Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Meet Kristen DaRay Author of Gemini of Emréiana

Today I’ve got Kristen DaRay, author of the YA sci-fi Gemini of Emréiana. She’s discussing the dreaded writer’s block. Thanks for posting, Kristen. Have a great weekend, everyone!

frontA Writers Super villain

by Kristen DaRay

I have this novel written out in my head. The ideas flow through my mind like water. I sit at my desk with my Sony Vaio out in front; I type away each chapter for others to enjoy. By chapter six I’m pretty well off, but then something happens. I can’t decide what Carson, my leading character, should do next. An enemy has kept me from my creativity, and that villain is writers block. Writers block is annoying; however, there are ways to overcome it.

First, writers block can be subdued by simply leaving it alone. Many writers can become stressed from contemplating their ideas. A writer can over think and not get anywhere. Instead if the writer will take a step back and perhaps do an activity then the block can be eased.

One such activity could be listening to music. Whenever I get a block, but need to write something immediately, I will rock it out to my ipod. Something in the lyrics, or even in a dance move, will jog my block; I then will be back on my path of creativeness.

Next, jotting down some ideas can defeat the torment of writers block. Many writers prefer a web, and others prefer to free write, but whichever it is do it. Not only will it help clear the mind, but it is also keeping the writer focused on the project itself. As the writer continues to place ideas on paper he/she will see light on what move to make next.

Finally, writing an insert for later can be the cure the writer needs for writers block. Many writers get stuck at the beginning, but they know exactly what they want at the end. Go ahead and write the ending! As the writer gets it out they are enlightened on what to use for the beginning. I use this tactic when I have an idea and don’t want to forget it. By the end of the insert I already have ideas on what to write at the beginning to pull it together. Writing ahead kicks writers block out of the head.

Posturing myself I take a seat. I crack my knuckles and smile at the white pearly laptop. I take a deep breath and restart my journey. The sound of the keyboard will be my music through the night. Writers block cringes in defeat as I stomp it out with my last chapter.

Gemini of Emreiana blurb:

My entire life has been a lie: My parents didn’t die in a car accident. They’re not even dead. I’m not American. I’m not even human. I have strange powers, and I’m the heir to the throne of the planet Emreiana.

If I take the crown, I have to leave behind everything I have known here on Earth. I would have to say goodbye to my friends and leave behind Kyle, the boy I’ve loved since I was five. If I don’t, then I risk the Bremoir finding me here on Earth and destroying everything I love.

Available as an ebook from Barnes and NobleAmazonKobo, and Smashwords, and in paperback at Amazon.

1126101108-01About the author:

Kristen was born in Alabama in 1991 and still resides there today. She has been writing since the 6th grade. However, she did not begin to write fiction until she was 15. In 2009, Kristen had an idea that would spark the concept for Gemini of Emréiana that she would later write in 2011. During that time, she met her husband. They married in August of 2012. When Kristen is not writing, she spends time watching Korean Drama’s or creating SIM’s 3 stories. Kristen continues to write the next novels to the Gemini Trilogy. She also plans to release a new series later on in the year.

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  1. Meradeth

    Great post with some very helpful tips! I regularly listen to music to help me work through a scene that’s blocked. Also, love the sound of Gemini!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      I used to listen to music a lot when writing, but lately I’ve been enjoying quiet during my writing time…nothing but the click-clack of my laptop keys!

  2. Tammy Lowe

    Really good interview. Great tips.

    And of course, that’s the best author picture ever! Love it.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Oh, I love the author pic too!

  3. Mirka Breen

    Not sure what “Writer’s Block” really is, though I suspect it is linked to perfectionism in some way. Not my personal affliction…

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Lucky you, Mirka. I don’t tend to get “blocked” so much at mentally fatigued.

  4. Ann Herrick

    Nice, helpful tips. Sometimes just writing *anything* helps too.
    Love your picture, Kristen! 🙂

    • Katie L. Carroll

      I find writing begets writing. And not to be too discouraged by the slow days. Sometimes a few hours can lead to 250 words and other times it can be 1,500 words.

  5. suzanne de montigny

    Writer’s block. And it’s amazing how the smallest of things that don’t interest me suddenly do, like making a phone call to the guy who cleans the blinds, or calling a grumpy friend, etc.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Oh, and how about the call of the Internet…that’s a tough one to ignore!

  6. John Hundley

    For me, writer’s block comes primarily from not staying in the moment. When I start worrying about what’s going to happen next, I get bogged down. So to cure that, I get into the details. What’s the character saying now? How is he/she reacting to what’s going on this moment? Describe the setting, what it looks like, what’s he thinking about, how’s his breathing, any minute details. If I’ve done a good job with previous chapters, the story will carry itself along, and if the little things I’m writing now end up slowing the pace of the book, I can always discard them in the next draft.
    Hey, folks, great topic!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks for stopping by, John. Good advice…though personally, I may have a hard time trying this. My drafts tend to be driven by what’s going to happen next and then I have to go in and add all those details in. 🙂

  7. Kelly Hashway

    I’m a plotter so writer’s block doesn’t really happen for me. I do a ton of planning upfront, and while I usually don’t use it while I’m drafting, it’s there if I get stuck.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      You are a master drafter, Kelly. I am constantly in awe of your output.

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