Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Category: Books (Page 73 of 81)

Priscilla Brown author of Nothing But Love

Today Elixir Bound is being featured on Juniper Grove, complete with a giveaway of the book. In the meantime, fellow Muse author Priscilla Brown is visiting all the way from across the world to discuss her humorous contemporary romance Nothing But Love (check out my Goodreads review).

NBLcoverPriscilla, what made you want to become a writer?

Encouraged initially by a wonderful English teacher in high school, I’ve always enjoyed language and playing with words.

What inspired you to write Nothing But Love?

A real-life couple’s unusual meeting circumstances stayed in my story bank, and this became the first scene in Nothing But Love. Also, for the main location I wanted to use an isolated weather-beaten setting.

At what moment did you truly begin to feel like an author?

Cheekily, when my first magazine article was published, long before I started to write fiction; this ‘author feeling’ suffered several dents until I received my first acceptance from MuseItUp.

What is your favorite part of the writing process? What is your least favorite part?

I would rather edit, self-edit and work with a publisher’s editor, than produce new text. My least favorite, as I believe applies to many authors, is the dreaded synopsis.

What is the single best piece of advice you have for aspiring authors?

Never bin any writing—characters, scraps of dialog, descriptions—and read through them when you’re stuck. One or more from this story bank may spark a new narrative or fit perfectly in an ms that’s giving you trouble.

What is next for you in your writing career?

Editing my next contracted ms for MuseItUp, and interrogating my story bank for the missing middle of a novel for which I’ve written the beginning and ending.

And here’s the fun part…below are three list of words from the magnetic refrigerator poetry set…please write up a little piece of poetry or prose from these words. 

The brain attic was full with this ghost idea, page after page, for book use one day.

Nothing But Love blurb:

Being almost run over by Alistair is Cassandra’s introduction to life in the fun lane. Both fresh out of inappropriate relationships and jobs, each is novelty value for the other. But the exes are pulling tricks to be reinstated. So can Cassie’s passion for crafting silver jewelry and Al’s for woodcraft keep them fed? And is this fizzing too-much-too-soon chemistry suitable for the long haul?

Nothing But Love is available from the MuseItUp Publishing bookstore and Amazon.

VLUU L100, M100  / Samsung L100, M100About the Author:

Priscilla lives in regional New South Wales, Australia; her district is well-supplied with cafes in which she does much llistening, observing, scribbling and keeping up the caffeine.

Meet Scott R. Caseley Author of Isosceles

Please give a warm welcome to fellow Muse author Scott R. Caseley and his YA mystery Isosceles as he shares a satirical piece of flash fiction about the writing process.


“Twice in A Millennium Inspiration”

Written by Scott R. Caseley

Swedish Translations provided by Tanja Pihlblad

Like millions of other people around the globe, I bought and read Stieg Larsson’s ‘Millennium’ trilogy for a book club. While I struggled to get past a lot of the Swedish in the text, I found myself most impressed by his Salander character. Two other club members, Jackie, an American and her fiancée, a Swede named Anders had seen both film versions of “Dragon Tattoo”. While she preferred Noomi Repace in the title role, he was a fan of Rooney Mara. When a heated argument sprung up one night at the library after a book club meeting over which performance was better, I settled it by telling them I would watch both and be the tiebreaker.

“Maybe you’ll get ideas for your next book, too, win-win,” Jackie said with a kind smile. I appreciated it, but her kindness was as constant as my writer’s block both of which had been a part of my life for several years now. I once wrote one novel, a psychological thriller. It received some decent press and sales were not bad for an unknown like me. Since then, my ink well was dry, and the creative part of my brain was on pause.

“We’ll see,” I smirked.

“Go for it, min vän.” Anders said patting me on the back with confidence. He often called me ‘min vän’. I just smiled and agreed though I didn’t know what it meant. I didn’t want him to see me as a stereotypical American who could only speak one language. Though, in fact, sadly I am.

