Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Category: Meradeth Houston (Page 2 of 3)

Writing Non-human Characters with Meradeth Houston Author of Surrender the Sky

Once again returning to share her wisdom on writing is Meradeth Houston! Meradeth is the author of the fantastic paranormal Sary Society Series, the latest of which is Surrender the Sky (see my 5-star Goodreads review here). Make sure to check out all the other stops on her Xpresso Book Tours blog tour and enter the giveaway. Welcome, Meradeth!


Writing characters that aren’t human

by Meradeth Houston

Thanks so much for having me back here! It’s always a treat to visit some of my favorite blogs again. I thought I’d talk a little about writing characters that aren’t human today. This is one of those topics that I think about a lot, but don’t generally get the chance to chat about. For those of you who have thoughts on the topic, please chime in too!!

The main characters that I write about in my novels are definitely not human—they’re Sary, which is a breed of supernatural I made up. They’re kind of similar to guardian angels, but I think all of my characters would be the first to tell you that they’re definitely not the angelic sort. They’re the souls of those who die before taking their first breath and are allowed to come back to the earth to help those who are contemplating taking their own life. Basically they’re immortal and have the ability to shift their form to look pretty otherworldly: wings included.

One of the most important things that I think about while writing these characters is to keep in mind their true age. Most of them are several centuries old, which means they’ve seen a lot. Not just historical tidbits (which I find fun to research and layer in), but personal things. They’ve watched everyone around them grow older and die—something that they can’t do. These kinds of things leave their mark, and I try to be aware and respectful of that in my characters. Even if they look to be in their teens or twenties, they’re not going to think like a human, and they’re not going to react like them all the time. This is challenging, but also can be a lot of fun to write.

While the Sary have been “on the ground” throughout their lives, allowing them to adapt as society and culture inevitably change around them, it isn’t necessarily easy. One of the other things I try to think about while writing is those things that the Sary might find comfortable from the past—things that they have a hard time giving up. This might be preferring candles and lamps even with electric lights, or just living in the older part of a city because it seems more like home. Technological changes can seem fast for even me, but for the Sary it’s been tricky to keep up. I like to think about the lag that can occur, and depending on the character, how comfortable they’re going to be with different parts of modern life.

Writing a supernatural being that can fly is also one of those things that I also find really a lot of fun. I know that may sound strange, but I’ve always wished I could fly (I think this may stem from growing up in California and hating traffic—who wouldn’t want to avoid that??), so writing from the Sary’s perspective is a whole lot of fun in this regard. I pester my pilot brother for aerial photos, and pay a lot of attention to the way the sky looks while in an airplane, hoping to do the concept of flight justice. Hopefully that comes across, because it certainly is fun!

There’s a lot more that goes into writing a character that’s not human, but I’ll stick with this for today! What else do you think goes into making a believable non-human character?

Surrender The Sky 300dpiSurrender the Sky blurb:

Gabby lives by two unbreakable rules: don’t expose her kind, the Sary, and don’t fall in love—too bad some rules are made to be broken.

When Gabby’s most difficult charge accidentally shoots her in front of a class full of students, the event exposes her carefully hidden identity. She shifts from looking like a normal teen to her secret Sary form, revealing her wings and the existence of her kind—immortals who try to keep people from committing suicide. Her incident attracts the attention of the next leader of the Sary, Jassen, who offers her an impossible bargain: she can keep her wings if she makes amends with those who know the truth. Things get more complicated when a rebel Sary, intent on exposing them to the world, starts interfering with Gabby’s work. And there’s no denying her attraction to Jassen, who is torn between his duties and his heart. With threats at every turn and her immortality on the line, Gabby has to find a way to save the Sary or surrender the sky forever.





