Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

January #InkRipples: The Cover Process for ELIXIR BOUND by Katie L. Carroll

I originally wrote this post back when I did the blog tour for my YA fantasy ELIXIR BOUND. I don’t think I’ve ever posted it on my blog, and I thought it would be fun to highlight the cover process of my book during the January #InkRipples theme of book covers.

I was lucky enough as a MuseItUp author to have a little input (mostly in the form of an author questionnaire) when it came to the cover of ELIXIR BOUND. That’s not to say that I can take any credit for how gorgeous it is. All that credit goes to my cover artist C.K. Volnek.

The beauty of what she did was to take some of my thoughts on what types of covers I like (I happened to cite the American cover for Melina Marchetta’s Froi of the Exiles as one that caught my eye of late) and a few key elements of the story and integrate them into an engrossing and detailed cover that in no way looks crowded or busy. If I knew how she was specifically able to do this, I would probably quit writing and become a cover artist myself (not really, I would never quit writing).

What I can tell you are some of the details I gave her and how they showed up in the cover. (I’ll be honest, this post is really just an excuse to let me point out all the cool things on the cover!) ELIXIR BOUND is essentially about Katora’s quest to retrieve the main ingredient to her family’s secret healing Elixir so she can take over as guardian.

Let’s start with character. Katora is definitely the central element on the cover. I expected to be asked about how she looks, but what I didn’t expect was to be asked about her personality. The three words I chose to describe her: stubborn, confident, independent. I think the model depicting Katora was a great fit. Her expression and body language were just right. So character: check!

Let’s move onto plot. The subject of the quest is the Elixir, which is prominently represented in the left-hand corner near the title. The objective of the quest is to find the Elixir’s main ingredient, which just happens to come from the tiny white flowers vining their way along the edges. So plot: check!

Next let’s discuss setting. Most of the journey takes places in a forest. The background gives you a sense of the rustic setting with the tree to the right and the mysterious doorway-type thing behind Katora (is it a cave, the entrance to a tomb?). I like how it sets a mood, but doesn’t get too specific because when I read, I like to let my own imagination fill in those details. Have you noticed the mountain range at the bottom of the cover? Did you notice its shape? The mountain range is aptly called The Sleeping Giant and I was so thrilled to see it included on the cover. So setting: double check!

And finally, my favorite aspect of the cover…my name, of course! It’s been my dream for so many years to see my name on the cover of a book and I couldn’t be more pleased with the result.

#InkRipples is a monthly meme created by Katie L. Carroll, Mary Waibel, and Kai Strand. We pick a topic (January is all about book covers), drop a ripple in the inkwell (i.e. write about it on our blogs), and see where the conversation goes. We’d love to have you join in the conversation on your own blogs or on your social media page. Full details and each month’s topic can be found on my #InkRipples page.

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  1. Amy Laurel

    Wow! That’s very cool. How fun to have been able to put so much detail from your story onto your cover! Love it!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      A lot of authors have a lot less say (at most big houses, the author has little to no say) in the cover process. I was happy to be able to add my input and to have a cover artist who really took my suggestions to heart.

  2. Kai

    How cool. I didn’t realize that was a mountain range along the bottom. Guess I never stopped to think what it was. Lol. I love all the details!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      It’s a subtle detail…I almost missed it the first time I saw it.

  3. Meradeth

    Somehow, in all the times I’ve looked at your cover, I’ve never noticed the mountain range! What an awesome detail!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Seems you’re not the only one! Glad I got the chance to point out this little detail.

  4. Dianna Gunn

    It’s really cool that you got to have an active influence on your cover. Many authors only wish they were so lucky.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      It was nice to be able to share my thoughts and the details of the book with my cover artist. You’re right, a lot of authors don’t have this opportunity.

  5. Juneta

    Congratulation. Beautiful cover. Great accomplishment.
    Juneta @ Writer’s Gambit

  6. C. Lee McKenzie

    I love your cover. There’s something very captivating about the girl’s expression and the way she’s looking at something.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks! I was pleased with the cover model…I thought she fit the character very well, even if she’s in a dress, which the main character never wears in the book.

  7. Beverly

    Fascinating. C. K. does beautiful work. She illustrated one of my books. Your cover is perfect for the novel, which is a lovely story that I enjoyed.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      That’s so sweet of you to say about my book, Beverly! I agree that C.K. does beautiful work.

  8. Patricia Lynne

    It’s always a relief when your cover artist’s final product fits so well to what you want for the cover. =D

    • Katie L. Carroll

      It is nice when the cover fits well with the book!

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