Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Category: Books (Page 68 of 81)

Hold Tight by Cherie Colyer Cover Reveal

Thanks to everyone who has taken a minute to vote for Elixir Bound’s cover in the You Gotta Read June cover contest. There’s still time to vote here (cover #10) if you haven’t already. In the meantime, give some more cover love for Cherie Colyer’s upcoming YA paranormal romance Hold Tight, plus a new cover for book #1 in the series Embrace.

HoldTight_Sample1Title:  Hold Tight (Embrace, #2)

Author: Cherie Colyer

Publisher: Omnific Publishing

Genre:  Paranormal Romance

Age Group: Young Adult

Expected release date:  August 20, 2013

Book Description:

Sixteen-year-old Madison Riley and her friends discover they aren’t the only supernatural beings in Gloucester, Massachusetts. These new creatures are more dangerous than ever, and this time Madison risks losing more than just her friends. Find it on Goodreads.

EmbraceFINALTitle: Embrace (Embrace, #1)

Author: Cherie Colyer

Publisher: Omnific Publishing

Genre:  Paranormal Romance

Age Group: Young Adult

Released: December 2012

Book Description:

Madison is familiar enough with change, and she hates everything about it. Change took her long-term boyfriend away from her. It caused one of her friends to suddenly hate her. It’s responsible for the death of a local along with a host of other mysterious happenings. But when Madison meets a hot new guy, she thinks her luck is about to improve. Madison is instantly drawn to the handsome and intriguing Isaac Addington. She quickly realizes he’s a guy harboring a secret, but she’s willing to risk the unknown to be with him. Her world really spins out of control, however, when her best friend becomes delusional, seeing things that aren’t there and desperately trying to escape their evil. When the doctors can’t find the answers, Madison seeks her own. Nothing can prepare her for what she is about to discover. Dangerous, intoxicating, and darkly romantic, Embrace is a thriller that will leave you spellbound. Find it on Goodreads.

Cheri_Colyer_pictureAbout the Author:

Cherie Colyer writes young adult and middle grade novels. She loves finding new stories that keep her up late reading. While her favorite genre is realistic paranormal/fantasy, if the book is beautifully written with characters that come alive she’s all over it. Find her on Facebook or Twitter @CherieColyer.



Meet Jeff Chapman Author of Highway 24

While I’m off doing my first ever school visit, Jeff Chapman is holding down the fort (ummm, blog) with an interview about his ghost story Highway 24 (see my Goodreads review here). Welcome, Jeff!

Highway 24 333x500What made you want to become a writer?

I don’t know. I loved reading from a young age and it seemed like a natural progression to writing your own stories. I have a compulsion to write but I haven’t always been so serious about it. A few years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. Fortunately it was caught very early. Nothing wakes you up to your mortality like a brush with a potentially fatal disease. At that point I decided if I wanted to be a writer I should become serious about it because the clock is ticking.

What books have had the most influence on you as a writer?

John Gardner’s The Art of Fiction: Notes on Craft for Young Writers. The first time I read that book, I gave up writing for awhile. I was making many of the mistakes he talks about. I came back to it later and found I wasn’t making those mistakes any more. I guess the lessons from the first reading had taken root.

If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring two books and one movie, what would you bring?

I think everyone gets to bring the Bible to these islands or maybe it’s already there. My two books would beThe Lord of the Rings (I could read that over and over again and never get bored) and Crime and Punishment (another long book that you can chew on for a long time. It also reminds me of winter. I don’t like to be hot). For a movie, that would be a tossup between Das Boot (I like submarines) and The French Lieutenant’s Woman (I’m a sucker for costume dramas).

What was the hardest part of writing this book for you? And on the flip side what was the easiest?

I don’t know how many times I revised/rewrote the first section (Paul’s initial encounter with the ghost). The first part of story sets the tone for the rest of it so it’s important to get it right and sometimes very hard. The easiest parts were the secondary characters: the preacher and the caretaker at the cemetery. Those two came to me fully formed. All I had to do was transcribe what they were saying.

Have you ever had a paranormal experience yourself?

No, I haven’t. Not sure if I want to. But I have driven on some lonely highways and they are definitely creepy at night.

What is something funny/weird/exceptional about yourself that you don’t normally share with others in an interview?

I love cats. I had three when I was growing up and I have two now. Cats and I connect. We seem to understand each other.

And here’s the fun part…below are three list of words from the magnetic refrigerator poetry set…if you so choose, please write up a little piece of poetry or prose from these words.

There’s a ground squirrel in the attic, digging for the nut of our skeletons that we keep beneath the shadows of the steps. I step in a cold puddle of sour take out. I give up the climb. He will find not but the dark manuscript of my soul up there and the dead dancing in a breeze. Why investigate? A spider will manacle him.

