Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Category: Holidays (Page 8 of 13)

Winter 2013-14 in Pictures

Like many of you have been experiencing, our winter here has been snowy and cold. A few days in the 50’s this weekend made me hopeful that spring really is around the corner. Too bad we still have enough snow around to make it hard to even play in the yard with The Boy. Here’s a look at my winter in pictures.


Before winter even started, we had this lovely snow/ice storm in which our garage had a close call with branches from the neighbor’s tree.


While Daddy braved the ice to cut down the branches, The Boy got out his saw and went to work on his car.


Trimming the tree and dancing to some Christmas tunes.


A dusting of snow.


Posing in our Christmas hats made by my grandmother.


Opening a fire truck while wearing fire jammies on Christmas day.


Present excitement!


Never too cold to go pantless.


I have to believe this face is a result of frustration over news of more cold and snow.


A rare snowfree walk downtown.


I think he’s simply given up on ever being able to play in the yard again.


Snowman family!


Found a little patch of grass to ground myself.


The Boy “grounding” himself as best he can when Mommy won’t let him be like her and take his boots off.


Just like it’s never too cold to go pantless, it’s never too cold for some cool shades.


This about sums up how The Boy feels about sleeping in his bed lately.


Lots of snow, but warm enough for some much-needed fresh air and sunshine.


A Sweet Valentine’s Post from Penny Estelle Author of A Float Down the Canal

A sweet treat for all of you on Valentine’s Day from Penny Estelle, author of the MG short A Float Down the Canal. Leave a comment and your email address for a chance to win a copy. Welcome, Penny!

New cover for A Float Down The Canal-1Since Katie was nice enough to let me visit her blog on Valentine’s Day, I though I would talk about what some folks have done for their sweethearts on this special day.  I put out a request for some of my blog followers and friends as to what they have actually done.  I received many stories of going to dinner, receiving candy and jewelry, going to a favorite Bed and Breakfast, etc…..all wonderful stories.  I did receive three that I thought were quite unique.

1.   Mr. X happened to be off work on this particular Valentine’s Day and flipped the TV to the Oprah Show.  She suggested having her favorite dinner ready, spreading rose petals from the front door to the couch where a new nightie would be spread out.  Run a bubble bath for her just before she gets home and have chilled champagne waiting for her at the door.  He ran out and bought all the above and completely set this scenario.  He had just finished the bubble bath when Mrs. X drove into the driveway.  He grabbed the two glasses of champagne and waited at the door.  The door opened and in walked his wife, with their neighbor’s twelve year old son.  (The neighbor’s other son had broken his wrist at school and asked Mrs. X to pick up her other son.)  Now this is why men should NEVER go off track with a proven, first class, plan),  He decided to be naked…with a rose tied to his….uhm…best friend.  After Mr. X ran to the bedroom, the neighbor’s son said, “Somebody’s planning on getting lucky tonight!”

2.   This time Mrs. X went to where her husband works and completely decorated his car.  She painted all the windows with “Happy Valentines Day”  “Hurry home for a big surprise”.    She put helium filled balloons inside the car with messages about what her plans for him were when he got home.  Pairs of sexy panties were laying in the front seat complete with a picture of Mrs. X in a bubble bath holding a glass of champagne and blowing him a kiss.  Well he was hurrying home when he got pulled over by a policeman, because he felt his car was a distraction.  With a penlight, the policeman, saw the panties and read some of the balloons.  He looked at Mr. X and said, “You are one lucky man.  Drive safe!”

3.   THIS WAS MY FAVORITE –  This Mr. and Mrs. X lived off the PacificBeach.  Mr. X loved steamed clams.  The day before Valentines Day, at night, Mrs. X and a friend went to the beach and buried a bottle of champagne, plastic glasses, clams (in Ziploc bags) a deep sauce pan, two gallons of water and lighter fluid.  She also had wood that she hid up against a cliff wall.  Now it’s not warm in February, so as the sun was just starting to rise, Mrs. X got Mr. X up and headed to the beach, with a blanket.  She drew a huge sigh of relief when nothing was bothered.  So as the sun rose into the sky Mr. and Mrs. X had a fire going, clams steaming and toasting champagne.  Now that’s love!!!