After they left, I perused the video section, which had to have at least three thousand titles. There was an attractive brunette, around my age of twenty-five in the comedy section. When she selected a DVD and held it in her hands, I did a quick check and noticed she didn’t have a wedding band. It had been forever since my last date, but I decided against trying to pick her up. It was difficult enough trying to create clever lines for dialogue for a fictitious piece, let alone an icebreaker to impress a woman. With my tail between my legs, I selected both ‘Tattoo’ films and headed to the counter to check them out.

I watched the Swedish version first and enjoyed the pacing and the action, Noomi’s Salander was deadly, dangerous, and of course, her spiked hair was hot too. I took my phone out of my pocket to see there were seventeen new text messages and all from Jackie and Anders to see which Salander was my choice. Rather than answer them, I popped in the Blu Ray for the Fincher adaptation and began to watch. Mara seemed to immerse herself in the character, making her lethal yet vulnerable. Fincher’s deft direction kept me on the edge of my seat though I knew the story well from both the novel and the Swedish version. When the credits rolled, I felt inspired by both films and convinced myself I needed to write a compelling thriller with a strong female protagonist. But, first I needed to get some sleep.

As a writer, you’d think my imagination would lend itself to impressive dreams with dynamic visuals and compelling action, but alas the reality was they were pretty humdrum. Usually just a retelling of an event that happened in my waking life, or so uninteresting, they aren’t worth repeating here. However, on this ‘Tattoo’ marathon night, my dream got off to a dramatic start.

Rain was coming down sounding like nature’s rendition of Beethoven’s “Moonlit Sonata”, in a haunting and peaceful way. I sat on the couch in my living room reading the latest Young Adult novel by Marysue Hobika on my Kindle. A clap of thunder drowned out the beautiful concerto and I was startled when someone burst through my front door. I powered down my ereader and headed into the kitchen where the attractive brunette from the library stood wearing all black and was drenched from head to toe. She lit up a cigarette and began trembling as she held it and inhaled deeply. Her eyes seemed dangerous, so I hesitated to tell her smoking wasn’t allowed in my apartment.

She removed the cigarette from her lips and spoke nervously, “Hej” I sat down at the kitchen table, and observed her, not knowing what to say, as I couldn’t understand what she said. My smartphone was on the table, I picked it up, and discreetly scanned it for a translate app to see if I could type the word she said, though I didn’t know how to spell it. Was it haj, hij, or hej? Because of my Larsson overdose, I did know it was Swedish, so that was at least a start. I did a quick search for translation apps on Google and found one. I downloaded it, and thanks to my Wi-Fi connection, it took a matter of seconds.

“Jag heter Annika—” as she spoke, the most amazing thing happened, English words in white text started to form in front of her chest revealing she said her name was Annika. “Vad är detta, engelska undertexter framför mig? Hur gjorde du det?” (What is this, English subtitles in front of me? How did you do that?) I could have answered her in English and had the app do Swedish subtitles for her, but I was far too awestruck at what was going on to do so. “Jag heter Annika och kommer från Västerås, Sverige, även kallad  ‘gurkstaden’.” (My name is Annika, I’m from Västerås, Sweden, often nicknamed the Cucumber City).

“Hi, I’m Andy Schmidt,” as I told her my name, a smile came across her face. Then, I realized, Duh, she must know who I am, she did come to my apartment after all.

“Jag har förstått att du är författare. Jag sitter på en riktigt bra story som sker framför ögonen på mig på mitt jobb. Det kommer helt klart bli en bestseller. Här är detaljerna.” (I understand you are a writer. I have quite a story unfolding where I work that will be a Bestseller for sure. Here are the details.) Intrigued as I was about the prospect of a new story, a Bestseller no less, part of me was dubious about receiving an idea under these circumstances. Whatever the story was, it must’ve been something very hazardous, since she came to my apartment, looking like a scared child. However, the writer in me won over the protective side.

