Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Category: Anecdote (Page 4 of 31)

Defining My Author Theme Courtesy of #LA18SCBWI and Libba Bray

I purposefully didn’t title this piece with the words “author brand” because there are important distinctions between a brand and what I’m talking about here (and calling my “author theme”), and also because I don’t want to anger Libba Bray! But let me back up for a second and give you the all-important context.

I recently attended the SCBWI conference in L.A. where there were some amazing keynotes (and there were a whole lot of keynotes at this conference). The brilliant YA novelist Libba Bray gave her keynote on Saturday afternoon. As a conference attendee, I was buzzing with inspiration from the previous day and a half but not overloaded and exhausted like I was pretty much all of Sunday.

Libba discussed something that is on the mind of any writer who is tuned into the business and marketing side of publishing: author branding! I’ve been trying to come up with a snappy definition of an author brand, but it’s kind of making me woozy thinking about it, so I Googled it instead. Here are the links to the first couple of articles that pop up “How To Build Your Author Brand From Scratch (And Why You Need To)” and “7 Best Ways To Build An Authentic Author Brand.”

The bottom line is that most authors feel the pressure to have a brand, but it feels icky to figure out what that is and how to create one that is effective in selling ourselves. And selling yourself is all so counterintuitive to the creative process and to being authentic to an artistic goal rather than a monetary one. Blech!

Libba articulated this phenomenon so well when she framed it as a question vs. an answer. She said that writing is about wanting to know something. This question is what makes your story come alive. The question leads us from somewhere we know to something new. The question leads to change. On the other hand, branding is advertising, and it’s all about answers. Brands are static by nature, and it puts us in a position to view kids as consumers instead of as growing, learning young humans. (No direct quotes because I tend to not worry about getting direct quotes while taking notes during conferences. Check out the SCBWI Conference Blog for a great overview of not only Libba’s keynote but the whole conference.)

Libba ended with the thought that if anyone asks about your brand, say that it’s a commitment to craft and a deep respect for my audience. This thought–and the whole keynote really–sparked an idea of what I’m all about as an author of books for young people. I’m not calling it a brand because yuck, hence the term I use in the title of this post “author theme.” Where a brand would be about selling myself or my books, my author theme is about what I think I bring to the table as a creator, writer, teacher, and human being.

I know authors who essentially say all their writings–no matter what form, genre, or intended audience–come back to some central theme or idea. I’ve always struggled to come up with any one thing that ties all my work together, never mind one thing that ties together who I am with my work. The spark that came to me during this keynote pulled together my writing, my talks about writing and the creative process, and my philosophy on life in a way that I had never been able to do.

Now that I’ve thought of it, it seems painfully obvious that this is what I’ve been writing about and thinking about. It ties in the ubiquitousness of my sister’s death with my career. It’s the thing I’ve been inscribing in ELIXIR BOUND when I sign copies for readers. (Are you screaming at the screen yet for me to just tell you already?!) Alright, alright…here it is in all it’s simple glory:

Find Your Magic.

That’s it. It’s as simple as that. My sister’s death helped me see the thing I was supposed to be doing in this world, the magic of writing for kids and teens. It’s the thing I try to bring to kids when I talk to them at book events and school visits. I know they won’t all grow up aspiring to be writers (though I always emphasize the importance of having the skills of being an effective reader and writer), but I want them all to pursue, in some way, the thing that feels like magic to them. It’s the thing my characters are always trying to find as well, their magic. And it’s kind of been there all along, staring me in the face. I was finally able to see it and grasp on to it.

Find Your Magic.

As simple as it seems, it’s not always simple to do it, to live it. You have to first figure out what your magic is, which is no easy feat. It took me 20+ years of life and a major life event to figure it out myself. Then once you do know what your magic is, you have to figure out how to pursue it while also, ya know, feeding, clothing, housing yourself and any independents.

But when you can figure out a way to actually do it (even if it’s not the way you make your living), when you actually find your magic and live your magic. Wow, that’s some pretty amazing stuff.

Last Minute Trip to Boston in Pictures

The story of my traveling life is often one of mishaps when plans go awry, usually because of circumstances I have no control over. (For a taste of this, see my posts “Tahiti Tsumani experience: Part 1” and “Part 2” or my guest post on Meradeth Houston’s blog about trying to get to Alaska to run a marathon “Katie Carroll and Sary in the Real World.”) So when our plans to visit a family member’s farm in upstate NY didn’t work out because of issues with their well, the hubby and I scrambled to come up with a new plan.

