Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Summer Nights at the Beach

080I took a drive by the beach at 11:00 the other night to take a look at the moon. It wasn’t quite the “super moon” anymore, but it was still big and bright. As I slowly drove down the one-way beach road, windows down, music loud, I noticed how many teens were out and about.

Several groups of just boys or just girls, a couple of mixed groups, and lots of couples. All looking impossibly young to be out on their own at 11:00 at night. Then again, I’ve always looked impossibly young for whatever stage of life I’m in. (I blame this skewed perception of age on TV and movies, where most teen roles are played by non-teens.)

Then I remembered my own days as a teen hanging at those very same beaches (yup, I’m a lifer here in my hometown!). The thick summer air cut only by the cool breeze off the water. Crickets chirping and waves lightly crashing. Too-short shorts not covering enough skin. Sand squishing between my toes.

It was summer and we were free. Free from school, free from wearing all but the skimpiest of clothing, and free to be reckless and stupid. My friends and I were most likely doing things we probably won’t tell our kids about now and things we definitely didn’t want our parents to find out about then. Those were the days, indeed!

It’s good writing fodder to have a rush of memories like that. Makes me feel both young and old, if you know what I mean. What are your fond memories of summertime as a teen?

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  1. Christina Farley

    I love this post. It really is good to sit down and reflect and remember the feelings and emotions of those times.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Christina! It’s funny how so many things have changed since I was a teen, but the emotions of being a teen stay the same, no matter how much time has passed. So important to remember that when writing for teens.

  2. Meradeth

    Ahh, I’m totally having beach envy right now 🙂 Summer for me sings of sunshine and fields of sunflowers. And now I’m missing home… lol!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      I can’t imagine not living near the beach. But sunshine and fields of sunflowers sounds pretty nice too. Hope you find some summer peace, Meradeth!

  3. Mirka Breen

    You grew up and stayed in a lovely place, if teens can hang out safely at 11:00 anywhere, let alone the beach. I can’t say that about my hometown, (Jerusalem) or my grown-up town. I hope The Boy gets to experience this when he is a teen also. Here’s to safe and beautiful beach towns.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Now that you point it out Mirka, I realize I do live in a lovely place. I suppose that is what has kept me here for 30+ years! Cheers!

  4. Erin

    I love summer and the beach!! As a teen, I loved staying up late and sleeping in the next morning. I loved having no responsibilities and total freedom. I’d love to have some of that back…just a taste…

    • Katie L. Carroll

      I think staying up late and sleeping in are a rite of passage for a teen. And, yes, it would be so nice to go back to no responsibilities and total freedom, even just for one day.

      • Erin

        Yes, just one day!! I just want to lie in bed reading, watching TV, and eat junk food without worrying about anything else. Just one day… 😉

        • Erin


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