Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Category: Young Adult (Page 23 of 27)

Guide to Self-Publishing with Ellen Allen Author of THE SHAM

Today Ellen Allen, author of the YA thriller THE SHAM, is sharing some insights on the self-publishing process, which is something I think all of us authors, if we’re not doing it already, have at least thought about doing. Welcome, Ellen! 

The Sham_ coverA writers guide to self-publishing

by Ellen Allen

Having recently self-published my first book and because more and more people are choosing to do so instead of following “traditional” routes to publishing (and asking me how I did it), here’s a handy cut out and keep guide – basically everything I would have liked to have known beforehand!

1. Get a critique of your final draft. If you’re going to spend any money, it should probably be in the editing process (as well as in preparing the cover). Otherwise you run the risk of publishing what agent Mary Kole calls, “just a printout of (your) manuscript bound between two thicker pieces of cardboard, and about as fulfilling as a pile of scratch paper”. Sites such as youwriteon allow other writers to critique portions of your book and sites such as wattpad and widbook will help you connect to readers to see if they like it.

2. Get your “platform” ready.If you’re starting at zero you’ll need time to find twitter followers and facebook friends. It also takes more time, and organisation to link all your different mediums together so that people can find you more easily.

3. Get some beta readers to review your book. Once you’ve got yourreal final draft (after editing and critiques) put it in the hands of actual readers. Goodreads has lots of groups of people who are willing to beta read and will offer really constructive feedback on your story.

4. Decide how to publish your book. For example, are you going to use a professional service, like BookBaby or do it yourself, through Amazon’s CreateSpace? Your decision will depend on money, confidence and your strategy. You may want more hand-holding than other people and want professionals to be available to answer questions about Digital Rights Management – DRM – for your book, etc. The answer also depends on distribution. Do you want your book available everywhere or just Amazon?

5. Create your cover. It probably pays to use a professional but regardless, make sure the name of your book is clear in the thumbnail. Spend time investigating the look and feel of other book covers; readers will use your cover to decide whether or not they’ll read your book!

6. Preparing your final document will take much longer than expected, as you’ll need to proofread and check the formatting. You’ll have greater distribution possibilities if your book is available in all three main formats (mobi for the kindle, epub for nook and iBooks and of course, pdf) but they’ll all need to be proofed separately.

7. Get your marketing blurbs ready. You need to distil your book into one or two sentences for taglines and you’ll also need long blurbs, short blurbs, A4 summaries (with plot spoilers and without) and a variety of teaser paragraphs. Make sure you also have your cover photo stored somewhere online in a really high resolution that you can link to different sites (Photobucket will let you do this). Keep all these marketing documents in a word document on your desktop so it’s easily accessible to cut and paste from at a moment’s notice.

8. Sort out your advertising. Are you going to run giveaways, youtube book trailers or pay for ads on sites like goodreads? Are you going to try to get some author interviews fixed up? You need to think about this before your book is out.

9. Line up reviewers before the book is launched. If you don’t have reviewers lined up for your book, then no one will read it! There are lots of places to ask for reviews but goodreads is a good start.

10. Finally, remember to celebrate the small victories. You are your very own, editing, marketing, advertising and production department and you have a very long road ahead of you. It won’t happen overnight, if at all (you only need to trawl through the millions of goodreads authors to understand how few people actually manage to become successful self-publishers) so remember to enjoy the small things: the jump from ten to fifty twitterfollowers; reaching 100 likes on your book’s facebook page; gaining a real footing on goodreads, where you have met some great friends, supporters and fans. Don’t spam your followers with “all about me” posts but do publicise your good reviews!

THE SHAM blurb:

When love leads to death, be careful who you trust…

Eighteen-year-old Emily Heath would love to leave her dead-end town, known locally as “The Sham”, with her boyfriend, Jack, but he’s very, very sick; his body is failing and his brain is shutting down. He’s also in hiding, under suspicion of murder. Six months’ ago, strange signs were painted across town in a dialect no one has spoken for decades and one of Emily’s classmates washed up in the local floods.

Emily has never trusted her instincts and now they’re pulling her towards Jack, who the police think is a sham himself, someone else entirely. As the town wakes to discover new signs plastered across its walls, Emily must decide who and what she trusts, and fast: local vigilantes are hunting Jack; the floods, the police, and her parents are blocking her path; and the town doesn’t need another dead body.

