Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Category: Books (Page 78 of 81)

Elixir Bound Cover Reveal

The good stuff just keeps rolling on in! I have a special treat for you in this month’s WIP Wednesday post: the cover of Elixir Bound!

There’s so many great details. The bottle of Elixir at the top, the vine of little white flowers, and the main character, Katora. I love her expression. When I first saw the cover, I almost didn’t notice the shape of mountains at the bottom (a wonderful depiction of The Sleeping Giant mountain range from the book). The best part: what else but my name…on the cover of a book!!!

*Sighs* with contentment.

Seriously, though, the blog has gotten way too writerly/booky lately. I promise I’ll be branching out with some different topics. Look for some science updates, more magnetic poetry, maybe a fun anecdote or two. All that and more to come on my new website. That’s right…my website is just about ready. My next (and last post on blogger) will guide you to my new website.

What have all of you been up to?

A Promised Announcement

Astute readers, you may remember at the beginning of last month I mentioned I had a big announcement. The time has come to tell you I have another book besides Elixir Bound coming out soon (not sure of the release date yet, but maybe even before Elixir). And guess what? It’s a picture book!

“A picture book?” you say. “But, Katie, you’ve never mentioned anything about a picture book. I thought you only wrote novels.”

Well, you thought wrong. My picture book The Bedtime Knight is coming out through MeeGenius! as a picture book app. The illustrations are being worked on right now (okay, maybe not this second, but the text is finalized and with the illustrator right now).

It’s going to be an exciting summer. I’ve got a certain milestone birthday next month. The Boy will be turning one. And, of course, Elixir Bound (and now maybe The Bedtime Knight) will be out in the big, wide world.

Oh, I almost forgot…I’ve been hard at work on a new website, which I hope to be lauching very soon. That means the Observation Desk will be making a cyber-move from Blogger to WordPress. No worries, I’m taking you all with me!

Yes, Dear Reader, an E-book is a Real Book

DEAR WRITER: I am a young-at-heart reader.
Some of my friends say an e-book isn’t a book at all.
Daddy says, ‘If you see it on the Observation Desk it must be so.’
Please tell me the truth; is an e-book a real book?”


READER, your friends are wrong. They are stuck in an ancient world. They cannot adapt with the times and long for the days when oral storytelling was the main form of sharing tales. Human nature dictates they fight against any form of change or evolution.

Yes, READER, an e-book is a real book. It is as much a book as a song played on an iPod is real music or verse scribbled on a bathroom wall is a real poem. A print book is not a book itself, not if you take a look at all the definitions of the word. “Book” is a noun, a verb, an adjective. It can be a set of matches or a record of bets. It can be making a reservation or entering an official charge against a criminal. It can describe a department in a store.

An e-book not a book! Do your friends also not believe in magic? Magic is having hundreds of stories at your fingertips with one click of a button. It’s escaping into a world you never experienced on this plane of existence, whether historical, realistic, or fantastical. It’s feeling a character is so real you mourn their loss when the story ends.

No, you can’t physically flip an e-book’s pages or smell its moldering pages, but none of that makes a book. The words are the important part. They are woven together into sentences and paragraphs that can bring a story to life in your mind. Therein lies the power of a book, the divine communication between writer and reader to create. No need for paper and ink and bindings.

You can try and fathom what form a book will take in the future, but the form is not the thing. A million years from now a print book, an e-book, a feed directly into your brain, they will all be real books. Care not about how you get the story, care about getting it. Read print books, read e-books. Just read. Fill yourself with the knowledge, emotions, fun, love that is a good book and you will have a rich life indeed.

Colors Like Memories by Meradeth Houston

Please put your hands together for Meradeth Houston author of Colors Like Memories, a YA Paranormal released from MuseItUp Publishing on May 11th.

Meradeth is having a giveaway for her blog tour. Anyone who comments on this or any other post from her tour will be entered into a drawing. Two lucky winners will receive a copy of Colors Like Memories and one winner will get a $25 gift card for Amazon or Barnes and Noble (full details on Meradeth’s blog).

A bit about the Colors Like Memories:

Julia has a secret: she killed the guy she loved. It was an accident—sort of. 

Julia is a Sary, the soul of a child who died before taking her first breath. Without this ‘breath of life’ she and others like her must help those on the verge of suicide. It’s a job Julia used to enjoy, until the accident that claimed her boyfriend’s life—an accident she knows was her fault. If living with the guilt weren’t enough, she’s now assigned to help a girl dealing with the loss of her mother, something Julia’s not exactly the best role model for. If she can’t figure out a way to help her, Julia’s going to lose her position in the Sary, something she swore to her boyfriend would never happen.

Meradeth (being the good sport she is) agreed to take on the challenge of creating some original work based on the infamous magnetic poetry that graces my refrigerator. She said she channeled this ditty from her main character, Julia:

Some say, cliché,
It is better to loved, & lost,
Than to have never loved at all.
But to imagine life,
With-out light,
Heart, or warmth,
Makes this dream,
A night(mare).
Sweet essential release,
Would be a tremendous grace,
If this time
Is a dream.

Don’t be jealous of her poetic prowess. She admits to having some experience in this area, “My roommates and I used to have several sets on our fridge in college and we were always playing with them, though there were times when we’d have to rush and take them all down before a boyfriend could enter the kitchen—they weren’t always, er, polite…”

She also offered this magnetic line from the writerly part of herself:

My manuscript is not a dictionary, or a dream, but a vacation from the present.
Meradeth’s never been a big fan of talking about herself, but if you really want to know, here are some random tidbits about her:
~She’s a Northern California girl. This generally means she talks too fast and use “like” a lot.
~When she’s not writing, she’s sequencing dead people’s DNA. For fun!
~She’s been writing since she was 11 years old. It’s her hobby, her passion, and she’s so happy to get to share her work!
~If she could have a super-power, it would totally be flying. Which is a little strange, because she’s terrified of heights.
Thanks for stopping by the Observation Desk, Meradeth!

WIP Wednesday’s the second Wednesday of the month…and this is my first blog post of the month…sigh…where does the time go?

FINALLY finished my latest round of edits on Elixir Bound. Over the years I have gotten much better at revising, but I still wouldn’t say I like doing it. I love the thrill of a new idea, letting it marinate in my brain, the tendrils growing into a plot and characters. Furtive moments of writing snippets in my notebook because I just can’t help but get these thoughts on paper. The possibilities are wide open, no disappointment that the words fall short of the image in my mind.

Revision is a slow slog though the vomit of words that made it to the manuscript, have been pored over a million times, and still don’t quite meet expectations. If I have to transform another HAD, WAS, THAT into more interesting language, I might just (oh, JUST is another one of those words I’m trying to cut out!) throw my computer through the kitchen slider.

Wait, what am I talking about? I’ve been waiting years to work with an editor on my manuscript to whip it into publishable shape. In that case, I LOVE revising. Too bad I can’t stop thinking about that new story…the one I haven’t even officially started writing yet. I look forward to the day I am sick of that story!

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