Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Merry Christmas and a Trip to the Mall Santa

The boys have never had much interest in sitting on Santa’s lap. In fact, The Boy had absolutely no desire to meet Santa for the first few years of his life. The Prince has been pretty indifferent to the whole situation. Up until this year!

The other day we were at the mall (really just at Target–which is mostly the only reason we go to the mall–and then we decided to get a hot pretzel). We could see down into the spot where Santa was all set up. The boys were like, “Let’s go see Santa!” There was no one else there, so I was like, “Sure.”

Of course I ended (over)paying for the photo, but I think it came out quite nice…shark hoodie and all. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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  1. Mirka Breen

    Been following The Prince and The Boy for years via their mom’s wonderful pictures, and they seem like part of our extended family. Merry Christmas!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      That’s so sweet of you to say, Mirka…or should they call you Auntie Mirka! Happy Hanukkah!

  2. Vijaya

    Good picture! I remember being terrified of Santa the year I was 4 or so. My dad had dressed up and Santa wasn’t part of the Christmas tradition in India, so it was truly frightening.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      I was quite pleased with how the picture came out, and very happy that the boys seemed to enjoy the experience. It makes me so sad when I see pictures of screaming babies in Santa’s lap.

  3. Beverly

    What an adorable picture. Years ago, Santa came to our house (yes, I paid him) and my boys were sitting on his knees. They were around 3 and 5 I think. The oldest one tugged on Santa’s beard and said, “That’s not real.” Santa just looked at me. I don’t remember what he said, but I was so embarrassed.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Oh, those kiddos…never know what’s going to come out of their mouths to embarrass us adults! 🙂

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