Sensing none of my trepidation, she continued on, “Jag jobbar som studievägledare på ett universitet och jag hörde av misstag skolans Dekan tala med hennes elevassistent vid vaktmästarens förråd. Dekanens man är konstkurator vid det lokala historiska museet där några antika föremål blivit stulna från ett av rummen. Misstankar riktades mot honom, men nu är han också försvunnen. Hon måste tro att hennes assistent är den enda som kan hjälpa henne att hitta både honom och de försvunna föremålen!” (I am a counselor at a university, and I overheard the Dean speaking to her student assistant by the janitor’s closet. The Dean’s husband is curator at the local historical society where some antiquities were stolen from one of the rooms. He was suspected of taking them, but now he has vanished too. She must believe that her assistant is the only one who can help her find him and the missing items.)

“Nå, vad tycker du? Gillar du det?” (What do you think? You like?) I read the subtitles and smiled like a maniac eager to start putting pen to paper. I knew the best thing would be to start taking notes. I reached for a newspaper sprawled out before me, and removed a pen from my pocket. Just as I began to write, she grabbed me by the wrist. Her grip was callused and intimidating. I glanced up, her eyes boring into me with fiery intensity. I sensed whatever she would say next, I wouldn’t need the subtitles to know it wasn’t going to be good, “Det finns mycket mer men det kostar. Fem miljoner, varav tre i förskott.” (There’s a lot more but it’s going to cost you. Five million, three up front.)

“I don’t have that kind of money,” I admitted out loud, thankful she didn’t speak English, because I was afraid of what she would do to me if she knew how destitute I was.

“Fine, I should have known better than to come here. I’ll get Gillian Flynn’s agent’s number and pitch the idea. She could always use another Bestseller,” she spoke with a southern accent. I was too in shock to speak.  Before I could say anything in response, I heard my phone ringing in my pocket, the unmistakable sound of “Moonlit Sonata”.

My eyes snapped open; I was on the couch with my phone sitting in the palm of my hand. The screen indicated ‘1 New Voicemail’ from ‘Unknown Caller’. I pressed the Voicemail key and pressed the phone to my ear, “Hi, I hope I’m dialing the right number, I’m trying to reach Andrea Schmidt. This is so awkward. My name is Stephanie, I saw you in the library yesterday renting the ‘Dragon Tattoo’ films and they’re two of my favorite movies. I was wondering if you would like to watch them with me sometime. You might have seen me there, I was in the video section when you were picking them up and I got your number from the librarian.” She then left her number, and I debated about whether to call her back.

I ended up writing five pages based on what Annika told me in the dream, and then I called up the real woman to agree to meet for coffee sometime. If that went well, then maybe watch a movie with her. I didn’t want to rush things, besides I had a novel to write now.

About Isosceles:

When he finds his best friend Trey Goodsby dead and almost completely submerged in a bathtub filled with bloody water, Sean McIntyre is determined to find out if it was an accident or suicide. If it was suicide, why did he do it? And, did his death accidental or intentional have anything to do with Madeline Edwards, the woman who came between them constantly through their thirteen-year friendship? Isosceles, a coming-of-age mystery romance begins with the death of Trey Goodsby, and explores his relationships with family, friends, his romances, and which of the circumstances he found himself in that led to the tragic event, and the repercussions for those he left behind. Purchse at:

MuseItUp Publishing

Amazon UK


Coffee Time Romance & More


About the Author:

Scott R. Caseley was born in Nashua, New Hampshire. He gained an interest in writing in elementary school in nearby Hudson. Growing up, he carried a small notebook or pen on family trips making observations and frequently turned them into poems or short stories. While attending Franklin Pierce University, he co-wrote and co-directed a student film. After graduating, he wrote and directed a dramatic feature, co-wrote and directed a documentary and conducted interviews for an online magazine. He’s also passionate about acting, and he’s enjoyed performing on stage, in bit parts on film, and is also a trained voice actor. In addition to his creative pursuits, he is passionate about healthy living. He follows a fitness regimen consisting of several activities such as; weight training, walking, swimming, yoga, and hula hooping. He complements this by cooking several nutritious examples of international and American cuisine. Last, but certainly not least he also enjoys just spending time with family and friends until the early morning hours with plenty of laughter and coffee. You can find Scott on:


Twitter: @scottrcaseley



The Book Bag: Touching the Surface and Enthralled

I have in my possession the infamous book bag. It’s kind of like the traveling pants of my sisters, my mom, my sister’s wife, and I. The bag has two quotes on it: “When I get a little money, I buy books; and if any is left, I buy food and clothes.” (Erasmus) and “My best friend is a person who will give me a book I have not read.” (Abraham Lincoln).

There aren’t too many rules to the book bag. Add as many books as you want. Read as many books as you want. Keep it for as long as you want (or until you get tired of being harassed by the other bookees). When the bag cycles back to you, take out your old books and add in some new ones. There is a journal that goes along with it for jotting down your thoughts on your own books or others (or none).

Here is what is in the bag for me to choose from (I’ll probably try and read them all (if I haven’t already read them…I’m looking at you Will Grayson, Will Grayson), even though some of them are *gasp* adult books).

Code Name Verity   Tears of the Desert: A Memoir of Survival in Darfur   Lone Wolf

Will Grayson, Will Grayson   I Am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced   Between Shades of Gray   Say You're One of Them

The challenging part for me is to try and include books my twin-not-twin hasn’t already borrowed. Here are the books I will be adding to the bag. I thought Enthralled  would be a good one because it’s an anthology of short stories. The other bookees can read whatever stories tickle their fancy and skip the rest. Touching the Surface is by Kimberly Sabatini, who is an awesome person who wrote an awesome book, so of course I want everyone to read that one.

Enthralled: Paranormal Diversions  Touching the Surface

What books have you read lately that you’d like to share with others? Oh, and one last thing. There is still time to enter to win Annika James’ WantedJust leave a comment in the post below.

Annika James author of Wanted and Giveaway

Please give a warm welcome to fellow Muse author Annika James. Her paranormal YA Wanted came out last Friday (check out my sparkly review over on Goodreads). To win a copy of Wanted in the ebook format of your choice, simply leave a comment below. Winner will be randomly chosen. UPDATE: The giveaway is over and the winner has been chosen.

First, I have to thank Katie for having me here today!

Wanted is full of vampires and witches. In fact, not one of my characters is fully human. I choose to write paranormal because it is the genre that interests me the most.

Ever since I was younger, I have been interested in reading books about other beings. The first books I can remember reading were L.J. Smith’s The Secret Circle and The Vampire Diaries books, along with books by Christopher Pike and R.L. Stine. I think those early influences helped inspire my characters today.

As I got older, I expanded into Laurell K. Hamilton, Kim Harrison, J.R. Ward, and so many more authors. I loved the worlds of the previous three authors – how the paranormal was normal. That is what I strove for when creating my characters. I wanted a world where vampires and witches lived side by side with humans and no one thought anything about it. I wrote my characters like I would if were writing something not paranormal, then I simply added in their supernatural abilities.

With Ash, I did research on modern Wicca, and tried to add true elements of witchcraft into her character. She references the goddess several times, she casts circles, and she is affiliated with the elements. I wanted her to be a realistic witch, though with more power.

My vampires are different. They are not dead, that we know, and they do not have many limits – they can be out during the daytime, they only need to feed every couple days, they can eat and drink like humans, they age up to a certain point. I didn’t really have a formula when I began writing Wanted. I wanted my vampires to be mainstream, yet still have that romantic lure to them. Conor and Matt are simply dudes I created who I would like to hang out with. They just happen to drink blood.

When I was writing them, I thought of them as any other character, then added in the paranormal elements as I went. Tre was easier to write because he’s the bad guy. To me, he was the stereotypical bad vampire, so the vampness in him came easy.