WARNING: this book is unsuitable for younger teenage readers. It depicts adult situations, murder scenes, conversations about sex and profanity.


The Sham is a YA contemporary thriller with scenes that are unsuitable for younger readers. If you want to read what other people think of The Sham, check out the reviews on Amazon and Goodreads. If you want to win a copy of The Sham, enter the facebook giveaway here.

work photo monoAbout the Author:

On her inspiration for The Sham

The idea for this book came to me in a nightmare. It was so vivid that I imagined I was 17 again, at school, in the same group of 4 friends that I used to hang around with. We were involved in a murder and cover-up. I started writing partly as a way to get it out of my head and then the characters turned into real people… and Emily and Jack were born.

More about Ellen

In a previous life, Ellen Allen was an Associate Director in a small consultancy firm (focusing on Sustainable Development and Climate Change) running research projects and writing client reports. She doesn’t find fiction writing too dissimilar in process but she gets to use her imagination considerably more! She now lives in the south of France with her small daughter.

If you want to contact Ellen Allen you can find her on twitter @EllenWritesAll or facebook or on her writing blog: If you want to buy her books, find her on Amazon.

The Women in THE UNHEWN STONE by Wendy Laharnar

Wendy Laharnar was gracious enough to stop by the blog today to give us some insight into the women in her YA historical fiction THE UNHEWN STONE. Thanks for sharing today, Wendy! 

UnhewnStone_coverThe Unhewn Stone is 18 yr old Stefan’s search for identity as he tries to restore honour to his family name which has long been tarnished by the Wilhelm Tell legend. From modern day Switzerland, Stefan is transported back to his ancestors, in the Wilhelm Tell era of 1307AD, on a mission to prevent the legend from happening.

While searching for the hero he hopes to find within himself, Stefan finds the heroism he seeks in the women in The Unhewn Stone.

21st century:

Heidi – sister of Stefan’s best friend Uri.

Ursula – Stefan’s unrequited love.

Marta – Stefan’s sister

Stefan’s mother

14th century:

Frau Gessler – the tyrant governor’s mother, a healer.

Cassandra – – a prophetess

Yelka – a wanton strumpet

Eva Tell – Wilhelm Tell’s daughter

Hedwig Tell – Wilhelm Tell’s wife

The sibyl – a shapeshifting prophetess.

Ingrid –the innkeeper’s daughter.

I’ll concentrate on four of these women who represent the differing cultures in medieval life and reflect different aspects of Stefan’s changing character.

The sibyl (means ‘prophetess’; ‘oracle’):

Because many peasants, in the Middle Ages still believed in Greek and Roman mythology, I modified this mythical figure based on the Roman ‘Cumaen Sibyl’  to represent the superstitions still lingering in the Middle Ages after the fall of the Roman Empire. She is the bane of Stefan’s life.

Stefan is drawn to this shape-shifter because she bears a strong resemblance to Ursula, the beautiful 21st century woman Stefan loves. The sibyl appears as a lovely courtesan, a withering crone, a Snow White lookalike and a large black bat. She mistakes Stefan for his ancestor, the alchemist, who, with her help, invented the magic orb. This orb opens the wormhole between 14th and 21st century Bürglen in central Switzerland. The sibyl needs the orb to serve her own evil purpose and pursues Stefan relentlessly to get it back. She is ruthless and dangerous, the antithesis of Stefan, the pacifist, who is forced to pit his wits against hers. He finds her both appealing and repulsive.  I believe he equates her ugly side to his own ugly complex.

Eva Tell (Eva means ‘life’; ‘living one’; ‘the first woman’):

Eva is a zealot, dominated by her religion, her father and the vision of a united and liberated Switzerland. Tell’s wild daughter fights by his side and yet she is drawn to Rolf, son of the enemy, the tyrant governor Gessler. Their love is stymied by the feuding families, and family is all-important to Eva.  Her courage and stubbornness fascinate and confuse Stefan.  He sees her as a threat as well as a saviour. When she swaps her clean grey cloak with his filthy blue one, in order to camouflage him, she receives his reluctant admiration. In effect she cloaks Stefan with her identity. This is a significant turning point for Stefan.

