Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Category: Magnetic Poetry (Page 3 of 3)

Magnetic Poetry: Birthday Party Edition

The party-goers have been at it once again! They were at my house celebrating a certain occasion (I’ll never tell what, but there are some not-so-subtle clues in this post and the actual date of the cause of celebration is July 12th) when they decided to have some fun with the magnetic poetry kit.

Here’s what the fearless poets came up with this time:

  • manipulate explore and burn (possible instructions for covering up crime?…maybe my brain went there because The Godfather is on)
  • puppet confess rhythm howl work too girl pour a s (my little nephew, who turned four earlier this month, came up with this one…it has a certain rhythm to it all right)
  • silent voice time (we could all use a little of this)
  • prostitute s love to create pleasure for naked obedient expose d chicken monkey s (it wouldn’t be magnetic poetry without the good ol’ prostitute and her crazy exploits with the exposed chicken monkey)
  • investigate who vacuum es up beauty (grammar issues aside–it seems all the S’s were already being used–i suspect this somehow involves the crimes committed by the first poet)
  • suck sex (c’mon, you know what comes next…say it with me, “That’s what she said!”)
  • why dance funny like the strange spider with the precious old pickle (why, indeed)
  • imagine every dream be ing sweet (my personal favorite, probably because my dreams tend to be anything but sweet)

Thanks to all who participated in writing this wonderful poetry. I always enjoy sharing your creative creations.

Magnetic Poetry: “Precious Bald Dictionary” Edition

The party-goers have been expressing their creativity again with the magnetic poetry kit. This is how my guests showed their joy at celebrating my mom’s birthday (as always imaginative use of tiles has been preserved as much as possible).

  • imagine beauty which always sucks (the last “s” in sucks was actually part of the word “is,” but this clever–and possibly depressed–person covered the “i” with the word “suck”)
  • my perfect genius monkey boy will make me drown in his sweet brain music (yeah, well my perfect genius monkey boy will kick your perfect genius monkey boy’s butt…ha!)
  • never investigate our skeleton in the attic (what, you keep yours in the closet?)
  • spur cold tree old do nut this but we did an obedient whisper (doesn’t make much sense, but good use of internal rhyme)
  • they expose d my precious bald dictionary to release another inspiration spurt (it’s just all too shocking!)
  • give him the sex y ache ing ghost bosom (maybe this guy should hook up with the skeleton in the attic)
  • use manacle s for transgress ion s by a mean electric spider puppet (that’s sound advice if I’ve ever hear any)
  • ity see lime free off as out right est er un & ness & and i work and mouth black do so ly at at (I think my four-year-old niece put this one up…at least I hope it wasn’t written by someone who actually knows how to read all those words)
  • a girl has the voice too break every man (too 😉 true)
  • must explore pleasure curse (I’ll get on that right away)
  • bleed translucent famous dog bone love (hopefully not all over my kitchen floor)
  • drink down tremendous dead desire spark s then come holy silent night (I’ve heard that is the original title to “Silent Night” but over time the beginning got cut off)
  • devil wine manipulate vision (oh, so that’s why I was seeing double the whole night)
  • her shadow soul howl e d as it was compel ed to pour from he r body like a naked chicken rhythm dance ing (I don’t know about you, but my soul always howls when it pours from my body like a naked chicken rhythm dancing)
  • experience elaborate prostitute between vacuum (the elaborate prostitute rears her ugly head again)
  • e y r l fire of she I are why yes (maybe another one from my niece, but profound in its own way)

It was a record number of sayings on the refrigerator! Thanks to all participants. Feel free to take credit for your work in the comment section.