Highway 24 blurb:

On a lonely country highway, a young travelling salesman runs down a teenage girl. It was an accident. Why she was wandering around on a highway in a pink, formal dress, he can’t imagine. There’s no doubt she’s dead. Fear takes over and he flees the scene, absently taking one of her shoes with him. An old memory, something familiar about that shoe, struggles to surface. As he speeds away from the accident, he thinks his nightmare can’t get any worse, until he sees a pair of green eyes in his rear-view mirror. The shoe and those eyes lead him to a small town where he meets an all too knowing preacher and a sheriff obsessed with the girl’s tragic demise. As Paul digs deeper into the mystery of the girl and her shoe, he comes face-to-face with a dark secret from his father’s past.

Highway 24 is available at the MuseItUp bookstore, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other ebook retailers.

Jeff_chapman-headshot-small-80x109About the author:

Jeff Chapman writes software by day and speculative fiction when he should be sleeping. His tales range from fantasy to horror and they don’t all end badly. He lives with his wife, children, and cats in a house with more books than bookshelf space. You can find him musing about words and fiction at

Shameless Plug: Vote for the Cover of Elixir Bound

Elixer_Bound_300dpiA lot of you have expressed your love for the cover of Elixir Bound, created by the talented C.K. Volnek. I, too, love this cover and really appreciate the level of detail on it…and I really can’t wait to see it on the cover of the paperback (update: looks like a late summer release date)!

So I wanted to let you all know that the Elixir Bound cover is one of You Gotta Read’s entries for the June cover contest. The entry should be posting today (entry #10), and voting starts June 21 and goes until June 26. If it places in the top 3, I’ll get some free advertising on their website.

On a less pluggy note, great weather here in CT this weekend. We took a walk to the beach on Saturday and on Sunday went strawberry picking and did the wine tasting at the farm’s winery. Love those fresh strawberries, but it was early in the season so the pickings were a bit slim. May have to go back in a couple of weeks when all those green berries are red. How was your weekend?

Meet Lauren Boyd Author of Baking Love

I’m very pleased to welcome Lauren Boyd author of the contemporary romance Baking Love (see my Goodreads review here). She is sharing some great advice on what to do before submitting…welcome, Lauren!

Small_coverWhat You Should Know Before You Query Your Manuscript

So your manuscript is finished and ready to query? Congratulations! Before you do, here are a few helpful hints you might want to keep in mind:

Make sure to follow the guidelines of the literary agents and publishers you’re querying. Agents and publishers generally lay out what they are—and are not—looking for on their websites. Submitting your work to an agent/publisher who doesn’t specialize in your genre, submitting your work to more than one agent at a literary agency, and/or submitting your work to an agent/publisher who is currently closed to queries could all result in a rejection letter. Which leads me to my next point…

In this business, rejection is common—dare I say, the norm. If you’re a writer, it’s almost a certainty that you will meet rejection in one form or another along the way (and quite possibly, on multiple occasions). I know I did. Back when I wrote for kids, Highlights for Children accepted four of my stories for publication—but rejected more than twenty others. I submitted almost as many children’s picture book manuscripts to agents and publishers. A couple of those manuscripts came close to being accepted for representation or publication, but ultimately, none of them were. Rejection is a tough part of the game, but totally worth it when that agent or publisher accepts your work.

Don’t call a literary agent (or a publisher, for that matter) to check on the status of your query. You’ll find this statement on the website of most literary agencies and publishers. The good news is that these websites also normally tell you how long you can expect to wait before hearing from them with their decision. Based on my research, if you haven’t heard from them within the time frame they request, a follow-up email is reasonable. A phone call, however, is not.

I wish you the best of luck along your path to publication!

Any advice you can add? Any experiences you’d like to share?

Baking Love blurb:

Three years ago, Kate Sullivan fell in love with her best friend, Eric Wagner. Before she could tell him, he abruptly ended their friendship. Now Eric has walked into Kate’s bakery and back into her life—but why? Is he here to confess his love for her?

No. He’s here to order his groom’s cake. He’s getting married…to another woman.

Baking Love is available as an ebook at the MuseItUp bookstore, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple, and other ebook retailers, and in paperback from Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

DSC_0667About the Author:

Lauren Boyd writes romance that entertains and provides escape from daily life–and sometimes, you might just learn a thing or two. Connect with her at

Meet K.L. Pickett Author of Seventh Grade (Alien!) Hero

In case you missed it while busy at your Memorial Day barbecue, I had my first post up at the Enchanted Inkpot, discussing female heroines and naming trends. Today K.L. Pickett, author of Seventh Grade (Alien!) Hero and the upcoming Maybe It’s Magic! is guesting on the blog today. Welcome, K.L.! 

