Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Category: Technology (Page 3 of 6)

Dark Matter, Alternate Universes, and a Story Idea

I haven’t had a science update lately, mostly because my favorite science project the Large Hadron Collider is on hiatus. It’s being upgraded to increase its power so it can smash teeny, tiny particles even faster and harder. Scientists are hoping to unlock the secrets of dark matter.

Dark matter is thought to make up a large part of the universe, but so little is known about it. Thinking about the universe and great mysteries like dark matter get my creative juices flowing. One of my favorite science programs is Discovery Channel’s How the Universe WorksIt kind of make my head hurts because the theories and science discussed are so mind-blowing in both concept and scope, but boy it’s so exciting to think about the universe.

I took physics classes in high school and college and found them, frankly, boring. Nothing we discussed ignited any sense of excitement. I get that you have to learn the basics to better understand the bigger concepts that theoretical and astrophysicists study, but I wish those basic physics classes had at least sparked some interest in learning more. And they just didn’t do that. It wasn’t until I was an adult, long out of school, that my own curiosity lead me to a passion for learning about the universe.

I hope to one day use a fictional story to meld my passion for writing and creating worlds and characters and my excitement over the universe. It’s been percolating for some time now and I think I have a premise and a main character. But I need to finish up a couple of other projects first and school myself more on the scientific concepts I’ll need to know to make the story authentic. Anyone want to give me a crash course? 🙂

I’ll leave you with this little gem of an article called “Quantum Theory Proves That Consciousness Moves to Another Universe After Death.” It definitely sounds science-fictiony, but it’s one of those ideas that I love reading about, if only to make my head spin a little with both excitement and confusion.

First School Visit

Don’t forget, voting opens today for the You Gotta Read blog cover contest. Elixir Bound is entry #10. I’d love to have your vote if you get a minute to check it out!

In other news, I had my first school visit last week. I did a presentation on creating characters. It was for a group of 8th graders (including my oldest nephew, who is also one of my writing buddies), less than a week before graduation. Uh oh! Seriously, though, they were great. They were attentive and I even got some student participation…when they had to. When I mentioned Katniss, one girl said fairly loudly, “Katnip!” And when I talked about Edward Cullen, there were some sighs of delight and a few shouts for team Jacob!

We had a bit of technological snafu when I couldn’t get my PowerPoint presentation to come up on their computer (still not sure why it wouldn’t recognize my files). So instead of having all the bullet points and pictures up on the big white board, they were just up on my laptop screen. Luckily the group and the classroom were on the small side, so they were able to see all the silly pics I created. Including when I put the teacher’s head on a certain famous villain! (The teacher is my friend’s mom, so she was cool with it.)

I was sweating a bit when with the computer stuff, but I had a backup so it worked out okay (for future visits, I think I’ll be prepared with even more ways to access my presentations). Still wish I had been able to give them the full effect, but they got the meat and potatoes…just not the full bells and whistles. The teacher asked some good questions in the Q&A part about revision techniques for the students and also on generating ideas for creative writing. I think I might come up with workshops for students about those topics.

For those of you who do school visits, how do you access your visuals during school visits?


Stuck in the Infinite Loop (or Why I’m Not on Twitter)

(Update: I have since joined twitter @katielcarroll and while it certainly does add to my Infinite Loop, well it’s proving to be entertaining and a good networking tool.)

So there’s this thing that sometimes happens to me when I get on the Internet…on those days when I just can’t focus on my WIP or my editorial work. When I log on (okay, really I just click on b/c my whole house is set up for wireless connection and I don’t have to really ‘log on’ anymore…and my smartphone is always tapped into the Internet), I find myself what I like to refer to as ‘quagmired’ in the Internet.

The first thing I generally do is check my personal email: read all my new messages, delete most of them, respond to a few, and file a few for future reference. Then I often check Facebook…just for a few minutes to see what people have posted since the last time I was on or to maybe jot down an update of my own.

