Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Category: Guest (Page 6 of 43)

What’s Your Real Story? from Juliana Spink Mills Author of NIGHT BLADE

It’s always fun when a writing friend has a new story out and I get to share it on the Observation Desk. Let’s give a big welcome to Juliana Spink Mills as she celebrates the release of her latest book, the YA urban fantasy NIGHT BLADE

What’s Your Real Story? 

by Juliana Spink Mills

So you’ve written a novel, or novella, or short story. Well done! Now you get to the fun bit, where everyone asks you “what’s your story about?” Maybe you’ve memorized your blurb, or have a terrific ‘elevator pitch’. Hopefully you’re not like me, and don’t go red and stammer out, “uh, vampires and demons and sword stuff…?”

But what’s your story really about?

Every work of fiction has underlying themes – on purpose or accidentally – and these, to me, are the real story. Perhaps it’s tenacity, or courage, or the power of love. For instance, Harry Potter, for me, is a tale of belief. Believing in yourself, believing in your friends, trusting in the belief that your instincts are leading you in the right direction, no matter what other people say.

On the surface, my new YA urban fantasy novel Night Blade (book 2 of the Blade Hunt Chronicles) is a story of robbery and trickery, of ball gowns and politics. It has sword fights! Magic! A prophecy! Here’s the blurb:

In the aftermath of the Heart Blade’s return, Del and Rose have different roads to follow. One leads forward, the other to the distant past. Rose is on a mission to infiltrate and double-cross the ultimate heist, and retrieve a game-changing prize. Meanwhile, as the Court of the Covenant prepares to meet, Del has a quest of her own. She must untangle her lost identity or risk her entire future.

With the Blade Hunt prophecy in motion, darkness threatens to rise, and a new sword emerges from the shadows.

But halfway through writing Night Blade, I realized something. Both this book and the one before, Heart Blade, are actually about choices. Choosing your own path in life, rather than following the one you were set upon. Choosing right from wrong. Choosing your family, choosing your friends. Hard choices. Easy choices.  And things that, at the end of the day, end up being no choice at all.

I didn’t set out to write a book series about choices. I wanted exciting fight scenes, some romance, cool supernatural elements, and maybe a car chase or two. But now that I’ve noticed it, I can see that the theme has been there from the start. Realizing this has given me a whole new perspective on my writing, and when my next project is done, before I begin revising, I plan to have a good hard look at it and figure out what my underlying theme is. That way, I can reinforce it when I get to the editing stage.

A writer might set out with something they want to push from the very beginning. Or, like me, that theme may emerge in a more organic way. However these themes come to permeate a work of fiction, they’re the backbone that the story builds upon.

What’s behind your stories? The ones you read or write? Why not try taking apart some of your personal favorites to figure out what’s beneath the words?



Find NIGHT BLADE on Goodreads

About the Author:

Juliana Spink Mills was born in England, but grew up in BrazilNow she lives in Connecticut, and writes science fiction and fantasy. She is the author of Heart Blade and Night Blade, the first two books in the young adult Blade Hunt Chronicles urban fantasy series. Her short stories have appeared in anthologies and online publications. Besides writing, Juliana works as a Portuguese/English translator, and as a teen library assistant. She watches way too many TV shows, and loves to get lost in a good book. Her dream is to move to Narnia when she grows up. Or possibly Middle Earth, if she’s allowed a very small dragon of her own. Find her on her website or Twitter @JSpinkMills.

Interview of LA Dragoni Author of GUARDIAN’S TOUCH

I’m always happy to have a good writer friend guest on the Observation Desk, and LA is one of the best! It’s no wonder when I saw the answers on this author interview, which made me realize we have more in common than I thought. Check out her latest release GUARDIAN’S TOUCH, book two in the Touched by Afterlife series. There’s also a special running on book one GHOST TOUCH and a giveaway, so don’t miss out on those.

Final week of the Sale!

