Big news in the world of physics today! Scientists claim they have discovered a new subatomic particle that is most likely the God Particle, a.k.a. the Higgs boson (here’s my not-so-scientific explanation of what the Higgs boson is). Basically, the Higgs boson is believed to be the key to understanding the mysteries of the universe, including what the universe is made of and how it was formed.
Two independent groups of scientists who work with the Large Hadron Collider, a giant particle collider tucked more than 500 feet under the ground just outside Geneva, came to the same conclusion that the new subatomic particle is “consistent” with the Higgs boson.
My interpretation: there’s a new particle and it looks like the Higgs boson and acts like the Higgs boson, but they can’t say for sure it’s the Higgs boson because they are afraid it might not be the Higgs boson and it would terribly embarrassing to be wrong.
There’s a chance it’s an entirely new particle that has never been imagined before. Either way these are exciting times for all humankind!
Aye! Tis me, back from the sea.
That news is fascinating. I read today that they believe it exists but can’t see it exactly. It leaves a trace like the Cheshire cat’s grin, the article noted.
Welcome back from the bowels of the sea, Ishmael!
It is exciting to discover or almost discover the God particle. I do like your simplified explanation of what the particle actually is too.
What a wonderful time we live in. Since we haven’t all been sucked into a black hole, I guess we now sit around wondering if the Mayan’s were right and it all ends this year sometime.
Still.. as long as we enjoy each day as it comes… God particle or not, life is fascinating.
Have to love it when science fiction becomes science fact.
I really hope the Mayans are wrong…I have so many more books to write before the end!
Best voyage yet! We spent a bit of time with some mermaids. Such lovely lasses they were. Then we return to find out that the NOAA says they don’t exist!
First the CDC says zombies are a myth, now this! What’s the world coming to?
Hah! The next thing you know the WWF will be telling us dragons don’t exist either!