Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Category: Pictures (Page 6 of 6)

Fall 2014 in Pictures

We’ve been having a wonderful fall here, playing in the leaves, watching The Prince’s personality emerge more each day, starting pre-school with The Boy, baking, Halloween…all kinds of fun things (except for our disastrous vacation where the house leaked, but I’m so over that now!). Busy, for sure, but a good kind of busy. I haven’t done a picture post in awhile, and you all love seeing pictures of the cuteness of the boys (right?), so I’ve got some great pictures to share with you all today.




Exciting things are happening in my writing as well. I am loving my WIP. I’m deep into drafting it and still have that new book enthusiasm. We’ve got something of a regular schedule at home, too, so that’s helping me to keep up with my word counts and get in regular writing sessions.

Chapter one of The Great CT Caper, a collaborative, serialized MG mystery is set to be released on January 4, 2015. A new chapter with its illustration will be released every two weeks, so look for chapter two (mine!) on January 18. As the chapters release, I’ll be featuring guest posts from some of the writers and illustrators here on the blog, so that should be a lot of fun. It looks like I’ll be making some in person appearances as well to help promote the Caper…I’ll keep you all posted on that.

And more pictures!20141106_075422







Temperature Swings and Spring Garden in Pictures

In some areas of Connecticut the temperature was in the low 90s on Tuesday. In those same areas last night the temperature got down to the low 30s. For all of you math geniuses that’s a 60-degree swing in less than 48 hours. Welcome to New England!

My hometown is on the water, so it tends to be a bit more temperate. But still, weather in Connecticut is kind of ridiculous sometimes. Despite the cool temperature last night, today is holding firmly in the 60s with a mix of sun and clouds. In other words, spring has finally taken root.

That means my daffodils are blooming,

my bleeding hearts are gaining steam,

and my pea plants are growing, growing, growing (which is just in time because the other day I used up the last of the frozen peas from last year’s crop).

Now I’m off to enjoy the nice weather (while it lasts!).

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