Welcome to the Observation Desk, LA. What made you want to become a writer in the first place?

Thanks for having me, Katie. Congratulations on your new baby. He’s adorable! (Thanks! 🙂 )

Like most writers, I’ve always written, but it was reading the Harry Potter series that really gave me the spark! I anxiously awaited the release of another book in the series, but I really missed Hogwarts. I thought to myself, “I can create a world of my own while I wait.”

GUARDIAN’S TOUCH is the second book in the Touched by Afterlife series. How does writing a second (or third or fourth…) book differ from writing the first one in a series?

It’s fun to write series because you know your characters that much better with each consecutive book. And usually your setting is familiar too, unless your characters travel around or are on a quest. For now, mine are still on Tamara’s farm, which is modeled after our old farm, a favorite place of mine.

What one book by another author do you wish you had written?

I really love emotional books. I recently listened to Me Before You by JoJo Moyes. Holy cow what a story. I had a book hangover for days. The characters popped into my head as if I expected to run into them at the store or find them in my living room when I returned home. I really didn’t want to let them go.

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring two books and one movie, what would you bring?

Goblet of Fire (the fourth Harry Potter, in case there is someone out there who doesn’t know that). It feels like the biggest turning point in the series to me. The kids are really growing up, the graveyard scene is so intense, the dance is fun, and dragons! What’s not to love?

One of Thoreau’s tomes. It wouldn’t really matter which one. They are all so impossibly long and filled with stream of consciousness and beautiful words.

It’s a toss up on the movie! Either the A&E version of Pride & Prejudice, because it’s long and I’ll have loads of time to fill, plus I’m a hopeless romantic and P & P is one of my favorite love stories ever. Or, Phantom of the Opera. Again, because it’s one of my favorite love stories, plus it has music and I like to fancy myself a good singer. I’m pretty sure I could be stranded for the rest of my life and never grow tired of that score!

What is your favorite part of the writing process? What is your least favorite part?

The first draft is my favorite part of the writing process. I’m a pantser – I write by the seat of my pants, without an outline. It never fails, about 2/3 of the way through the book I think I’ve written myself into a corner that I’ll never get out of and all of those smart things I set up have just become troublesome problems to solve. Then it all starts to fall together and I feel very pleased and extremely clever. You know how you wish you could read a really good book for the first time again? Because the discovery is part of the fun. That’s how the first draft is for me.

Least favorite part has become the marketing. Though I love to visit blogs (thank you!) and I enjoy social media, my efforts don’t always pay off and that is discouraging. My dream is to make enough money to hire an assistant.

What is the single best piece of advice you have for aspiring authors?

Read, read, read. Read books written for your target audience. Read best sellers and self-published and obscure. Learn what you like and what you don’t. When you are steeped in the books written for your target audience, then read everything else. If you write middle grade, read mystery for adults, if you write horror, read Christian romance. You will pick up on techniques that you might not have seen before that you can incorporate into your own work.

What is next for you in your writing career?

Thanks for asking! I have a time travel romance publishing in November that I’m super excited about. Readers can subscribe to my newsletter to keep up to date on that release and to be among the first to see the gorgeous cover! And I’m writing the third Touched by Afterlife book now and hope to release it in spring of 2018. I can’t even tell you the name, because it would be a bit of a spoiler for Guardian’s Touch.

Thanks for having me Katie. Good luck to your readers in the giveaway!


Life has returned to normal for Tamara and Dex after helping a horde of ghosts cross over. Their brush with the afterlife affirmed one thing: happily ever after is real.

When odd pranks around the farm escalate to destruction, Tamara fears mischievous teenagers are vandalizing the neighborhood. Then Dex starts to act out of character. Meanness slips into his usually playful disposition. One day he even ridicules a co-worker publicly. Tamara watches helplessly as he seems to lose the ability to control his own actions. When Dex’s abnormal anger turns violent—toward Tamara—their happily ever after is threatened. Desperate to help Dex and herself, she sends out a silent prayer for help.

