Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

First Kisses (or Kissees)

I’m generally not an outwardly sentimental person, but I recently came across a blog post about first loves and it reminded me of my first kiss. And well, it seemed an appropriate topic for today.

I was in second grade and had a crush on a boy. I was pretty sure he liked me. Ever the bold girl, I wrote him a note (back when you still passed notes in class, not text messages). The note read, “Will you kissee me?” And there was a yes option and no option, each with a box for him to check. (I think I still have that note stashed away in a shoebox somewhere.)

He checked yes! The kiss happened during recess, I think in the middle of a game of tag. A brief touching of lips, only a peck really, that lasted maybe a few seconds. But everyone saw it. The first of *ahem* many memorable kisses I’ve experienced. I wonder who else remembers that kiss…

Another first kiss, quite a bit more steamy than my second-grade peck, is one I wrote between Katora and Hirsten in Elixir Bound. I just happen to have an excerpt of it on an old post over at the Muse blog. What are some of your memorable kissees?

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  1. Suzanne de Montigny

    My first kiss was a boy named Ernest Richard in grade three. He chased me all over the schoolyard at recess and lunch hour to try to kiss me. He loved me because my father was his doctor. I didn’t like it and he finally stopped. Then,one day, I got out into the schoolyard before everyone else at lunchtime. He came along and I asked him, “How come you don’t try to kiss me anymore?” He answered, “Do you want me to?” Of course, I said yes. I was sitting on a swing. So he bent down and kissed me on the cheek. And thus I was never sweet sixteen and never been kissed.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      How sweet! A first kiss on a swing. I was never sweet sixteen and never been kissed either.

  2. Ann Herrick

    I think my first lip kiss was at 8th grade graduation. It was boy who was otherwise always tormenting me in home room! πŸ˜€

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Isn’t that always the way…it’s the boy who torments you that likes you.

  3. Meradeth

    That is absolutely adorable! (I think you should snap a pic of the note and share it πŸ™‚ My first kiss wasn’t until I was 19 & in college (I was, er, a bit of a late bloomer, and yeah, well, whatever…). It definitely made up for lost time in the steamy department though!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      I wish I had been able to find the note to post a pic of it. We’re finishing out attic space and a bunch of my boxes are stored at my in-laws’ and my parents’ houses.

      Wow! Nineteen and never kissed! Well, we all mature at our own rates. I can imagine it was quite a bit steamier than a peck on the lips. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Shelly LaBrake

    My first kiss was in when I was in first grade. I had a boy from school come over to play. We were playing outside. In our backyard we had one of those plastic castles and we were playing on it and he just bent down and kissed me. Of course my mom and two brothers came outside at the exact moment so I will never live down “getting kissed in a castle” πŸ™‚

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Hi, Shelly! Love that you were first kissed in a castle…such a fairy tale setting.

  5. Mirka Breen

    Y’all are so precocious! I was almost sixteen. I could have (well, almost) said that “sweet-sixteen and never…” but I beat myself to it by a few months.
    We’re not counting a peck on the cheek, are we?

    • Katie L. Carroll

      I think it’s up to you whether or not you count a peck on the cheek or not. Seems you don’t, Mirka. I agree that all these first kiss stories are so precious.

  6. Marian Lanouette

    My first kiss was on my 6th birthday. Henry kissed me at my party. The next one didn’t happen until years later.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      A birthday kiss…how sweet!

  7. Lorrie Struiff

    I must be wierd. I don’t remember my first kiss. Am I the only one? Am I not sentimental? Or worse, am I losing my memory? (kidding on the last one–I think.)

    Fun post.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Ha, Lorrie! I’m sure you’re not the only one. In fact, my husband claims not to remember his first kiss.

  8. Kelly Hashway

    I love that being a writer lets me relive steamy first kisses, even if all mine weren’t steamy. πŸ˜‰

    • Katie L. Carroll

      That is so true, Kelly. I’ve been known to get all tingly and smiley when writing steamy scenes.

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