authors of all age groups and genres. I’ll be reading in the Children’s Room in the morning and selling copies of PIRATE ISLAND and ELIXIR BOUND (with the new cover!) all day. And hopefully catching up with a few of my author friends that I think are going.

I’ve been slowly but steadily pecking away at the second Elixir book, ELIXIR SAVED. I’ve finally passed that muddy middle and have tipped over into the second half with THE END in sight! I’m hoping to have a good draft done by the end of the year to send out to beta readers for feedback. This in anticipation of releasing it some time next year!!!

My reading goals have been going well this year. I actually bumped up my number goal recently, and I feel like I’ve been doing well mixing in lots of books from underrepresented communities and indie authors as well. So what have you all been up to? Reading, writing, and otherwise?

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