She didn’t expect Cal to come to her aid.

Available on Amazon.

About the Author:

LA Dragoni isn’t too particular about who falls in love or where they fall in love. Whether it’s paranormal, mythical, or time travel, LA simply considers it her job to divine their story and share it with you. She lives in Central Oregon with her husband and children, but haunts ghost towns and cemeteries throughout the west, in search of the next adventure to sift through her storytelling brain. Learn more about LA and her work at

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CRASH LAND ON KURAI by SJ Pajonas Book Blitz

I’m very excited for the release of CRASH LAND ON KURAI by SJ Pajonas, one of my absolute favorite sci-fi authors. Don’t forget to check out the giveaway at the end of the post. Welcome, SJ!

Crash Land on Kurai banner

This book blitz is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 19 till 20 July. See the tour schedule here.

Crash Land on KuraiCrash Land on Kurai (Hikoboshi #1)
By SJ Pajonas
Genre: Science Fiction, Action Adventure, Space Opera
Age category: Adult
Release Date: 18 July, 2017

Yumi Minamoto has the shortest fuse on the ship. She’s just whipped a bully and been confined to quarters, but she’s not staying there. A disgraced journalist trying to clear her name, her job is to document the mission to the Hikoboshi system, and she’s determined to get it right, despite all the trouble she causes. But when unknown vessels fire on their ship, and Yumi’s life pod crash lands on a dying moon, she’s separated from her family and friends, and her mission falls to pieces. Now she must navigate the unfamiliar and deadly terrain, deal with a society she doesn’t understand, and try to stay alive until rescue comes… if it ever does.

Crash Land on Kurai is the first book in the Hikoboshi Series, an action adventure, space opera series that explores the worlds settled by the Japanese who fled Earth a century ago. Culture, history, technology, and swords clash in a fast-paced future society on the brink of war.

You can find Crash Land on Kurai on Goodreads


In the silence, a time when I was ten years old pops into my head. I was out for a hike with Kazuo, a few friends, and the family dog. Everything was off about this day. I’d gotten into a huge fight with my mom in the morning, over something stupid and insignificant. I can’t even remember what it was now. So, when I left to head out with everybody, I was in a really piss poor mood.

I hung back at the tail end of the hike, not wanting to talk to anybody about anything, just being angry about the world, my family, everything. Only the dog, Kohi-chan, was willing to spend time with me, probably because I would throw his stick whenever he wanted. Come to think of it, I was mad about some injustice involving my brothers. Since they were boys, they got all the praise in the family. That was always the way. Mom and Kazuo humored me, but even then, I was expected to fall in line.

Anyway, so there I was at the back of the trail, not paying attention. I was staring out into the forest, watching the birds, and being angry at myself and my family, when out of nowhere came a giant boar, barreling down on me. I screamed and ran as fast as I could away from it, Kohi-chan running to Kazuo, and then suddenly I was at the bottom of a gulch. I don’t remember seeing the edge of the cliff, nor my feet slipping and falling out from underneath me. Just one moment I was on my feet and running, and the next, I was lying on top of a pile of rocks with a broken arm.

That’s what falling from the sky in a life pod is like. One moment, I’m looking into the ship, the doors are closing, and I’m strapping myself in. The next, we crash land, the life pod skipping over the ground and tumbling end over end, and then everything is silent.

Read the first four chapters of Crash Land on Kurai! Get your sample here from Instafreebie!

You can buy Crash Land on Kurai here on Amazon
The book is available to read with Kindle Unlimited

Check out these teaser images for Crash Land on Kurai!