MeradethAbout the Author:

Meradeth’s never been a big fan of talking about herself, but if you really want to know, here are some random tidbits about her:

>She’s a Northern California girl. This generally means she talks too fast and use “like” a lot.
>When she’s not writing, she’s sequencing dead people’s DNA. For fun!
>She’s been writing since she was 11 years old. It’s her hobby, her passion, and she’s so happy to get to share her work!
>If she could have a super-power, it would totally be flying. Which is a little strange, because she’s terrified of heights.

Author links:

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We Love Tween/YA Books Cover Scroll

Some shameless book business first…Elixir Bound was the Friday Feature on the Dragon Blog and you can enter the rafflecopter over on the post to win a copy of the book.

Okay, now on to the fun! MuseItUp Publishing is hosting a We Love Tween/YA Books event over on Facebook. Lots of MuseItUp authors (including yours truly) have been stopping in and sharing all kinds of goodies related to their books. The event runs through Thursday and is open to the public, so stop by to discover some new YA/tween authors and their amazing books!

I thought in honor of the event, I’d do a cover parade of some of the MuseItUp titles I have enjoyed (full disclosure: some of these I’ve worked on as an editor…but that doesn’t mean I can’t recommend them, right?). I’ve included links to buy them at the MuseItUp bookstore, but they can also be purchased on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many other online book retailers. And here comes the parade (cue the upbeat marching band music!).

First up some paranormal titles:

Wanted_50edb2254d98d.jpg YA paranormal romance WANTED by Annika James


Tex__The_Witch_B_5075ce85d7bd3.jpgYA paranormal TEX, THE WITCH BOY by Stuart R. West


Upcoming MG paranormal THE UNWANTED GIFT by K.L. Pickett





Colors_Like_Memo_4f9abb2fd7729.jpg   The_Chemistry_of_515cd75442997.jpg   

YA paranormals COLORS LIKE MEMORIES, THE CHEMISTRY OF FATE, and the upcoming SURRENDER THE SKY, all in Meradeth Houston’s Sary Society Series.

And for you fantasy fans:

Beware_of_the_Wh_5172dc9d45f3b.jpg MG fantasy BEWARE OF THE WHITE by Kai Strand

The_Shadow_of_th_506cb32fdc4a8.jpgMG fantasy THE SHADOW OF THE UNICORN: THE LEGACY by Suzanne de Montigny















If you’re in the mood for a little mystery, don’t miss these next titles:

Julius_Caesar_Br_51b9c56576f3a.jpg MG humor JULIUS CAESAR BROWN AND THE GREEN GAS MYSTERY by Ace Hansen


The_Master_s_Boo_50a8ef0128483.jpg YA thriller THE MASTER’S BOOK by Philip Coleman



YA mystery ISOSCELES by Scott R. Caseley






And finally for those fans of contemporary:

Cascades_5164a05636516.jpgYA CASCADES by Rick Taliaferro


A_Horse_Called_T_4eaae9ef0b56f.jpg YA A HORSE CALLED TROUBLE by C.K. Volnek







Nothin____But_Ne_5154cc8154e13.jpg MG NOTHIN’ BUT NET by Kris Rutherford


 MG MAYBE IT’S MAGIC by K.L. Pickett







I’d love to see what MuseItUp YA/tween books you all recommend in the comments! 🙂

The Liebster Award Take Two

liebster-awardWhen I saw that my writing buddy Meradeth Houston had nominated me for the Liebster Award, I had a rush of deja vu. Sure enough I went back in my archives and saw that I had been given this award before…by none other than Meradeth! (She must really like my blog. 🙂 ) But that was like a year and a half ago and the questions were different, so I’ll take another crack at it (although, I’ll admit I stole some of 11 facts from last time). And I have been retroactively nominated by Mary Waibel and J.Q. Rose, so make sure to check out Mary’s blog and J.Q.’s blog.

Here’s how the award works. The Liebster Blog Award translates to “the beloved” or “the dearest.” The award is given as a way to celebrate smaller blogs. (Only blogs with under 200 followers can be awarded.) Before you accept the award, there are a certain set of tasks you must complete. The first is to reveal 11 facts about you, answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger who nominated you, and then create 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer.