Ingrid Gasparin (Ingrid means ‘fair’; ‘beautiful’; more recent meaning ‘a hero’s daughter’):

The innkeeper’s cheeky daughter also has eyes for the nobleman, Rolf, who encourages her advances. To Stefan, Ingrid is simply a peasant, a flirtatious, buxom wench in need of her father’s discipline and a long, hot bath.  But the reader knows Ingrid is an innocent; intuitive and just. When Stefan learns that behind the façade she is pious and brave beyond measure, Ingrid becomes his inspiration.

Frau Gessler (unnamed in the book, but clearly she must be a Sophia because this name means ‘wisdom’):

A noble woman, Frau Gessler is the mother of Hermann Gessler, grandmother of Rolf, and great grandmother 7 times removed, or more, to Stefan. She is a pagan, a healer, merciful and kind even to her enemy, but she is quite prepared to physically defend her family when attacked. To Stefan, who is searching for acceptance, Frau Gessler, the matriarch, represents family. He needs to hear her acknowledge him as her grandchild (Grosschind) just once while he is trapped in the 14th century.

In this era where myth, magic, religion, and science collide, these women embody the conflicting attitudes of the medieval world within themselves and in their society. Their influence on Stefan is profound.


The Wilhelm Tell legend has a new hero but he belongs to the wrong side . . . on the wrong side of time.

When Swiss teen, Stefan Gessler, answers the call to restore his family’s honour, he discovers it might be easier to change base metal into gold than overcome evil in the Middle Ages with modern day ‘magic’.

With his medieval cousin, Rolf, Stefan is trapped inside the legend, caught in the turbulent events of 1307AD. Pursued by an avaricious shape-shifting sibyl and an evil knight who want him dead, he is hindered in his mission and unlikely to escape the 14thC alive.

Life in the Middle Ages is a dangerous game even for Üserwäälti, the Chosen One.

THE UNHEWN STONE is available at the MuseItUp bookstore, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million, and Amazon.

Spitzli & me.About the Author:

Wendy Laharnar lives on the south coast of NSW, Australia, with her husband and mini Schnauzer, Spitzli. She writes historical fiction, science fiction and children’s stories.

Several overseas trips took her to Europe where she collected ideas and information for her stories. In Switzerland, she researched her medieval novel, The Unhewn Stone, and made lasting friendship with two Swiss women who helped her with their language.  Her Arts degree in English Literature and History opened up new worlds to feed her imagination and love for research.

When she isn’t writing, Wendy enjoys spending time with her husband, their son and daughter and their families. She likes to sew and knit and take Spitzli for long walks by the sea.

Contact Wendy via her website, Facebook page, or Twitter account.

New Release AN ABSENCE OF LIGHT by Meradeth Houston

The fabulous Meradeth Houston is celebrating a new release, her upper YA with a sci-fi twist AN ABSENCE OF LIGHT. I love Meradeth’s writing and this one is on the top of my TBR list. And make sure to enter the giveaway. Welcome back, Meradeth! 

Thanks so much for hosting me! It’s my pleasure to get to share my latest release today: An Absence of Light. I’ve always described this book as Buffy meets the X-Files, and I really hope that you get a chance to check it out!

Leah’s always seen the shadow creatures. She thought she was immune to their evil—until now.

She’s walked into a massacre, stolen a BMW, and is running from the law for a crime she didn’t commit. Nineteen-year-old Leah’s life just went from mildly abnormal to totally crazy at lightning speed. But no one will believe that the shadow creatures are framing her for the murder, because she’s the only one that can see them. At least that’s what she thought.

When Leah stumbled across a group who share her ability, she discovers they have something she doesn’t: a way to fight back. When the group offers to teach her how to kill the shadow creatures, Leah jumps at the chance. But something is brewing with the creatures. They’re tracking down the hunters like there’s no tomorrow. Leah suspects that maybe there won’t be, and it’s up to her to make sure tomorrow comes. Because she’ll do anything to stop the shadows, including risking her life—and the life of the one she loves—to keep the world from being lost to darkness forever.

Check it out on Amazon: Barnes and Noble: Evernight Teen: Goodreads.

lavender fields

Did you ever watch either Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or The X-Files? Any favorite episodes? 🙂

Check out any of these books here!

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Meet Aoife Marie Sheridan Author of HUNTERS

This week’s guest blogger is Aoife Marie Sheridan, whose paranormal story HUNTERS (The Demon Series #1) was just released. Let’s give a big welcome to Aoife as she shares a little about herself and her writing.

banner for tour

What have you published recently?

