Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Category: Books (Page 67 of 81)

Females in YA: Part 2 My Writing

The discussion about females in YA continues. If you missed Part 1 Growing Up Female, be sure to check the comments section as well as the blog post because there is some great stuff there.

So in Part 1 I asserted that though boys were an important part of my teenage life, they weren’t everything. I had goals and dreams that had nothing to do with boys, and I think this is similar to how many teen girls feel today. This lead to the question of whether or not YA books reflect this. Before I think about other people’s YA books, I’d like take a moment to look at my own writing, specifically my YA book Elixir Bound and what my goals were with the female characters.

I originally conceived Elixir Bound as a there-and-back-again quest, a sort of tribute to my sister Kylene, who died at the age of 16. I had hoped to give her a fantasy tale of her own. When it proved too hard to write the story from the POV of a character inspired by her, I decided to try from a different charcater’s POV: her sister’s Katora.

This really changed the direction of the story. Where Kylene was sweet, sensitive, and wore her feelings on her sleeve, Katora was stubborn, independent, and also sensitive but would never want to show it. Elixir Bound then became a story about a young woman (Katora) who must go on a quest to find out whether or not she will become guardian to a secret healing Elixir and bind herself to it.

The binding part was key because it wouldn’t allow to just use the Elixir as she wanted to; the binding would force her to use it in a way that also served the Great Mother (who is also called Mother Nature, and is basically the highest form of being in Katora’s world). Now I had a story where a very independent character was forced to make a decision that would seriously hinder her independence and impact the path the rest of her life would take.

This whole story line was a personal journey that was paralleled by a physical journey in which Katora and her companions had to find the secret ingredient for the Elixir. Notice the total lack of mention of a love interest. It was really important to me that Katora’s motives for the quest had nothing to do with a boy.

It was also important that Katora be chosen for this quest, not either of her two older sisters or her younger brother. I’ve always wondered why in so many real and fictional worlds the oldest son is the one who is entitled to the inheritance, so I wanted Katora to be neither the oldest nor a boy. The reason Katora was chosen as the next guardian of the Elixir, taking over for her father, was she was person who was best suited for the job.

As I started writing Elixir Bound, I realized I wanted these themes to be reflected in Katora’s world as well. I think a lot of these themes spilled out of me unconsciously and only in revision did I become consciously aware of the feminism in them. Suddenly Katora’s world had turned very pagan with the people following a female deity (the Great Mother) closely tied to nature. From there I sort of ran with the idea that females would, in a sense, rule this world. Though I kept it that Katora would take over for her father because I wanted some balance in the world. Women didn’t need to rule everything.

And Kylene was still there on the quest and plays an important role (though not the starring one). I wanted her there to contrast Katora’s personality because there are other strong female characters besides the bulldozer type, which is kind of how I think of Katora. I even wrote a guest blog post about this different type of female character, strong in character but not in your face about it. Also, Zelenka, a member of the miniature demick species, was an interesting female character. In many ways very much like Katora, but also a bit of an adversary to Katora. They never quite get along, mostly because they are so alike.

There does end up being a love interest on the quest. One I had to emphasize and play up more as I went through revisions of the story because several of my early readers didn’t think it played a big enough role in the story. Katora initially resists forming a relationship with Hirsten, the handsome son of a famous mapmaker. She doesn’t want anything to distract her while on her mission and while she has such an important decision to make. Though the quest part of the story is not driven by romance, Katora’s ability to realize her capacity for love (and in turn why she has resisted her feelings for Hirsten) does play into her decision on whether or not to become guardian of the Elixir.

As you can see, I thought a lot about the role of females in the made-up world of Elixir Bound as I was writing it. I’d like to think my story offers a feministic look at females and hopefully speaks to teenage girls in a positive way. Although, I didn’t want to force any certain didactic message about feminism in the story…more an offering of female characters and how they take control of their lives and futures. Themes I certainly plan on considering while writing future works as well.

Thanks for letting me wax philosophical about my own book! Next up I’ll take a look at some of the YA books I’ve read recently and what messages about females in YA I took away from them. Any requests on what books you’d like me talk about (can’t guarantee I’ve read them, but I’m open to suggestions)?

Females in YA: Part 1 Growing Up Female

IMAG0921Lately I’ve been coming across a lot of articles (here’s one in The Atlantic about women and love in novels and another about women in fantasy novels) about how women are portrayed in books. My field of writing is books for teens and kids, so this got me thinking about how girls are portrayed in YA.

The best place to start, for me, was to think about my own experience growing up a female. Sure, I spent plenty of thought and energy on boys during high school. I had several serious boyfriends throughout the four years. And even when I didn’t have a steady boyfriend, I went on dates with boys, held hands with them, kissed them. So, yeah, boys were important.