A Float Down the Canal blurb:

Not a Valentine’s Day story, but a sweet story of puppy love

and one where the underdog finally wins!!!

Twelve-year old Pam Simpson gets dumped on when her mother is called into work. She must cancel her plans for the mall to babysit her younger brother and his friend and take them to the public pool.  To make matters worse her cousin, Candy, is also coming over for the day.  She doesn’t even like Candy!

Much to Candy’s dismay, transportation to the pool is on inner tubes, floating down the canal.  One thing leads to another and it is Pam who, once again, must save the day.

When things couldn’t seem worse, the day takes a drastic turn for the better and it is Candy, and the float down the canal, that makes this the best day of Pam’s life!

About the Author:

I write stories for the young and for the young at heart.  More about my stores and myself can be found at the following links.  Stop by anytime.  I love visitors!

Thanks to Katie for having me today.  I would love to offer a PDF copy of A Float Down the Canal to one commenter who stops by and leaves an email address!

Blog in Review 2013

I hope the New Year is treating everyone well. I’m coming back to the blog feeling energized and excited about 2014. It’s shaping up to be a busy year and I’ll be sharing why at a later date (nothing like starting the year with a teaser 🙂 ). I’m keeping my writing in the bubble for a little while longer (it seems to be working), but I can tell you I’m making progress on several manuscripts. Yay!

You’re probably sick of all the best of 2013 lists and this is what happened in 2013, but I had a great year on the blog and wanted to share a few tidbits with you. As much as I enjoy my space here on the Observation Desk to share my thoughts, it’s even better when you share as well, whether with a guest post, in the comments, or by helping spread the word on social media. So thanks to all of you, my blog readers, for coming by and joining in the shenanigans.

I was tickled to see the most active day on the blog was April 16th, the anniversary of my sister’s death. It’s always a hard day and I find comfort in sharing a little piece of her with as many people as I can. On that day, I posted Thinking of Kylene and it was among the top view getters in 2014.

The announcement of Elixir Bound coming out in paperback received the most views of all the posts. It has been such a joy to have so many supporters share with me in the good news and milestone mark in my writing career. BTW…Elixir Bound is now out in paperback and ready for purchase (gotta plug my own work here) at the MuseItUp bookstore, IndieBound, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. I’ll hopefully be setting up some local signings in 2014 and will keep you all posted. For you non-locals, I can send personalized bookplates to put in your copies. Just send me a note with the contact me page. 

One of the reasons why this year was so successful was because I was more consistent posting content than in any other year, with two posts most weeks. I wouldn’t have been able to do that without guest bloggers. Thanks to all the wonderful guests who shared their stories and wisdom. Among the most viewed guest posts were Scott R. Caseley’s Twice in A Millennium Inspiration post, Anna Staniszewski’s post on writing middle grade, and an interview of Erin Albert on her debut YA fantasy The Prophecy. I’ve already got some great guest posts lined up for this year and am always open to hosting others (contact me here).

I always get a kick out of seeing some of the stranger things people have searched to come up with my site, so I’ll end with my favorites: “am i crazy or in love? how to stay grounded?”, “sweatpants say i’ve given up on life”, “i’m sorry i kicked you lilo and stitch”, “how dare you bind and gag me?”, and “stardust blowing at you”.

Happy writing and living in 2014!

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season and spreading the love. Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year, from my family to yours!


Looking ahead to 2014, I’ve got a wrap-up of 2013 coming your way, more for the Females in YA series, several guest posts already lined up, and probably more cuteness from The Boy. I’ll be back blogging on January 6th. Hope you too see all then!


Holiday Traditions from Heather Fraser Brainerd and David Fraser

Today Heather Fraser Brainerd and David Fraser have asked Josie, the main character in their JosĂ© Picada, P.I. series, to share some holiday traditions. Let’s give a big welcome to all three!