Magnetic Poetry: Poink

Girls’ Christmas (my “sisters” and I get together every year for a girls-and-kids-only Christmas party) was relocated to my house at the last minute, so I requested that my guests create a sentence with the magnetic poetry kit on my refrigerator. Here’s what we came up with (as usual, I put a space in between each magnet to show the creative combinations):

  • love people like they a r e obedient prostitute s (I would think any obedient prostitute is easy to love, so this could be a new logo for world peace or something!)
  • experience perfect pleasure through bald chicken rhythm dance ing (I’d like to see bald chicken rhythm dancing…or on second thought, maybe I wouldn’t.)
  • spark random inspiration speak every thought investigate precious emotion (lather, rinse, repeat)
  • electric transgress ion s will burn holy fire (That’s what she said!)
  • the devil s skeleton is suck ing seed y sweet & sour soup (Nice alliteration…who knew the devil’s skeleton liked Chinese food?)

In other word news, my sister, niece, and nephews are trying to get the word “poink” into mainstream vocabulary. This started when my three-year-0ld nephew told my sister he didn’t want to sit in one of the dining-room chairs because it had a “pionk.” My sister asked, “What’s a poink?” So he showed her a broken chair rung that was sticking into his back. They now use the word regularly.

Poink has actually turned out to be very versatile. It can be a noun, as in the original sense: That needle has a sharp poink. It can be a verb, literally: Ouch! That needle just poinked me. It can be a verb, figuratively: Oh, you just got poinked. It can be an adjective: That needle is very poinky.

I checked out the urban dictionary and found some interesting definitions for poink and poinky. I recommend everyone tries to use poink in a sentence today.

The Latest Magnetic Poetry: Sour Pickle Edition

My friends like to share their own unique brand of problems by writing them on my refrigerator. You may remember the last time I shared their magnetic poetry. I have to say, I found their thoughts a bit disturbing.

I’m glad my friends consider my home (or at least my fridge) as safe place for expressing themselves. Here’s the latest entries:

  • This old dog said you like vacuum prostitutes. (Do I want to know what else you like? Probably not!)
  • Suck my obedient bosom fire. (That’s what she said!)
  • Sour pickle mouth takes head. (Ummm…no comment)
  • Always imagine pleasure and beauty fighting devil spurts. (My personal favorite because it really makes you think.)

Last post I discussed some very small (in the literal sense) things that might actually turn out to be very big (metaphorically). Next post I’ll take a look at something very big indeed!

Risque Party Magnetic Poetry

The magnetic poetry kit was a big hit at the party I hosted this weekend. Apparently the lack of punctuation didn’t bother my intoxicated friends. Alas there was no “pleasure pickle,” but both words did make an appearance. Just a quick disclaimer: These quotes get a bit graphic, so anyone with a sensitive stomach–or with any sensibilities at all–may want to refrain from reading further! I kept the space between magnets even when they made one word because some of the combinations are particularly creative.

If you are brave enough to persevere:

“bleed that perfect thought puppet” (ummm…eww, I think?)

“manipulate a precious chicken beneath old skeleton” (double eww)

“sweet steam y fire y sex” (sounds good to me–as long as it’s in the figurative sense)

“dance with green angel” (oddly sweet, although it did kind of remind of me Slimer from Ghostbusters)

“my love life is curse d” (so sad, but given the other phrases not terribly surprising)

“obedient famous people suck money” (what about those disobedient famous people?)

“play & drink but never sleep” (an apt description of my party!)

“imagine me between random girl s spurt ing” (hopefully the random girls are of age)

“I desire a hot naked good bald woman to come on” (who doesn’t?)

“she always eat s my pleasure monkey then howl s” (that’s just like her, isn’t it?)

“expose tremendous bosom & ache ing pickle” (oh, if only I had a tremendous bosom)

“explore another man bone in he r mouth” (really, no thanks…I’m all set)

I did leave out one that used the word “prostitute” because I felt it might be too offensive (I know, it must’ve been pretty bad given what I did include!). Oh, and I swear I didn’t make any of these up myself…this is really what is on my refrigerator right now. I’ll have to remember to rearrange the magnets before my nine-year-old nephew comes over!

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