But boys weren’t the only thing. I was a bit of a jock in high school, and damn proud of it. I’m willing to bet just about anything that my high school boyfriends attended more of my sporting events than I did theirs (when you play three varsity sports, there isn’t much time to go watch your boyfriend’s basketball practice). My friends and I wore our own letter jackets to school, not our boyfriends’.

And friends were important too, really important. Many of my high school memories are of cruising around in my best friend’s car with two of our other friends, all girls. Did we think about boys? Of course, but usually we were just hanging out, looking for fun stuff to do and trying not to get caught doing stuff we weren’t supposed to be doing. And I had a couple of really close guy friends too, and the line between friendship and more-than-friends didn’t really get crossed with those guys.

I would say my teen years were spent being pretty darn confident about myself as a young woman (in many ways I was more confident as a teen than I am now). I dated boys and thought about them, but they weren’t my everything. I had goals and dreams and fun without boys being at the center of it.

So is the reality as I knew it (which I have to think reflects at least some of the reality that exists for teens today) reflected in the YA books out today? Well, that’s a good topic for Part 2, don’t you think? What type of experiences do you think are universal and relevant to teen girls today?

Alpaca Farming with Priscilla Brown Author of Anna and the Soap Opera

Please welcome back Priscilla Brown, author of the contemporary romances Anna and the Soap Opera (see my Goodreads review here) and Nothing But Love. Alpacas play an important role in Anna and the Soap Opera, and when I found out Priscilla actually owned alpacas, I just had to learn more about these adorable creatures. Welcome, Priscilla!

annaandthesoapopera200x300I didn’t know I was looking for a story idea when I saw a newspaper advertisement for a seminar on alpaca farming. But as I read the information, a plot began to form in my head: he owns an alpaca stud and the local council wants his land for development of some kind.

Attending the seminar sparked my interest in these charming animals; the next stop was the alpaca exhibition at a country show. There, I fell in love. She was young, pretty, friendly, with fine black fleece, and she was for sale. My suburban backyard being no place for an alpaca, I negotiated agistment with the owner. Deal done, this excited writer turned alpaca owner began a new journey.

I bought a second young female, and through my visits to my huggable investments, my interest and knowledge increased. These animals are intelligent and curious, with individual personalities and mostly nice natures. My girls (they are referred to as girls and boys) let me hug them; they are soft and warm. I helped at shearing by collecting and separating the shorn fleeces, which taught me about quality. My two alpacas matured, were mated, and had crias; my small herd expanded.

As I spent time with them, the alpaca stud story developed. I sat in the paddocks absorbing the ambience of the peacefully grazing animals, making notes and jotting down possible scenarios. Much of this did not get into the final narrative, as I reminded myself this story was a romance, not a treatise on alpacas. There were two occurrences which I was particularly fortunate to witness; while they did not fit into the plot, they did feed into my overall experience. The first was a birth; she was a first-time mother, and while naturally protective of the cria (baby), she appeared completely relaxed. The second took place in a paddock with mothers and young crias; the girls organized the youngsters together with one mother sitting with them, while the other mothers grazed undisturbed. Alpaca child care.

The fictitious farm needed a problem, and I didn’t want to write about the use of agricultural land for anything but agribusiness. And why ‘he’? I had no mind picture of a male farmer.

But suddenly ‘he’ became ‘she’; her image, backstory and current difficulties arrived neatly packaged. My fictitious alpaca breeder Anna had a house, a position as mayor of her small country town and huge financial problems dating from her backstory. These were not sufficient to provide sustainable conflict, and the male protagonist was missing. Then at a party on a blistering hot day, one of the men joked about doing the full monty—they didn’t. But Kyle did—enter into the story a sexy television entrepreneur with designs on Anna, her farm and her town, appearing on page one in the full monty. He was nothing to do with my personal alpaca experiences, but as the ‘soap opera’ progressed, he fitted into it well.

This story is an example of what writers are sometimes advised—‘write about what you know’. By the time I felt ready to start on it, I had picked up a quantity of information concerning alpaca husbandry, but there were still points which I researched to confirm and expand my knowledge. I loved writing about these appealing animals, making them the four-legged stars in the romance between Anna and Kyle.

Anna and the Soap Opera blurb:

Excited that television producer Kyle Kinross wants to shoot his blockbuster drama not only in her struggling country town but on her cash-strapped alpaca farm, Mayor Anna Marshall sees his company’s fee as a solution to financial predicaments. But can she survive accusations of payola? Is this sexy younger man buying her influence against community opposition, or could he possibly want her for the generous loving nature masked by her business suit?

Anna and the Soap Opera is available at the MuseItUp bookstore, Amazon, and other ebook retailers. Nothing But Love is also available at the MuseItUp bookstore, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and other ebook retailers.