We’re Heather Fraser Brainerd and David Fraser, a sister-brother writing team. Katie graciously invited us to her blog today to talk about holiday traditions. Since we’re a little too busy getting ready for the holidays to write a guest post, we thought we’d turn it over to our main character, Josie. Hope you enjoy!

Holiday Traditions

By Josie P. Cates

Hi, I’m Josie. You might know me as the main character of Deception Al Dente and The Sound of Sirens. They’re the first two books in the José Picada, P.I. series, which is a total misnomer because the books are about me. I won’t bore you with the details. What I’m really here to talk about is holiday traditions.

So, let’s see… how do I celebrate the holidays? I guess “with family” is the expected answer. I try to avoid not only the expected, but also my family. So that’s a double whammy on that answer. Plus, my mom and stepdad live pretty far away, so it’s kind of a hassle to go there for a holiday visit. For the last several years, my Christmas Eve has been spent eating homemade Christmas cookies (I generally can’t cook worth a darn, but make some mean cookies) and watching It’s a Wonderful Life with my friend, Bobby. Sometimes we bust out the sparkling wine (a little too sweet for my taste, but Bobby likes it) and play the Wonderful Life drinking game. (Take a sip every time an angel gets his wings, etc.) Bobby and I exchange presents, usually one expensive gag gift and one small real gift. Oh, and ever since I moved in with my roommate Lou, she’s brought us leftovers from the restaurant she owns. So now Christmas Eve includes free gourmet creations. It’s pretty awesome.

Christmas morning, I sleep in. Like, till noon. Possibly later. I roll out of bed and grab a cup of coffee. Lou and I sit around and munch on more Christmas cookies and leftovers until it’s time to get ready for our festive holiday meal. Our friend Al (he’s Lou’s chef) and his dad Arthur come over. Al brings the food since, you know, he’s a chef. We supply the eggnog. Not that anyone really likes eggnog, or even drinks it, for that matter, but it’s Christmas. Eggnog is practically law. Kind of like fruitcake, which we also have and which also goes untouched. Bobby drops by after he spends time with his crazy family.

So, in summary, Christmas cookies, Wonderful Life, festive holiday meal that I cook exactly none of. Sounds pretty good, right? What are your holiday traditions like? What is a nog, and why are its eggs so gross?


Thanksgiving dinner with the family can be murder. Especially when someone is actually trying to kill you. Here’s a quick excerpt:

“Wakey wakey!”

Out of pure instinct, I karate-chopped the figure hovering next to me.


A loud thud brought me out of my REM cycle. It had been a very nice REM cycle; I’d been lounging on a tropical beach with a hunky, sparkly vampire.

“Wow, Josie, you sure do pack a wallop!” Carrie-Ann said from where she’d landed on her butt on the floor.

“Uh, thanks.” I pulled myself into a sitting position while wishing that my stepsister left me the heck alone. “What’s with the wake-up call?”

“Well,” she said, picking herself up and perching on the couch next to me. “I just wanted to wish you a happy Thanksgiving!”

“Uh, thanks,” I repeated.

“And the plucky cake is almost ready, so—”

“Plucky cake!?” Now she had my full attention. I’d almost forgotten Mom’s tradition of making this gooey, cinnamony, pull-apart coffee cake on Thanksgiving morning. Now that I thought about it, a hint of cinnamon could be detected in the air.

“Well, of course, plucky cake!” Carrie-Ann was beaming. “I made it myself!”

“Humph,” I humphed, doubtful that it could be as good as Mom’s. Not that Mom was the best cook, but this was one of her specialties.

“And it’s almost ready, so I thought I’d better turn on the parade. We have to watch the parade while we eat our plucky cake!” She picked up the remote and clicked on the huge TV, finding the right channel for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. “Ooo! Country-pop crossover superstar Jaycee Day is coming up next! I’d better hurry!”

She bounced off the couch and bounded up the stairs. I groaned and lay back down, longing for just a few more minutes with my vampire dreamboat.

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