Then I check my second email account. This one is more of an authorial/editorial account where I correspond with many of my author friends (some of this is done on the personal account as well), get my update feeds for several Yahoo groups I’m in, and for all my general editorial stuff with the Muse. Usually a quick Facebook check happens here, and perhaps an update on Goodreads.

My third email account is strictly for edits/correspondence with authors whose books I’m editing. (Oh, and this is the one that’s linked into my blogger account, so when I subscribe to receive comment notifications from a blog feed, it gets sent here.) At any point along here stick in a stats check on my book on Amazon rankings.

If I have a blog post up for the day, I will usually go in and check out my stats and then reply to any comments. Or I’ll work on a post for the next day. Then I might peruse some of the blogs I follow. Then I’m likely to head over to Verla Kay’s—soon to be in conjunction with SCBWI—blueboards (if you’re a kidlit writer, you should totally be on these). Of course, then I check Facebook.

And forget about productivity if I have anything out on submission; whatever email account is the contact will incessantly get checked all day like I have some sort of nervous tic.

But that’s not where it stops. No, because by now so much time has passed that I need to start the whole cycle over. Personal email account: check. Facebook: check. Authorial/editorial email account: check. Editing email account: check. Facebook: check. Website: check. Amazon: check. Blueboards: check. And then I’m back at the beginning and I do it all again. If eyes could get whiplash, well, I’d have to go see a specialist at this point.

I call this getting stuck in the Infinite Loop.

So I try to imagine if I was more involved in other social media sites, like Twitter and Pinterest. Sites that maybe would help me market my writing platform if I used them. But then I panic about the thought of adding more into the Infinite Loop. What if the Loop got so big it didn’t just suck me in on the occasional day? What if it starting eking into a second day? What if the loop snatched up a whole week? What if I never wrote another word because I couldn’t get out of the Loop, days disappearing in a haze of 140-character snippets?

Then I take a deep breath and remind myself that I control the Infinite Loop. With just one click (or maybe a few, depending on how many windows I’m rotating through), I can vanquish the Loop from my day and stick to being on the Internet a reasonable amount of time. I am only a slave to the Loop if I allow myself to be. The emails, the Facebook feed, the discussion board will all be there when I have time to get to it. And it’s not likely that I’ll miss anything really important.

Sometimes I just have to realize I don’t need to do everything. Stick to the things that reward me either personally or professionally and forget the rest (Twitter be damned).

I’d ask you what sucks up your precious time, but, umm, I’m getting little twitchy and have to go check my email…

Meet Rick Taliaferro Author of Cascades

Let’s all wish Rick Taliaferro a happy book b-day as he celebrates the publication of his contemporary YA novel Cascades (see my Goodreviews review here) by guest posting on the blog today. Welcome, Rick!

alt“Technology’s great when it works.”

We know this phrase, usually muttered when technology is not working.  But, here’s one case where it did work, usually very reliably and consistently.  And I have the feeling that it’s more the general case than an isolated, personal case.

In the past several months, I’ve been thinking up ways to publicize my newly available teen/YA novel, Cascades, in addition to studying and emulating what other writers are doing to promote their publications.

A really great idea that I had was to streak a well-attended public event here in the Raleigh area, wearing just a t-shirt or carrying a sign with quick details about my novel.  A friend could video-record it and post it to YouTube.  Then I’d sit back and wait for the post–and sales of my novel–to go viral.

My wife thought otherwise.

“How about if I could get Justin Bieber to read it and tweet about it?” I suggested.

“Uh-huh, sure.”

Another idea that I had was to pitch the following proposal to local media here in the Raleigh metropolitan area.  In a nutshell:  “Local author gets first novel published, and credits current technology as helping in that achievement.”  I haven’t heard from any one of the media yet, and perhaps won’t; they might rightly view my proposal as a self-serving attempt to get free publicity.  Which it is.  But I think there’s a broader general interest element to the proposal, which goes beyond an author’s desire to sell books, and which applies to writers today, especially aspiring writers.

