There are still big snow piles outside, but the weather is warming and the earth is waking again in preparation for spring. Still won’t be getting those pea seeds planted on St. Patrick’s Day like most years, but I keep telling myself soon enough the garden will be full of flowers and veggies.
I was backing up a bunch of pictures yesterday, so I thought I’d share a picturesque look back on this winter (and also pictures are an easy post while I’m crazy busy trying to finish a first draft of BLACK BUTTERFLY and preparing for my workshops in April). We spent most of it indoors because of sub-freezing (often sub-zero) temperatures, frigid wind chills, and of course all that snow. Enjoy the cuteness!
Such cute pictures!! Good luck with your draft of Black Butterfly (yay!) and I hope things warm up soon 🙂
Thanks, Meradeth! It’s starting to warm up (rainy today…thankfully not snow!), but the snow still isn’t melting fast enough for my tastes. There’s just so much of it!