Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Tag: creative well

Taking the Time to Play with Writing

Last year, after I got my YA fantasy ELIXIR SAVED finalized and up for preorder, the goal was to take a break. Not that I wasn’t going to write, more that anything I wrote would be without a plan.

I had started my witchy middle grade back in October 2019 when I did an Unworkshop at the Highlights Foundation, but I didn’t want to dive back into that one yet. I wanted to play around and not focus on a big project like a novel, and I wanted time to refill my creative well with reading, watching, and listening to music.

That was the plan at the beginning of the year, and I got ELIXIR SAVED ready in early March just before schools shut down. And, well, you all know what we’ve all been dealing with ever since. By the time I figured out how to fit in writing time again with early morning sessions (which didn’t happen until June!), I needed to have a plan instead of play, so I opted to work on the witchy middle grade.

Then I also got the rights to the illustrations for my picture book THE BEDTIME KNIGHT, so that became my play project as I taught myself to design a picture book. And now THE BEDTIME KINGHT is a real book out in the world and my middle grade is off to critique partners!

So I am truly ready for that writing “break” I meant to take (*checks notes*) almost a year ago. I have some STEM topics I’ll be exploring and I’ll be playing around with book formats I haven’t written before. Eventually I’ll be getting back to my witchy middle grade, and then I’ll have to decide what novel I’m writing next, but it’s all play for now for me. I’m really looking forward to it.

What kind of play or work (writing or non-writing related) have you all been up to?

WIP Update: Witchy Middle Grade & a Fear of Asking for Help

After pushing last fall and winter to get ELIXIR SAVED ready for publication, I was planning on taking a break in the spring to read and fill up my creative well. Then all the pandemic stuff happened, the kids moved to distance learning, and I didn’t get a chance to fill up the well.

I got to a point at the end of the spring when I felt like I would never figure out how to get back into writing and still felt totally burnt out. But I was also itching to get working on this witchy middle grade book I’d started last fall when I did an Unworkshop at the Highlights Foundation (you can read about that amazing experience on my post “Highlights Foundation Unworkshop: A Little Creepy, A Lot Productive”). I’m the type of writer who needs breaks, but when the itch to write comes back, I get antsy. It’s like my body is reacting to my brain’s need to write.

And I really love this witchy middle grade I’ve been working on. It’s about breaking up with toxic friendships, middle school bullying, historical and modern witches, crows, painting and art, mourning the loss of a loved one and how that process never really ends, and a Halloween night corn maze. I even got a crow t-shirt for my birthday to really get into the creative spirit of it.

So I thought about what would help me get back into it and came up with the idea of an accountability buddy. Having someone to check in with where we could be like “Did you get your words in this week?” would make it so I would be letting them down if I didn’t do my work.

A thing you may not know about me is that I’m not very good at asking for help. I hate the idea of putting people out for my benefit…even if it’s not necessarily an inconvenience to them or maybe it’s even something they would enjoy or benefit from. This avoidance of asking for help isn’t something I consciously do; it’s more like it’s in my nature not to bother others. Most of the time I don’t realize I’m doing it (or not doing it as is most often in these situations).

Anyway, I was super nervous when I reached out to one of my writer friends about being accountability buddies. I tried to be totally casual about it, prefacing it with statements like “only if you’re interested and have the time.” I didn’t even suggest the writing together (virtually, of course, because of the pandemic).

It turns out, she was totally on board with it (and I never should have been nervous about reaching out to her in the first place). She had been getting up early in the morning to write before her daughter woke up and asked if I’d be interested in joining her in those early morning session. Which I was super excited about!

Except for one thing…so something else you might now know about me (you’re just all learning so much about me today!) is that I am 100% not a morning person. Before kids, I used to sleep in on weekends until 11:00 and stay up all hours of the night reading or writing. On the other hand, my husband and our two older kids are early risers. I think I’ve had to wake up the kids to get ready for school maybe once. They have a clock in their room, not to wake them up with an alarm, but to let them know when it’s 6:30 a.m. and they’re allowed to get out of bed. They are my alarm clocks!

But, I could see how getting up early would allow me to get back to writing. And if my friend was already doing it, then it wouldn’t be an inconvenience to her at all. That’s why three mornings a week, my phone alarm rings at 5:30 a.m. and I roll out of bed to get my tea ready in time for our 5:45 writing sessions.