Recently I have published Hunters. Demon Series Part one. It will be released on the 1st of October.

What is a typical day like for you as a writer?

Well I work so I don’t have a lot of time to write. My writing goes something like this. If I have a spare moment – grab a pen, the house is empty – type. Quiet at work – get a notepad, ect. Just any moment I can find to write, I will. J But I never suffer with writer’s block, when I finally get to write I know exactly what I want to say.

What types of writing do you do?

Mostly Paranormal/Fantasy but I would love to do a contemporary romance, maybe one day.

What are your favorite characters that you have created? Tell us about them

I just love Cathy. She is part of Abigail’s group. Her story and background are very sad but it gives her a flair. Cathy can be nasty or overly self-confident but she does all this to hide her insecurities her full story comes to light in Book Two (Hunted). But she was fun to write.

Secondly of course is Abigail. She was a very complex character to write. She’s an alcoholic so I had to do a bit of research on this. Also her trauma of seeing her family die has damaged her. She’s fuelled with anger, guilt and self-doubt constantly. We don’t see Abigail in a happy light until we reach Book two (Hunted). We see a more mellow side to her. Over all it was a challenge to write her, but I enjoyed it.

What music do you listen to, while writing?

I have a playlist for hunters. I listened to all these songs on repeat.

  1. “Another Love” by Tom Odell
  2. “Seven Nation Army” by White Stripes
  3. Swedish House Mafia (Club scene)
  4. “Watchtower” by Delvin Feat – Ed Sheeran
  5. “Clown” by Emeli Sande
  6. “Runaway” by Linkin Park
  7. “In the End” by Linkin Park
  8. “Talk” by Kodaline

What do you eat while writing?

I am not as bad as I use to be, so I don’t really eat, (THAT IS WHILE WRITING) J normally my downfall is caffeine.

Five for Fun:

What is your favourite non-alcoholic drink?  Coffee.

What is your favourite cartoon character? I love the little girl from Despicable me.

What is your favourite movie of all time? War of the Worlds.

What TV shows do you like to watch?  Games of Thrones.

What do you like to do for fun or just to relax? Read, Watch movies or go out for meals.

Where can we find you on the web?






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Hunters - Amazon Front CoverHUNTERS blurb:

Abigail is nineteen. Her job, she hunts demons.

Her life so far has been tough. Having witnessed her family’s death and her mother’s suicide, she’s been taken in by a priest, who believes her when she says that she sees ghosts. Father Peter trains her as a demon hunter with three other members, one being Daniel, who isn’t what he seems.

But when a possession goes wrong, and ghosts start to attack Abigail, the tight rope she has on her emotions soon starts to loosen. Abigail draws the unwanted attention of the Reote, and she finds out a lot more than she was willing to learn.

Knowledge is power, but for Abigail, it’s her undoing, and the only thing keeping her together is Daniel.

All Amazon Purchase Links:

Aoife Profile PictureAbout the Author:

Aoife Marie Sheridan has loved reading from a very young age, starting off with mills and boon’s books, given to by her grandmother her love for romances grew, by the age of 14 she had read hundreds of them.

Aoife had a passion for writing poetry or in her eyes her journal entries. It was something she did throughout her teens and into her twenties. Aoife won first place for two of her poems and had them published at a young age of just nineteen. Realising she needed to get a real job (What writing isn’t) she studied accountancy and qualified working in that field for many years, until her passion for reading returned and she found Maria V Snyder. Poison study one of her favourite books has been read and re-read countless times.

Aoife’s first book Eden Forest (Part one of the Saskia Trilogy) came to be after a dream of a man and woman on a black horse jumping through a wall of fire and the idea of Saskia was born. Now with her first novel published and taking first place for Eden Forest with Writers Got Talent 2013, Aoife continues to write tales of fantasy and is currently working on her third book for the Saskia Trilogy amongst other new works.

To contact Aoife you can email her at

KING OF BAD by Kai Strand Damaged Goods Giveaway

Kai Strand may be giving away a damaged copy of KING OF BAD, but she is a fabulous writer, so even a not-so-perfect copy will still be awesome. So go enter to win it!

Hey everybody, my name is Kai Strand. I was unpacking books at a signing and came across a copy of King of Bad with a torn cover. Bummer. I can’t sell that! But my loss is your gain. Because I can hold a giveaway instead!

