Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

September Ink Ripples: School Butterflies & Fall Leaves

Second Monday of the months means a new #inkripples post!

IMAG1080I love the long, lazy days of summer. Wearing as little clothing as possible; going barefoot in the crunchy, dried out grass; running through every sprinkler you pass by. The summer just feels easy to me. The only thing that makes the end of summer okay is that it leads into my second favorite season: fall!

Apple picking (though sometimes this is an end-of-summer thing), limitless blue skies, jumping into piles of leaves, and that certain earthy smell that fall brings. 20150828_121636Ahhh, fall is nice.

Then there’s that other thing that the end of summer brings: school! It’s been many years since I’ve been in school, but now that The Boy is in his second year of preschool (and the first year that he is starting in September…he was too young to start in September last year), I’m remembering about those beginning of school butterflies and that tiny bit of dread that the freedom of summer is over.

So lots of mixed feelings over here during this time of year. How are you all faring during the change of season from summer to fall?

Inkwell meme greenHave you joined the #inkripples movement yet? Ripples in the Inkwell is a monthly meme created by Kai Strand, Mary Waibel, and Katie L. Carroll(me!). On the second Monday of each month, we post on a particular topic. The idea is that we toss a word, idea, or image into the inkwell and each post is a new ripple. There’s no wrong way to do it and we’d love for you to participate (full details here). September is all about school and fall. Be sure to provide a link to your own #inkripple in the comments!

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  1. Mary Waibel

    I love fall and all the changes it brings. Can’t believe The Boy is starting his 2nd year of preschool already!! Almost as crazy as my boy being in high school now.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Oh my goodness! Don’t even start with the high school nonsense. I’m sending you virtual hugs for having to send your boy off to high school. <3

  2. Beverly

    The beginning of school is an exciting time for students and parents alike. The years sure fly past in a hurry. I remember those days well, and miss them.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      It’s been awhile since I’ve had to get back in the groove of school, so it’s been an adjustment for all of us this year. Especially because we had such a great summer.

  3. Meradeth

    Such a cute back to school pic! And yes, the end of summer is probably my least favorite time of year. The back-to-school buzz is both good in some ways, but also makes me want to run screaming. I love summer too much to have it give way to the too-cold winter.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Winter…what an evil word! 😉

  4. Kai Strand

    I always looked forward to school starting up again. Mostly for the social aspect. Sure it gave me jitters, but the good kind, you know? The boy looks adorable with his backpack & big smile.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Kai! I love that picture of The Boy.

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