Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Grounding Myself Update

Back in September, I mentioned how I’ve been doing this whole literal grounding technique (full grounding post here, but in short it’s my attempt to put my feet on the actual earth everyday for a year). Okay, admission time: I haven’t been out everyday since the weather has turned cold, but I have been trying to get out at least every few days.

We had a bit of cold spell in November (like temps in 20’s and low 30’s for almost a week straight). This proved to be a slight deterrent, but didn’t totally derail my grounding. And just the other day, in December, we were back in the high 50’s. A good day to get out there in bare feet.


Barefoot on the beach during an unseasonably warm October day.

A few tips if you ever decide to attempt such a crazy thing. Don’t go out in bare feet because any concrete, asphalt, unnatural surface will be colder than a natural one and will freeze your feet before you get to your intended spot (even throwing on sandals or slippers works). Scout out a good spot before going outside because that equals less time in the cold. Don’t go out when you’re already cold. A good time to venture out is right after a shower when you’ve still got the residual heat of the warm water.

So all in all the grounding is still happening, and I think I’m a more relaxed person for it (and getting heartier in the process). What have you been up to lately?

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  1. Marie Laval

    What a lovely beach to walk barefoot on ! Where I live it’s just tarmac and pavements, and very wet and soggy grass! There was an article some time ago in a French magazine claiming that children didn’t walk barefoot enough anymore and therefore caught germs more easily. Apparently, walking barefoot is good to build up resistance to bugs. Good luck with your grounding, Katie.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Hi, Marie. Thanks! My hometown has the longest coastline in the state and some wonderful beaches. This is one we can walk to from my house, though in the colder weather we’ll often drive there and take a walk. I’ve been reading about all these benefits of being barefoot, though most of them aren’t necessarily scientifically proven. Does’t mean they aren’t true, though. πŸ™‚

  2. Meradeth

    Love that you’re doing this! It’s been in the negatives here for a few weeks and I’m not sure I’d be brave enough. I’m just not a cold-weather girl πŸ™‚

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Meradeth! The colder weather is definitely making it harder, and I am so not a cold-weather girl either. Hoping for a mild winter. πŸ˜‰

  3. Leandra

    When I read the title, I didn’t think you meant literally putting your feet on the ground! But this is a neat thing, a way to make yourself stop for a moment and take it all in. =) Take care of your toesies!

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