So, in lieu of an appearance in local TV, radio, and newspapers, here’s what I would have covered in the hoped-for interview.  And these observations are not original, nor new (some of you might call them ancient history by now), and don’t cover various other recent consumer-tech advances of which I’m an ignoramus and which you’ll notice by their conspicuous absence.  But perhaps we can generalize the specific devices noted here and extrapolate their positive effect to other technological advances in this post-Guttenberg-paradigm that we’re in.  I’m inviting readers of this guest blog to fill in the consumer-tech gaps that I’ve left, and note the positive effect technology has had on their writing efforts–as soon as they stop guffawing that I haven’t used them, yet.

Naturally, it’s possible that technology exerts a negative influence on one’s endeavors, such as writing, but let’s save that topic for another blog.  By coincidence, there’s a thought-provoking article on this topic in the “Related articles” links below.

Alright, the technological devices which contributed to my getting published are email, the Internet, and perhaps most importantly, the e-reader, as described here.  Again, please jump in with your thoughts and arguments.

  • Email

Email has improved the communications between authors and editors/publishers.  The quality of the communication still depends on careful wordsmithing, but turnaround time in submitting and receiving responses has become more efficient.  For sure, online journals can still take several months in which to respond to a submission, but the advent of email has enabled a more efficient submission-and-response apparatus.  You’re no longer tasked with putting pages and SASEs in an envelope and posting it; neither is the editor when responding.  The transmission of your submission is nearly instantaneous, as is the response (that is, the transmission after the writer or editor gets around to processing the email and clicking Send).  And, though some journals still take months to respond, I think email, by its instantaneousness, has encouraged a faster response time.  At Bartleby Snopes where I’m an associate editor, our usually met target for responding to submissions is 3-5 days, and usually quicker than that, even with requested feedback.  Part of this response rate is because of email.

  • Internet.  Several characteristics of the Internet are serving the aspirations of writers.
    • Publishing opportunities.  With the increased use of the World Wide Web (WWW) — thanks to Tim Berners-Lee — came an increased number of publishing opportunities.  (Probably also an increase in the competition, too, but undoubtedly an increase in opportunities.)  Imagine the number of small literary magazines, of varying quality, before the WWW, and then exponentiate that number (by what factor, I don’t know, but you get the point) after the invention of the WWW.  Anyone can start an online journal, more efficiently and very cheaply relative to paper-based and paper-mail-based journals.  As a result, many talented and astute editors have founded such journals, to the benefit of readers who enjoy fiction and the writers of that fiction.  (I’m one of those writers.  My first story publication was online.)  To use the example of Bartleby Snopes again, we publish eight stories a month, opening up 96 publishing opportunities for story writers and readers during a year.  This number doesn’t take into account our special projects such as our annual Dialogue-Only Contest and our recent Post-Experimental Project.
    • Exposure.   Another salient feature of Internet-based journals is the greater exposure afforded to the writer whose work appears online.  To save space in this blog, I refer you to Jason Sanford’s essay on this characteristic, “How to Expose New Writers: Online Versus Print Magazines,” below in the “Related articles” section.  (By the way, if the links are problematic, let me know, and I can provide PDFs of the linked-to articles.)
    • In addition to publishing opportunities and exposure, the underlying code that provides part of the WWW infrastructure can also provide opportunities for creative experiments in narrative form and structure.  For example, in the use of linking, and forward and backward referencing.  There’s lots of examples of this.  My short story, “Keynote Address,” attempts to use HTML coding in several narrative places to tell the story (in one example, the story links to a description of what is generally regarded as the early example of hypertext fiction, “Afternoon”).  I think the point I’m trying to make here is that with HTML, there are new opportunities for narrative form and structure, so that we can produce works that are more than just a traditional, paper-based story in an online medium.  There are technical features of HTML that can serve story-telling.
  • E-readers.  The advent of e-reader technology combines and extends several of the characteristics discussed above.  But I think the most salient characteristic is the lower publishing costs.  In the same way that a journal editor can easily and relatively cheaply start an online journal, so can a publisher of e-books and print-on-demand books.  The costs for such an enterprise are higher than a small journal, of course, but much cheaper than traditional paper book publishers.  With cheaper production costs and a greater number of publishers, come greater opportunities for book writers.  (Here again, my first published novel is an e-book.)