SeventhGrade(Alien!)Hero2Science Fiction vs. Nonfiction

Science fiction is a passion of mine. That’s why I wrote the middle-grade novel SEVENTH GRADE (ALIEN!) HERO. Science fiction fills a yearning inside of me, a longing to create a world based on what we as human beings know, but goes beyond that knowing. Science fiction takes us a step closer to what might be, as opposed to what is.

On any given evening, you’ll most likely find me reading a good science fiction novel. My husband, on the other hand, would be engrossed in a nonfiction book. “Why read about imaginary things,” he asks, “when the real world is so interesting?”

Yes, the real world is interesting. But getting involved with intriguing characters and their wants and needs – in other words, connecting with them – is the most important part of any writing, be it science fiction or other genres. The main character of SEVENTH GRADE (ALIEN!) HERO is a middle-grade student that kids can relate to. Dustin’s a normal seventh grade boy whose life has been turned upside-down. His parents have gotten a divorce, his dad’s remarried, and his mom has moved her and him out to the middle of the desert, away from the suburban life he’s always known. He has no friends. Middle-graders can understand him because they all know how hard making friends can be, even if they haven’t moved to a new home themselves.

Besides great characters, there has to be a captivating plot. Being compelled to turn the page to find out what happens next – that just doesn’t happen to me when I read nonfiction. Don’t get me wrong, I love learning new information, but I’ve never stayed up half the night because I couldn’t put a nonfiction book down. Yet there have been many, many mornings when I’ve gotten up groggy from lack of sleep, because I just had to finish a great science fiction story.

That was my goal when I wrote SEVENTH GRADE (ALIEN!) HERO. Dustin encounters one problem after another, each more urgent than the one before. I wanted to create a story that a reader wouldn’t want to put down until he or she had read the last page.

Like all good science fiction, the story involves technology. Dustin and the alien character, Bok, communicate by means of a holographic image. Now I’m sure reading about holographic images – how they are produced, who designed the first ones, how they are used – would be informative and interesting. However, I’d never lose sleep reading about them.

Both science fiction and nonfiction can be full of adventure. Reading about a dangerous and exhilarating trek to the top of Mt. Everest or to the bottom of the sea floor can be stimulating and informative. However, I’m never sitting on the edge of my seat while reading a nonfiction book.

I’ve never ‘lost’ myself in a nonfiction book, the way I do when I’m reading a good fictional story. Becoming totally immersed in a novel is a pleasure I’ve never had with a nonfiction book. My hope is that readers of SEVENTH GRADE (ALIEN!) HERO will become absorbed with the story and ‘lose’ themselves in it.

Many people, like my husband, may prefer nonfiction over science fiction. But for me, there’s nothing better than a compelling science fiction story, with great believable characters, an interesting setting, driven by an action-packed plot. Reading a great science fiction story is something worth losing sleep over.

Seventh Grade (Alien!) Hero Blurb:

Seventh-grader Dustin Cotter dreams of being the first human to make contact with an alien species. After watching a meteorite crash-land on Earth, he discovers it’s a miniature spaceship and becomes determined to catch it.

But first a dog grabs it. A dog that happens to be owned by Randie, the cutest girl at his new school. Then it’s stolen by another kid on horseback: Max, the school comedian/magician/cowboy.

And making matters worse, a dangerous motorcyclist saw the meteorite crash, too. Now he wants it and will stop at nothing until it’s in his possession. One dark night, he catches Dustin alone out in the desert – and Dustin’s dream turns into a life-threatening nightmare.

Karen Head Shot with website pubAbout the Author:

K.L. Pickett was born in Southern California. Her first job as a young teenager was collecting eggs on an egg ranch. She’s had many occupations since then: preschool teacher, real estate salesperson, special education teacher’s assistant, loan officer, furniture salesperson, and agricultural biologist. She currently teaches fourth grade in a tiny rural elementary school.

Over fifty of her stories and articles have appeared in national magazines such as Boys’ Life, Highlights for Children, Humpty Dumpty, and Ladybug under the name Karen Troncale.

She’s rescued dozens of cats, dogs, and birds in her life including a pelican, a pheasant, and several crows. An avid animal-lover, she’s a volunteer for the Tombstone Small Animal Shelter, designing their flyers each week and writing their public radio announcements.  

Currently she resides in Tombstone, Arizona, along with her husband, dog, and mule. When she’s not writing, reading, or teaching, she’s riding her mule along the same desert trails that Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday rode upon.

SEVENTH GRADE (ALIEN!) HERO is her first book. It is available at the MuseItUp bookstore, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other ebook retailers. MAYBE IT’S MAGIC!, her second book, releases in August 2013.

Please visit her website: Every month she features a free children’s short story to read and an inexpensive art activity to do at home.

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