Along with a slightly damaged copy of King of Bad, I’m also giving away several sets of character trading cards. These cards have been specially designed for book one in the series. There will be a separate set of cards designed for each book – so be among the first to own a set.

About the book:

Jeff Mean would rather set fires than follow rules or observe curfew. He wears his bad boy image like a favorite old hoodie; that is until he learns he has superpowers and is recruited by Super Villain Academy – where you learn to be good at being bad. In a school where one kid can evaporate all the water from your body and the girl you hang around with can perform psychic sex in your head, bad takes on a whole new meaning. Jeff wonders if he’s bad enough for SVA.

He may never find out. Classmates vilify him when he develops good manners. Then he’s kidnapped by those closest to him and left to wonder who is good and who is bad. His rescue is the climactic episode that balances good and evil in the super world. The catalyst – the girl he’s crushing on. A girlfriend and balancing the Supers is good, right? Or is it…bad?

Available in print or electronic: Whiskey Creek PressAmazonBarnes and Noble


“I guess I’m not comfortable being something. I’ve never aspired to do much of anything and it seems like a lot of pressure to suddenly learn I’m supposedly a super villain and that I have to learn how to do it right.”

“You don’t have to do anything, kid. You are what you are. We are just here for you if you want to learn how to do more.” Pyro leaned back in her chair and crossed her leg. “Let me start closer to the beginning. Once upon a time…”

Jeff curled his lip and grunted. “You’re kidding, right?”

“Yes, I am. This is no fairytale.”

“How many of us are there? Is this the only school or are they everywhere? What happens if I decide not to get training?”

“Whoa, boy! Rein in the questions. I’ll get to them.” Pyro’s foot bobbed as she studied Jeff. “I don’t usually recruit. I work in administration, a fundraiser. They asked me to take you on because they suspected you had fire. So let’s start there.”

Pyro explained Mr. Sims initial encounter with Jeff and how he’d reported to Tubs. “That’s when Tubs got me involved. See, Sims felt your S.V. energy when you blew to fan the flames. Since you were playing with fire, Tubs suspected you had it and he knows that fire is a dangerous new ability and best taught by someone with experience. You know, when I first saw you, kid, I thought they were making way more of it than was needed. You were hanging out with your friends. Giving your sister a hard time. Taking out the trash like a good son, but there was nothing about you that struck me as special. Or even super for that matter. But then you did something that changed my mind completely.”

Jeff sat up straight in his chair then slouched back down again. He felt very conflicted hearing that Pyro had been shadowing him for so long and he hadn’t even known it. “What? What did I do?”

“You blew out a match.”

Jeff frowned. “How could blowing fire out prove I have fire in me?”

“It didn’t. You have fire in your hands, just like I do.” Pyro raised her right hand, palm up. Her fingertips were already swollen and throbbing. A spark emitted from each finger and flowed together in the center of her palm. A marble sized ball of fire ebbed and crackled in the middle of her hand. She studied it. “When you learn control, you’ll be able to start fires whenever you want. But what is unique about you, is you will also be able to douse them.”

Pyro held the fireball in front of Jeff. “Blow.”

Jeff shrugged and blew on the fire as if extinguishing birthday candles. A thin frost doused the flame and coated Pyro’s hand. Jeff blinked, thinking he was seeing things. He scraped a finger through the frost on her palm and touched it to his tongue. Cold and wet.

Pyro wiped her hand on her pants leg. “Fire and ice. I can’t even begin to imagine how you do that. But, Jeff, I can tell you no one has ever had opposing elements. Ever.”


I found myself falling in love with all the characters in the book. I loved the different abilities each one of them have. Kai did an outstanding job writing this book. I could not put it down. It is filled with lots of action and even some romance. Everything you want in a book. Victoria for Page Turners Blog

Can’t wait for the sequel! – Christopher White for Amazon

About the author:

When her children were young and the electricity winked out, Kai Strand gathered her family around the fireplace and they told stories, one sentence at a time. Her boys were rather fond of the ending, “And then everybody died. The end.” Now an award winning children’s author, Kai crafts fiction for kids and teens to provide an escape hatch from their reality. With a selection of novels for young adult and middle grade readers and short stories for the younger ones, Kai entertains children of all ages, and their adults. Learn more about Kai and her books on her website,

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