Crash Land on Kurai Teaser #1

Crash Land on Kurai Teaser #2

Crash Land on Kurai Teaser #3

SJ PajonasAbout the Author:
Stephanie (S. J.) is a writer, knitter, amateur astrologer, Capricorn, and Japanophile. She loves foxes, owls, sushi, yoga pants, Evernote, and black tea. When she’s not writing, she’s thinking about writing or spending time outside, unless it’s winter. She hates winter. Someday she’ll own a house in both hemispheres so she can avoid the season entirely. She’s a mom to two great kids and lives with her husband and family outside NYC. They have no pets. Yet. When it comes to her work, expect the unexpected. She doesn’t write anything typical. Find her online at

You can find and contact SJ Pajonas here:

There is a tour wide giveaway during the book blitz of Crash Land on Kurai. These are the prizes you can win:
– 2 winners will get a US$10 gift card and a Nogiku Series Omnibus ebook delivered via BookFunnel (valued at US$13)
– 1 winner will win a Nogiku Series Omnibus ebook delivered via BookFunnel (valued at US$13)

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:
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Book Blitz IT WAS ALWAYS YOU by Ashelyn Drake

I’m happy to welcome Ashelyn Drake (also known as Kelly Hashway) to the Observation Desk to celebrate her latest release, a contemporary romance called IT WAS ALWAYS YOU. Welcome, Ashelyn!


IT WAS ALWAYS YOU by Ashelyn Drake is live! Grab this #ContemporaryRomance today!


Aria Carmichael and Nate Dixon have the perfect friendship—completely ignoring the fact that they’ve been in love with each other for the better part of twelve years.

When a night filled with too many drinks lowers their inhibitions, they both question if they could take their relationship to a new level.

But a job opportunity threatens to put more than just physical distance between them. Will their romance end before it’s even truly begun?


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Amazon Author Page:


Grab your copy of IT WAS ALWAYS YOU on Amazon today!

Also available on #KindleUnlimited!

Cover Reveal GUARDIAN’S TOUCH Touched by Afterlife Book 2 by LA Dragoni

I’ve had the pleasure of getting an early read of LA Dragoni’s latest paranormal romance GUARDIAN’S TOUCH, Touched by Afterlife, Book 2. I have thoroughly enjoyed both books in the series and am thrilled to be part of the cover reveal for book 2. Welcome, LA!

Guardian’s Touch, Touched by Afterlife, Book 2

by LA Dragoni

Life has returned to normal for Tamara and Dex after helping a horde of ghosts cross over. Their brush with the afterlife affirmed one thing: happily ever after is real.

When odd pranks around the farm escalate to destruction, Tamara fears mischievous teenagers are vandalizing the neighborhood. Then Dex starts to act out of character. Meanness slips into his usually playful disposition. One day he even ridicules a co-worker publicly. Tamara watches helplessly as he seems to lose the ability to control his own actions. When Dex’s abnormal anger turns violent—toward Tamara—their happily ever after is threatened. Desperate to help Dex and herself, she sends out a silent prayer for help.

She didn’t expect Cal to come to her aid.

Coming August 1, 2017

Pre-order now.

Mark as to read on Goodreads.

Follow LA Dragoni on Amazon or BookBub.

Ghost Touch, Touched by Afterlife Book 1 ebook is marked down to just $0.99 for a limited time.

For fifteen minutes each night a portal opens in Tamara’s barn and a horde of ghosts spills into her yard. Their leader, Cal, a quiet, unassuming cowboy, fulfills an aching loneliness the death of Tamara’s mother left behind. Tamara can help the ghosts cross, but can she let Cal go?

Available in ebook, audiobook, and print from Amazon.

Also available on Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iTunes, and other e-tailers.


About the author:

LA Dragoni isn’t too particular about who falls in love or where they fall in love. Whether it’s paranormal, mythical, or time travel, LA simply considers it her job to divine their story and share it with you. She lives in Central Oregon with her husband and children, but haunts ghost towns and cemeteries throughout the west, in search of the next adventure to sift through her storytelling brain. Learn more about LA and her work at

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