So my 11 facts are:

  1. My favorite Harry Potter book is Goblet of Fire.
  2. I used to be a puzzle magazine editor and now edit books.
  3. When I was three years old, I told everyone I was a boy because I wanted to play baseball for the New York Yankees.
  4. My elbows are double-jointed.
  5. I once pierced my own belly button.
  6. The last book I read is Jennifer A. Nielsen’s The Shadow Throne.
  7. I have really weird dreams all the time, some of them lucid.
  8. My favorite artist is Vincent Van Gogh.
  9. I could eat pizza every day.
  10. I totally have a crush on Hook from Once Upon a Time.
  11. Many of the characters in Elixir Bound were based on real people (including myself!).

And here are the questions Meradeth asked me to answer:

1. What do you like best about your personality?

My stubbornness is both a blessing and a curse (it’s probably the main reason why I haven’t quit writing), but I have learned “not to cut off my nose to spite my face” (as my mother used to say I always did).

2. What’s the best piece of advice you ever received?

Dare to get excited, even when you might get let down. We could all get hit by a marshmallow truck tomorrow. ~Laurie Halse Anderson

3. What does it take for a book to stay with you long after reading it?

A book that manages to surprise me in some way.

4. If you could tell an author that you admire one thing, what would it be?

“I wish I had written that.”

5. Who is one person who always makes you happy?

The Boy…even when he makes me angry, sad, or so frustrated I want to punch something (not him!), he brings so much joy to my life it makes me happy.

6. What was the best birthday you ever had?

My 30th birthday was pretty perfect. My family and a few close friends took a boat ride through the Thimble Island in Long Island Sound that ended with the sunset. It was summer, the breeze was cool, good food and drinks, I had my favorite people with me, and I didn’t have to do a single thing other than enjoy myself.

7. What drives you to share your thoughts about books on social media?

I hope that by sharing books I enjoy, other people will find books they, too, enjoy.

8. What’s the best thing an author ever said to you?

Never give up because you might be on the one yard line, and you just don’t know it. ~Donna Gephart

9. What do you consider the ideal length for a book in terms of the number of pages?

No ideal number. Enough pages to tell the story that needs to be told.

10. What fictional character do you most resemble?

Well, I guess that would be the one in Elixir Bound that I based on myself. 🙂

11. If you could give the person reading this an uplifting message, what would it be?

“Find you magic!”

So now I must make my nominations…and I nominate you, dear reader. Any blogger out there who would like to participate, just leave a comment here and I’ll include a link to your blog here. You can just answer the same questions posed above.

I’ve got fabulous bloggers Christopher Mannino, Suzanne de Montigny, and Marie Laval to take up my offer of being nominated for the Liebster Award. And I’ll be happy to add any other bloggers who would like to play (instructions in the comments)…just let me know in the comments. 🙂

Cover Reveal Surrender the Sky by Meradeth Houston

I love all of the books in Meradeth Houston’s Sary Society series and it’s a special thrill to share the cover of the most recent one, Surrender the Sky (see my 5-star Goodreads review here). Be sure to enter the giveaway and check out all of Meradeth’s books. If you pre-order Surrender the Sky, you’ll get The Chemistry of Fate free! Oh, and click on over to Meradeth’s blog to see my guest post today about Sary in the real world.

The third book in the Sary Society series, SURRENDER THE SKY, has a shiny new cover! (But you’re gonna have to read about what it’s about before I let you see it!)

Release Date: May 2014


Gabby lives by two unbreakable rules: don’t expose her kind, the Sary, and don’t fall in love—too bad some rules are made to be broken.