NBLcoverAbout the Author:

Since coming first in English in Primary School, Priscilla resolved language would be her future. She majored in Literary Studies and added a Diploma in Migrant Teaching (English as a Second Language). Creative writing always beckoned, and, over time, she collected a box full of story ideas: a notebook crammed with fragments of dialog mostly garnered from eavesdropping in cafes; observations of people again from cafes and also public transport; pictures from magazines of potential characters and settings; possible names and titles. Moving house proved the catalyst for turning this hoard into “proper” stories. Packing, she spent too much time browsing through the box, and as soon as her new desk was organized, she embarked on a fiction writing career. Priscilla lives in the Southern Highlands of New South Wales, where she does much listening, observing and writing over coffees in the many cafes.

“The Rewrite Before Christmas” by Beth Overmyer Author of In a Pickle

Today (ahem, on my birthday…and, yes, I’ve stopped counting how many I’ve celebrated) I have a unique poem from Beth Overmyer, author of the middle grade novella In a Pickle. Be prepared to laugh as Beth takes over the blog!

Just in time for Christmas in July…I present:

The Rewrite Before Christmas

(Parody of Clement C. Moore’s The Night Before Christmas)

‘Twas the first draft of my novel and all through the book

There were typos and blunders, not even a hook;

The scenes were all tied together by a hair,

All hoping the editors soon would repair;

The characters were voiceless, all bland and cardboard,

They talked and they rambled, no sense in their words;

And my alphas and my betas put on thinking caps,

“How do I keep reading? I want a long nap!”

And out of my prose there arose such a clutter

Of dialogue tags such as “murmured” and “muttered;”

“Away,” “through” and “of” all ended each sentence;

I misspelled all words without a hint of repentance;

All adverbs were abused shamelessly;

The luster and shine was very much lacking.

When pressing my brain on to make this thing better,

There appeared on my desk an over-sized shredder.

With a clunky old hard drive, so ancient and sick,

I rigged up old Bob with the help of a fork lift.

More vapid than prairies my stories I shredded,

Lit them with a match, doused with unleaded,

“Now burn, you! Now, die, you!

Now shred, burn and fry, you!

No ands ifs or buts:

I’ll burn short stories too!

To the top of the shredder, to the top of the wall!

No dashes, m-dashes, n-dashes; away, all!”

As dry as leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,

I watched the smoke drifting up, up to the sky;

So shiny and lovely, the ashes, they flew,

With smell of burnt plastic and toxic waste too.

And then I’d an inkling, a nudge in my head,

The itching and clawing, as that of the undead.

And I drew in my head an outline so sound

For a shiny new novel, and then went to town!

So, hear me exclaim as I drop out of sight:

“A novel isn’t written; thou must rewrite!”

inapickle 333x500In a Pickle blurb:

Charlie Pickle can’t stay put in the year 1920, due to an annoying habit of time-traveling. On a trip back to 1910, he meets a man with a secret. Murder makes the headlines that day, and Charlie’s new friend knows who the guilty party is. Now, not only does Charlie have bullies and murderers to contend with, he’s got some history to fix.

Find In a Pickle at the MuseItUp bookstore, Amazon, and other ebook retailers.

About the Author:CC Pic Beth Overmyer: writer of kidlit, penner of prose, petter of cats.

Author links:



Twig Stories Author Jo Marshall on Research

A big thanks to everyone who voted for Elixir Bound in the You Gotta Read June cover contest…it took second place (and earned two months of free advertising)! While I’m off celebrating, please welcome Jo Marshall, author of the gorgeous Twig Stories and fellow puzzle enthusiast, as she shares some great tips on research.

SF image 5 chap 13 barkbiter battle - CROPPEDThanks, Katie, for inviting me to talk about research strategies and tips. It’s a kick to be on your blog, especially since we have something in common besides writing books for kids. You once edited a puzzle magazine.  Working puzzles happens to be my passion!  Finding the right puzzle piece is like doing research to find that perfect fact, which fits a scene in your book. Once you do, your puzzle fits together brilliantly!  With that in mind, here’s a few of my researching tips.

First, if I might describe the puzzle box for my stories.  I write eco-literary, fantasy novels called Twig Stories for young readers, ages 8 to 12.  Twigs are impish, amusing, stick creatures, and live in a land of jagged, volcanic peaks, serene glacial lakes, moss-draped rainforests, and windswept prairies similar to where I live in Snohomish, Washington in the Pacific Northwest.  Devastating climate change events are impacting this region.

First tip ~ Assemble the frame of your puzzle first.