For me, writing the paranormal was mostly natural, because it is what I’ve loved for so many years. My characters are a mish-mash of so many inspirations, along with my own ideas. It was so fun to write about Ash, Conor, and Matt, and I’m pretty sure we have not heard the last of them. After all, we all want to know what will happen with the knowledge they gained at the end of Wanted.

The vampire world I created still has secrets yet to be revealed. In Wanted, we really only get to know the young vampires, we don’t yet know how they stop aging, or what happens after they do.

I hope you enjoy reading Wanted as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please feel free to contact me with questions or comments, I love hearing from readers!

About Wanted:

Attacked as a young witch and left for dead, Ashlinn is deathly afraid of being bitten again. Having survived until she’s almost eighteen without donating blood to any of her vamp friends, Ashlinn figures she’ll continue to live bite-free. After her crush reveals how powerful she is, however, the Vampire Council declares she be claimed as a familiar, which requires biting. Ashlinn doesn’t want to be owned, even by hot vamp, Conor. Luckily, her best friend, Matt, volunteers for the job. She is given one week to choose her protector, and the list of willing biters keeps growing. Will she go with best friend Matt, hot vamp Conor, or someone else to protect her? Will she be able to get her power under control by then? Will she overcome her phobia of being bitten? And who says she needs to be protected, anyhow?

Wanted is available at the MuseItUp bookstore, Amazon, and other ebook retailers.

About Annika:

Annika James lives in small-town Wisconsin with her husband and two beautiful kiddos. She spends her days working to pay the bills and her nights dreaming of more fun ways to do so. Her passions include writing, reading, music and traveling with her family. She dreams of a world where vampires and powerful witches really exist, because life would be so much more interesting. For more about Annika visit her blog, Facebook page, or Goodreads page.

A Year on My Bookshelf: 2012

I fell a little behind in my book reading this year. I managed to read 47 books, about 20 behind what I normally read. There are many reasons for that (having a toddler, working two jobs for a few months, having my own book come out and promoting it, and lots of reading time devoted to my editorial duties), but I don’t like to make excuses (Hah! Even though I just listed all my excuses out!).

My full list of books is on my Shelfari sidebar (just look to your right…you may have to scroll down a little) and on my Goodreads page. Still I wanted to highlight a handful of the books I found noteworthy and some I’m looking forward to reading this year.

Let’s start with books from authors I personally know (either in person or through the interweb). In the order I read them:

   Liar's Moon (Thief Errant, #2)  Truth (XVI, #2)     Olivia Bean, Trivia Queen

Colors Like Memories     Exiled: Autumn's PerilFlashback

The Raven Boys (Raven Cycle, #1)      Touching the Surface     Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Extra Credit (Charlie Joe Jackson, #2)


Okay, now some from authors I don’t personally know (except for maybe stalking them on the Interweb), but that I wish I personally knew. In the order I read them:

Across the Universe (Across the Universe, #1)   The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1)   Bitterblue (Graceling Realm, #3)

 Froi of the Exiles (Lumatere Chronicles, #2)  Graffiti Moon    The Fault in Our Stars

 This is Shyness (This is Shyness, #1)    Pandemonium (Delirium, #2)   The Storyteller

And finally some titles I’m looking forward to reading in 2013 (okay, the first two I’ve already finished and the third one I’m currently reading, but the rest I’m still looking forward to reading). In random order:

The Voice of Thunder    Code Name Verity    Quintana of Charyn (Lumatere Chronicles, #3)

Prophecy (The Dragon King Chronicles, #1)    Touch of Death (Touch of Death #1)    The Flame In The Mist

The Shadow of the Unicorn: The Legacy (The Shadow of the Unicorn, #1)     Geeks, Girls and Secret Identities    Blaze (or Love in the Time of Supervillains)

I know there are a lot more books I want to read, and even more that will pop up as the years goes on, but I included a sampling here. What were your best reads of 2012 and what are looking forward to reading this year?

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