So, in reading over this blog, it appears that the primary benefit of recent technological developments is an increase in opportunities for aspiring writers.  That’s true in my writing efforts.  I can’t say whether I’d have been published in the olden days.  Maybe, but chances were against it.  However, I can say that I am getting published now, and technology gets some of the credit.

As this blog started with a common observation about technology, I’ll end it with a more general folkism that also applies to technology:  “The more things change, the more they stay the same.”  As helpful and facilitating as technology can be in a particular project, writers still need to persevere, accept rejection and, if possible, learn from it, and above all to keep writing.  That’s old school advice that’s timeless.  You combine that counsel with technology, and you’ll get published.

Okay, it’s your turn to fill in the gaps.  That’s right, please add your experiences with cellphones, Facebook, Twitter. All that.

Related articles:

Here are links to just several of numerous articles that provide interesting points and counterpoints to the discussion of technology in the context of writing endeavors.  The last article has a broader thesis, but is relevant to the discussion.

Cascades blurb:

When Karen dumps Greg, he tries to keep the relationship going with a simple plan: become the kind of guy she wants. He needs to prove he’s decisive and can take initiative, qualities she admires. Not to mention he needs to read Ernest Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls for a class presentation. Middle-aged Victor arrives at the local hangout, a dam called The Cascades, giving Greg the means to succeed in the plan. Victor has a romance problem of his own, as well as a drinking problem. Greg attempts to help Victor sober up and reunite with his estranged wife, all in hopes of winning back Karen. Then tragedy strikes at The Cascades, and Greg is left to question love, the value of a life, and how he will ever finish his book presentation.

Buy Cascades at the MuseItUp bookstore, Amazon, and other ebook retailers.

author picAbout the Author:

Rick Taliaferro is a freelance writer and editor ( and an associate editor at the renowned online literary journal, Bartleby Snopes ( In his spare time, he spends one hour or one page or 200 words per day on fiction. He has published short stories and is currently rewriting the first draft of a new novel. Cascades is his first published novel. He hopes you enjoy it.

Seems the World Will End in a Bang, Not a Whimper

I’ve had so much books news going on lately that I’ve neglected to update you all on any science news. My longtime followers know that I’ve been very interested in the progress of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the discovery of the Higgs boson, also called the God Particle. For new readers, some back articles about this topic include what the God Particle is, LHC creates primordial matter, and disproving Einstein.

Well, I reported back in July how scientists “discovered” the God Particle. Awesome news! So the face of physics and what we know about the world has changed, right? Ummm, not exactly. Subsequent analysis of the particle has not found any evidence to say it isn’t the God Particle (how’s that for a double negative!). And earlier this month, CERN shut down the LHC for two years for scheduled maintenance (imagine if your car maintenance took that long!).

Don’t worry, though. Even though there won’t be any subatomic particles smashing together at the LCH for awhile, I’ve still got some mind-bending news to report. Recent calculations regarding the Higgs Boson indicate that in tens of billlions of years, another alternate universe will expand far enough out that it will reach our universe, which will then disappear in a catastrophic event. And it will happen at the speed of light…how’s that for a Big Bang!

But don’t worry about that either. We’ll be long gone before then…and not just you and me and our grandchildren. The whole Earth will be gone when the sun burns out in another five billion or so years!

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