Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Category: Events (Page 16 of 17)

ELIXIR BOUND Book Blitz Sign Up

Hi all! I’ve got a lot going on right now. We had The Boy’s third birthday last week and his birthday party over the long weekend. We went to the zoo, just me and him, the morning of his birthday and had ice cream cake that evening. Pretty low key.


For his party, I made him a fire engine birthday cake (thankfully I bought a cake pan that made the job a little bit easier) and cake pops, which took a good chunk of time. Somehow we ended up having like 30+ people at the party, so it was fun but a big time suck for me. Not so much low key.


In writing news, I have a short poem coming out in Highlights HIGH FIVE magazine. It’s a tough market to break into, so I was super excited to get an acceptance. And I have big news coming on Monday about a fun, collaborative project I’m working on to be released next year. And my mommy Tumblr blog is up and running. Not necessarily of interest to all of you, but I think even if you don’t have kids, it offers some entertaining thoughts (and the posts are super short, so not much commitment time on the reader’s part).

I’ve also been gearing up for a big promotional push for ELIXIR BOUND. The ebook will be on sale and the paperback will be up on Goodreads for a giveaway, both happening September 14th-28th. I’m currently organizing a big book blitz (and hopefully releasing the book trailer as well…if the creator of my trailer–my brother–can get his you-know-what together!). I’d love if any bloggers who have some space between the 14th and 27th could sign up.

Here’s the sign up link:

So what have you all been up to?

The Sassy Summer Book Party

You’re invited to the Sassy Summer Book Party and it starts now! Join 61 authors (including yours truly) and enter for a chance to win one of ten awesome prize packs. You can win an ecopy of my book ELIXIR BOUND in Prize Pack #2 Young Adult. Each prize pack includes a $10 Amazon gift card, books, and swag! Enter them all on Melissa A. Petreshock’s Dragon Blog.

The Cosmic Cloud Called Orion Nebula


Watch the Dragon Blog over the next two weeks as we highlight the participating authors.

Check out each prize pack to see which authors are included.

The Sassy Summer Book Party (#SSBP) is brought to you by the Sassy Sisters. 
Follow us on Twitter for for all the latest fun!
(@macpetreshock & @jlstreck)

Join the fun by using #SSBP

I’ll be featured on the Dragon Blog on Friday with the 14 other YA authors. So grab a drink and some partay snacks and enjoy!

Local Authors Day and an Interview

Today a great event will be taking place at the Milford, CT Public Library at 5:00 p.m. for Local Authors Day as Milford celebrates its 375th anniversary. I was going to be there selling signed copies of Elixir Bound, chatting about books and stuff, and giving out bookmarks, but baby boy #2 arrived late Monday night. We are both doing well, but I will not be attending the event. Don’t worry, I’ll post more about this once I wrap my head around having a new baby around.

In the meantime catch an interview of me at A Thousand Words A Million Books blog, along with a review of Elixir Bound and a giveaway. If you’re interested, some other guest posts and interviews I’ve done lately include a post on the seeds of inspiration for one of works in progress BLACK BUTTERFLY over at J.Q. Rose’s blog, one about my favorite writing spaces on the MuseItUp Tween and YA blog, an author interview on The Masquerade Crew, and a post about Sary in the real world on Meradeth Houston’s blog.

What have you all been up to lately? Any thoughts on what you’d like me to write about on the blog this summer? I’ll have an office update and probably another couple of posts in the Females in YA series, but I’m open to suggestions. 🙂

We Love Tween/YA Books Cover Scroll

Some shameless book business first…Elixir Bound was the Friday Feature on the Dragon Blog and you can enter the rafflecopter over on the post to win a copy of the book.

Okay, now on to the fun! MuseItUp Publishing is hosting a We Love Tween/YA Books event over on Facebook. Lots of MuseItUp authors (including yours truly) have been stopping in and sharing all kinds of goodies related to their books. The event runs through Thursday and is open to the public, so stop by to discover some new YA/tween authors and their amazing books!

I thought in honor of the event, I’d do a cover parade of some of the MuseItUp titles I have enjoyed (full disclosure: some of these I’ve worked on as an editor…but that doesn’t mean I can’t recommend them, right?). I’ve included links to buy them at the MuseItUp bookstore, but they can also be purchased on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and many other online book retailers. And here comes the parade (cue the upbeat marching band music!).

First up some paranormal titles:

Wanted_50edb2254d98d.jpg YA paranormal romance WANTED by Annika James


Tex__The_Witch_B_5075ce85d7bd3.jpgYA paranormal TEX, THE WITCH BOY by Stuart R. West


Upcoming MG paranormal THE UNWANTED GIFT by K.L. Pickett





Colors_Like_Memo_4f9abb2fd7729.jpg   The_Chemistry_of_515cd75442997.jpg   

YA paranormals COLORS LIKE MEMORIES, THE CHEMISTRY OF FATE, and the upcoming SURRENDER THE SKY, all in Meradeth Houston’s Sary Society Series.

And for you fantasy fans:

Beware_of_the_Wh_5172dc9d45f3b.jpg MG fantasy BEWARE OF THE WHITE by Kai Strand

The_Shadow_of_th_506cb32fdc4a8.jpgMG fantasy THE SHADOW OF THE UNICORN: THE LEGACY by Suzanne de Montigny















If you’re in the mood for a little mystery, don’t miss these next titles:

Julius_Caesar_Br_51b9c56576f3a.jpg MG humor JULIUS CAESAR BROWN AND THE GREEN GAS MYSTERY by Ace Hansen


The_Master_s_Boo_50a8ef0128483.jpg YA thriller THE MASTER’S BOOK by Philip Coleman



YA mystery ISOSCELES by Scott R. Caseley






And finally for those fans of contemporary:

Cascades_5164a05636516.jpgYA CASCADES by Rick Taliaferro


A_Horse_Called_T_4eaae9ef0b56f.jpg YA A HORSE CALLED TROUBLE by C.K. Volnek







Nothin____But_Ne_5154cc8154e13.jpg MG NOTHIN’ BUT NET by Kris Rutherford


 MG MAYBE IT’S MAGIC by K.L. Pickett







I’d love to see what MuseItUp YA/tween books you all recommend in the comments! 🙂

Book Signing at Bank Square Books Wrap Up

So as I’m sure you all know, I had my first book signing event at Bank Square Books in Mystic, CT last Saturday. Mystic is a fantastic town and I was thrilled my first signing was there and at a great indie store as well.

Admittedly, this photo is from last September when I was in Mystic on vacation, but it gives a good sense of what the town is like.

Admittedly, this photo is from last September when I was in Mystic on vacation, but I didn’t take nearly as many pictures on Saturday as I should have and this gives a good sense of what the town is like.

I brought along my trusty entourage of my brother (the muscle to carry all my materials) and my mom (moral support extraordinaire). I talked to lots of people (including catching up with my 2nd cousin once removed who lives in Mystic), gave out a bunch of bookmarks, and sold some books (some even to complete strangers!). All in all, I’d call it a successful event.

My display of books and bookmarks...lovely bookmark fan the creative work of my brother!

My display of books and bookmarks…lovely bookmark fan the creative work of my brother (now he can’t say I never give him credit for anything!).

A new reader and the baby bump making an appearance as well!

A new reader and the baby bump making an appearance as well!

We even made it home in time to watch the UConn men’s basketball team win their Final Four game! I know it was a little far for my some of local friends to make it, and I’m hoping to book a signing a little closer to home, but baby time is fast approaching so we’ll have to see about that. And I’ve got to admit it kind of exhausted me a bit…took a nice long nap Sunday afternoon.

How was your weekend?


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