Although Twigs are pure fantasy, climate change is real.  Due to an overabundance of information, I continually research climate shift in the Pacific Northwest.  I decide which pieces of the climate crisis puzzle will sweep young readers into the thrilling, fantastic world of Twigs, and at the same time increase their concern for nature.  Only those pieces which make Twig Stories entertaining, yet are actual ecological facts form the frame.  Endangered animals like the spirit bear, horned lark, and salamanders fit the criteria easily, and of course, scary climatic events like glacial outburst floods and dying forests caused by bark beetles fit, too.

Second tip ~ Sort the pieces of your story into topics or groups.

After I have a frame, I group my pieces.  You might choose those parts of your story you need to understand better.  For each of my four books, I chose four specific climate change impacts to research – glacial floods, dying forests, shrinking glaciers, and species adaptation.  These choices immediately gave the stories focus, determined the action, offered clarity to the theme, and created resolution to the conflict.  Other groups might be characters or places.

Third tip ~ Figure out where your pieces fit.

To find where your pieces go, you need to collect descriptive facts for your groups.  Adequate descriptions that embrace the splendor of the Twigs forest home with all its exquisite complexity require research.  For your character group you may need to know what they wear, how they shelter, where they travel, for example.  Placing facts in your story immediately inspires your characterizations and plot.  Nothing motivates my Twigs to reach beyond their limits more than discovering the tremendous diversity in nature.  I constantly rewrite the descriptions and action (usually for the better!) to match fact.  If I’m ever stumped, or wonder, “What happens next?” I often find the answer on an internet fact search.  Through description, you discover where pieces fit into the story, and so the puzzle starts to come together.

Fourth tip ~ Use all your resources!

Like using 5 lamps on your puzzle table to see better, you can use every resource at your fingertips!  The internet is fantastic for global fact-finding.  But there are other ways to research, too.  Libraries, authors, television documentaries, radio shows – whatever you can find to uncover facts for your story will work.  Occasionally you grip that puzzle piece that won’t fit anywhere.  It just doesn’t make sense, but it’s essential to the action.  Ask the experts!  I sent emails to professors and nonprofit officers asking for help.  Most were amazingly generous with their guidance.  All of my manuscripts were reviewed by different conservation experts in the fields of wildlife, forestry, geology, glaciology, biology, and climate change.  Without their helpful suggestions, Twigs would not have such excellent adventures!

Placing the last piece in the puzzle is always a thrill.  Once all the pieces, or facts, are in place, your readers will love your story and also know a little more about your world and theirs, and that is a very satisfying feeling.

Thanks again, Katie, for sharing Twig Stories with your fans and followers.  I hope my puzzle perspective encourages writers of all genres to research and infuse their stories with facts.  I’m sure their readers will love it!

Twig Stories ~ Leaf & the Sky of Fire ~ front coverLeaf & the Sky of Fire blurb:

Twigs live in a fragile world of old forests and magnificent glaciers threatened by climate change, yet Twigs stick together to survive! In a dying forest – infested with bark beetles – small, stick creatures called Twigs are forced to hide in a cave, or be devoured by the ravenous barkbiters! A young Twig named Leaf attempts a foolhardy rescue, but instead leads them all into even greater danger for now they are pursued by barkbiters and fire!  Still, the Twigs have courageous companions. Three loyal salamanders and a fearless, misplaced chameleon guard the Twigs during their escape over a barren ridge. In their darkest moments, a spirit bear stalks them.  And the barkbiters are relentless as they swarm after the Twigs.  Soon the firestorm panics all the forest creatures!  But there is one passage south, if only the Twigs discover it in time!

Royalties are shared with nonprofits concerned with wildlife protection, climate change research, nature conservancy, and forest preservation.

Twig Stories are beautifully illustrated by D.W. Murray, an award-winning Disney artist. His credits include Mulan, Tarzan, Lilo & Stitch, Brother Bear, and Curious George. He is a recipient of the New York Society of Illustrators Gallery and the 2004 Gold Aurora Award.

Twig Stories are available in kindle ebooks and paperbacks worldwide. Check out Leaf & the Rushing Waters, Leaf & the Sky of Fire, and Leaf & the Long Ice. Leaf & Echo Peak arrives early 2014!

JoMarshall.PHOTOAbout the Author:

Jo volunteered as a literacy tutor for elementary school children for many years.  In 1986, while living in West Berlin, she earned a B.A. in German Language and Literature from the University of Maryland, Europe. In Berlin, she worked as a liaison between the military and diplomatic communities. Jo lived in the D.C. area from 1999 to 2006, and worked in litigation for two nonprofit organizations as the legal assistant to the General Counsel.  Jo enjoys mysteries, puzzles, board games, science, NPR, PBS, and Big Band era music. She is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists, Read A Book Make A Difference, and many forest and wildlife conservation nonprofits. Jo lives with her family in Snohomish, Washington. For more about Jo visit her Amazon author page.

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