When Gabby’s most difficult charge accidentally shoots her in front of a class full of students, the event exposes her carefully hidden identity. She shifts from looking like a normal teen to her secret Sary form, revealing her wings and the existence of her kind—immortals who try to keep people from committing suicide. Her incident attracts the attention of the next leader of the Sary, Jassen, who offers her an impossible bargain: she can keep her wings if she makes amends with those who know the truth. Things get more complicated when a rebel Sary, intent on exposing them to the world, starts interfering with Gabby’s work. And there’s no denying her attraction to Jassen, who is torn between his duties and his heart. With threats at every turn and her immortality on the line, Gabby has to find a way to save the Sary or surrender the sky forever.

Surrender The Sky 300dpi

Surrender the Sky is a stand alone title that follows COLORS LIKE MEMORIES and THE CHEMISTRY OF FATE, with cameos from several of the characters in the first books! It will be available in May wherever ebooks are sold!


Join in the celebration for a $10 Amazon gift card! Use the rafflecopter below for entries 🙂

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Find Meradeth Houston online at:, FacebookTwitterInstagramTumblr, and of course her blog!

Colors Like Memories by Meradeth Houston Paperback Party

Meradeth Houston, author of the paranormal books Colors Like Memories (see my Goodreads review hereand The Chemistry of Fate (see my Goodreads review here)stops by to talk about the paperback release of Colors. Welcome, Meradeth!

Colors Like Memories 200x300Hi! *waves* I’m incredibly excited to announce the paperback release for COLORS LIKE MEMORIES. The ebook release has been a blast, and it is especially awesome to actually hold the book in my hands 🙂 Here are three things I think you might find fun about the book:

1. It’s got a pretty sweet cover 🙂 And I’m rather partial to the blurb:
Julia has a secret: she killed the guy she loved. It was an accident—sort of.

Julia is a Sary, the soul of a child who died before taking her first breath. Without this ‘breath of life’ she and others like her must help those on the verge of suicide. It’s a job Julia used to enjoy, until the accident that claimed her boyfriend’s life—an accident she knows was her fault. If living with the guilt weren’t enough, she’s now assigned to help a girl dealing with the loss of her mother, something Julia’s not exactly the best role model for. If she can’t figure out a way to help her, Julia’s going to lose her position in the Sary, something she swore to her boyfriend would never happen.

2. There have been some pretty awesome things said about it (if I do say so myself, but I may be a bit biased). See:

“…I applaud the author for providing a writing that has the power to encourage, inspire, help, heal and simply serve as a platform to stimulate communication for any reader (regardless of age), who is feeling hopeless. If you are looking for an interesting read, this book is well written, interesting and has several positive messages that the reader can take away from the story. I would recommend this book to any reader.” TWC Amazon Review

“Colors Like Memories was an amazing YA paranormal romance. It will make you soar with wings then drop you off and catch you once you get near the ground.” Michelle Kullman Amazon Review

“COLORS LIKE MEMORIES is an achingly beautiful tale of love, loss, and new beginnings. Meradeth Houston writes with a clean, clear prose that packs a punch. She carries her characters through the full spectrum of emotions, and the reader is swept along in the journey.” RunningnWriting Amazon Review

3. You don’t have to wait for book #2! THE CHEMISTRY OF FATE, also set in the Sary world, is already available, and you can grab a copy at AmazonB&N, or my publisher MuseItUp Publishing. Book #3, SURRENDER THE SKY, will also be released soon 🙂

You can order COLORS LIKE MEMORIES at my publisher’s site: MuseItUp Publishing, or find it on Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. Ebook copies are also available on all vendor sites!

Those are my three things, and if that’s not enough to interest you, well, I’ve also got a little giveaway running for a book of your choice. Check out the rafflecopter below 🙂

MeradethHoustonA bit about Meradeth:

>She’s a Northern California girl, but now lives and teaches anthropology in Montana.

>When she’s not writing, she’s sequencing dead people’s DNA. For fun!

>She’s been writing since she was 11 years old. It’s her hobby, her passion, and she’s so happy to get to share her work!

>If she could have a super-power, it would totally be flying. Which is a little strange, because she’s terrified of heights.

Find her online:

Website : Blog : Twitter : Facebook : Pinterest : Goodreads

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