I’m not gonna lie and say it’s gotten easy the more I’ve done it…I still hate waking up that early and it feels totally unnatural. (It helps that it’s at least somewhat light this time of year.) But it feels so good to get all those words on the page before breakfast. My word count for the witchy MG is over 35,000 now. I’m past the muddy middle and working my way towards the end. Plus, it’s really fun to write with someone else and to spend at least a few minutes chatting together about our writing projects and life and stuff.

Once school starts back up again, it’s going to be a little trickier to do these early morning sessions (and it’ll be darker in the mornings), but I’m going to try for at least one morning a week. So keep your fingers crossed for me! If I can get this first draft done by the beginning of October, I will have drafted this novel in less than a year…which would be a first for me.

ELIXIR SAVED Available for Pre-order & Writing in the Time of Coronavirus

I keep seeing all these memes about how famous people made masterpieces while in quarantine, including Shakespeare penning King Lear during a plague outbreak. Meanwhile, I’m trying to manage distance learning with the kiddos, feed these very hungry children, and keep them busy while stuck at home 24/7. Oh, and I have a book coming out in July.

Writing? What is that even?

After finishing ELIXIR SAVED, I was actually planning on taking a break from writing to fill the creative well. But this forced break, where the idea of writing seems foreign and unattainable during a global pandemic, wasn’t what I had in mind. I had been hoping for a minute to breathe, to dig into my to-be-read pile with joy and enthusiasm, and to the take time to enjoy the outdoors in spring.

The other day, I browsed through my notebook for my witchy middle grade WIP. Meaning I stared at my notes and beat sheet somewhat blankly and added a few questions (like what does it even look like to write a contemporary story in the time of coronavirus when you started the story before there was such a thing?), which I have absolutely no answers for. Then I put it away and ran around with the boys in the backyard instead. My brain was so not able to focus on anything creative like that.

C’est la vie! In between all the family stuff (and managing my own anxiety, which has been high lately…to say the least), I’ve squeezed in a few minutes to work on updating my website with a new look and I’ll slowly be updating the pages as well. This kind of work uses a different part of the brain that doesn’t seem so stuck by the current state of events.

In some good news, ELIXIR SAVED has been popping up for pre-order on retail sites, like IndieBound, Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Smashwords, Book Depository, and Kobo. I’d love if you’d add it to your Want to Read list on Goodreads. Oh, and ELIXIR BOUND in ebook is only $0.99 right now! If you haven’t read it, now is a great time to pick it up. If you’ve already read it, I’d love for you to leave a review of it on Goodreads and Amazon or other ebook retail sites.

How is everyone doing? What are you all doing?

Time to Fill the Creative Well Again

I finished the big revision I had been working on and then made it through the holidays. Now I find myself on this side of the New Year with a need for a creative recharge. This isn’t the first time I’ve been here, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.

The creative life can be draining when you’re constantly putting words, thoughts, and ideas out there, so I tend to go through periods where I’m in need of replenishment. I’ve written about the idea of a creative well (see the full post here) here on the Observation Desk before. Here’s a snippet:

The well is where ideas come from.

Some ideas are a tiny trickle dripping from the bucket. Others a deluge as the bottom of the bucket falls out, gushing water over my head.

I’m not the only one with access to the well. An intricate labyrinth of tunnels connects other writers, artist, dreamers, and musicians to the well. But it’s not only for artsy types. Mathematicians calculate numbers and equations there; astrophysicists explore the stars and galaxies; doctors find cures for disease.

The well connects us all.

I mistakenly think I write to make connections, take the thoughts and stories in my head and share them with readers, giving them thoughts and stories of their own. I actually write to explore the connections that already exist through the well.”

I feel like I’ve been putting a lot into the well lately. So it’s time for me sit quietly and soak up all the well has to offer. I’ve been reading a lot (something I didn’t do as much last year), watching TV (sure some programs are more mindless than others, but it does help to fill me up creatively), and paying attention to life and nature.

And thinking…lots and lots of thinking. Part of my writing process is to think about a new project for awhile before I dig into writing it. More than thinking about what I’m working on next, though, I’ve also been pondering my career as an author and where I’m headed next. Part of that depends on other people as I’m currently querying agents with a manuscript, but much of it is internal.

Speaking of querying, this part of being a writer is one of the hardest for me. It’s makes me feel intensely vulnerable, and I really, really, really hate feeling vulnerable. I’m in need of lots of tea and chocolate, and maybe some hugs!

Hopefully soon, I’ll have a better sense of this next book I plan on writing and I’ll be able to immerse myself in it, which helps to desensitize me to the querying process. A new project brings excitement, direction, and hope.

What have you all been up to lately?


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