Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Meet Fran on the Blog Tour for Impervious by Heather Letto

I am excited to be a part of the blog tour for Heather Letto’s YA dystopian IMPERVIOUS. In celebration of her debut release, Heather has a special giveaway running. Be sure to check out the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win!
Impervious Blurb:
The residents of Impervious are the remnant—survivors of the War of Annihilation. And though the city is chockfull of pleasures to tantalize and entertain, a beast lurks in its corners haunting the residents with its presence. The Beast—a mysterious and terminal illness―has killed off most of Generations One, Two and Three. And as Gen-Four prepares to take the stage a provocative, yet questionable, new method to avoid an untimely death becomes a cultural rage.

But Fran is counter-cultural. And living off the grid in true rebel fashion, her life is far from opulent. Scurrying through dark tunnels, searching for hot meals and ditching the holographic security team encompass most of her day. However, she views it as a healthy trade-off. Unaccountability means The Council can’t steal her sliver of hope―a belief that she’ll see The Epoch arrive before the beast can pull her into its fetid embrace.

After losing her mother and then her Rebel mentor, however, she grasps painfully onto the splintered sliver, until a new hope is born. First through Pete. And then through a miraculous discovery.

But the question still haunts her…

Can she outrun The Beast?


Hi all! Heather Letto here with a funny story–I sent Fran an email not too long ago, asking if she wouldn’t mind making an appearance for today’s blog stop. She said, sure… if I was willing to throw a few donuts and a Big Gulp into the kitty.

So, sitting with me today, fresh out of the Impervious air vents, with a box of Dunkin’s finest in her lap, would you welcome Gen-Four’s most elusive Rebel, Fran Monde.

Fran: (Waving a chocolate cake donut dipped in sprinkles) Hey.

Heather: Do you mind if I call you Fran or do you prefer Frannie?Fran: (Stuffs donut into her mouth and rolls her eyes.)

Heather: Great. Fran it is. So let’s start with your hometown, Fran. Although it wasn’t your favorite place, I’m sure the readers would love to hear about the city. What can you tell us about the lifestyle of an Impervieite (and yours before you became a Rebel)?

Fran: Well, you might notice as you thumb through my story, food plays a pretty central role in the lives of underground dwellers.

Heather: Duly noted. Why is that?

Fran: (Shrugs) I’m not sure how to explain it. I was just always hungry underground.

Heather: And obviously still are. (chuckles)

Fran: (Snarky laugh.) Maybe it’s because there’s really not much to do. It’s kind of boring actually. I spent a lot of my free time as a kid just wandering the Agora, snacking, gaming… that’s about it.

Heather: Hmm. Fair enough. What about Pete?

Fran: (Stuffs the remainder of the donut into her mouth and licks each finger) What about him?

Heather: Like him?

Fran: Duh.

Heather: Love him?

Fran: Sheesh. No comment. (Grabs second donut.)

Heather: Okay, how about that weird name your brother called you? Some sort of worm?

Fran: Wickworm?

Heather: Yes, that’s it. What’s that all about?
Fran: Well, if you Google the word, you’d see that A Wickworm is a worm, or parasite, that
lives in the intestines of an animal. You may not be aware of this, but the air vents of impervious are kind of like the guts of the city… therefore—
Heather: Ah yes…. You’d be the worm.

Fran: Exactly. (Winks at me.)

Heather: Listen, I know you don’t have a lot of time here today, but I do have one final question that I think a lot of the readers would want to know.

Fran: (Nods her head) I’m listening.

Heather: Retter. Is there a crush happening there?

Fran: (Face blossoms into a cherry) Nah. Ret’s just a guy. Well, a very muscular guy. With tawny eyes….

Heather: (snapping fingers) Hello? You still with us, Fran?

Fran: I gotta go. (grabs box of donuts and stomps off).

Heather: (Clears throat.) Well. Thanks, Fran, for gracing us with your presence. (Sighs)

About Heather Letto:

Heather considers herself but a worker in the field with a desire to share truth through the art of good story. In real life, she’s the proud mother of two grown sons and lives part-time in Northern Illinois with her husband, but scurries off to warmer climates when the mercury takes a dive on the thermometer. As well as The Ascension Series, Heather contributes to WHOAwomen magazine, The Fit Christian, Tween Girls and God, Devotion Magazine as well as Swagga for Christ Ministry.

Impervious is available in 

e-book and paperback at:

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  1. Heather Letto

    Hiya Katie! Thanks so much for hosting today’s stop on the tour. 😀

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Hi, Heather! You’re welcome! It was fun having you and Fran. Best of luck with the book. 🙂

  2. Mary

    Katie, thanks so much for hosting Heather and helping BookFish Books get the word out about this release!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      No problem, Mary! Happy to help promote Heather’s book and BookFish Books.

  3. Leandra Wallace

    And she didn’t even share any of the donuts! =) Which, thanks to this interview, I’m now daydreaming about the chocolate/sprinkle Krispy Kremes at the gas station…Resist! Resis- *goes & grabs car keys*

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