And that plan ended up being a trip to Boston! We stayed just one night, but we packed it full of fun, and fun for the boy always includes visiting firehouses. We also went to the Boston Museum of Science where we got to see what it would be like to be on the International Space Station (The Prince’s favorite part of the museum) and see the dinosaur bones (The Boy’s favorite part).

Here are some pics from our trip and one from The Gentleman’s birthday because a first birthday is a big deal!



How have your summer plans been going?



The Real Pirate Lore That Inspired PIRATE ISLAND

As I think about what I’m going to talk about at the PIRATE ISLAND book launch party coming up in a couple of weeks, I realized I haven’t ever discussed here on the blog the inspiration behind the book.

It goes all way back to my childhood really. If you grew up in Milford, CT (like I did), you’d know of Charles Island and likely have even gone out to it. It’s a little island (14 acres small!) in Long Island Sound about a half mile off the coast of Milford. It’s pretty unassuming to look at, mostly covered by trees and some old ruins that you can’t see from the coastline. But it does add a distinctive feature to the view (the teaser image uses an actual picture I took of Charles Island).

Knowing only those few facts about the island, you’re probably wondering how it could possibly inspire anyone to write about it. But what if I told you that you can walk out to the island? “What?” you might say. “How could you possibly walk out to an island?” Twice a day at low tide, the waters of Long Island Sound recede enough to reveal a tombolo, locally referred to as a sandbar, that goes all the way from the Silver Sands Beach in Milford to Charles Island. Okay, so things are getting a little more interesting…but still, not necessarily interesting enough to be inspiration worthy.

But what if I told you that this little, unassuming island has a very conspicuous history? It was originally called Poquehaug and was used as a summer resident for Sachem Ansantawae of the local Paugussett tribe. The island and Milford (before it was called that) were purchased by English settlers from the Paugussett Tribe in the 1639 for six coats, ten blankets, one kettle, twelve hatchets, twelve hoes, two dozen knifes, and a dozen mirrors. (For a comprehensive history of Charles Island, check out An Historical Account of Charles Island: Milford, Connecticut by Michael C. Dooling.)

Over the years, Charles Island has been a tobacco farm, a summer resort, a fish fertilizer plant, and a religious retreat site. The tobacco farm failed, the abandoned hotel ended up burning, and people have lost their lives trying to get to and from the island. All interesting, but still not the whole story.

This is where history gets fuzzy and turns to legend. Sachem Ansantawae’s daughter may have been kidnapped, causing him to curse the island. Infamous pirate Captain William Kidd (Billy, the main character of PIRATE ISLAND, tells the pirate’s history in my #CaptainKiddHistory blog series) may have buried his lost treasure there, and also maybe cursed the island. Sixteenth-century Mexican emperor Guatmozin’s Aztec treasure may have found its way to the island, a treasure that was cursed and thereby cursing the island. So there’s a chance that this tiny island in Long Island Sound has actually been cursed three times (or “thrice-cursed” as Eleanor Birch from PIRATE ISLAND would tell you).

So now do you think Charles Island is worthy of a story? Well, I certainly did. And it was the history and legends of Captain Kidd (and, at the risk of being a teeny bit spoilery, maybe one of the the others), that caught my imagination. As you can probably tell, I’ve done a lot of research about the island. I never thought Charles Island was an apt name for it, so I decided to name the island of Billy’s obsession Pirate Island.

I’ve included a lot of these historical tidbits both about the island and Kidd in the actual PIRATE ISLAND story, but I also made up some things. It was fun to play around with the legends and mix them with my own imaginings.

The PIRATE ISLAND book launch party will be held at the Milford, CT Public Library on April 17 from 2-4 pm. You can learn more about how the local lore inspired the story, play a fun fishing game and win a prize, grab a pirate cookie or a signed book, and take a picture at the photo booth!

A thrice cursed island, a legendary pirate treasure, and one not-so-brave boy. What could possibly go wrong?

For centuries, the whereabouts of Captain William Kidd’s lost pirate treasure has remained a mystery. When Billy’s best friend, Andy, proposes they look for it on nearby Pirate Island, Billy thinks it’s just another one of their crazy adventures. It’s usually Billy who ends up in trouble as a result, but he goes along for the ride…like always. The more he delves into the life and death of Kidd, the more he thinks the treasure is real and that it might be buried on the small island in Long Island Sound. Billy–nope, call him William–becomes obsessed with the captain of the same first name. He even believes he’s possessed by Kidd’s restless soul. Now he and the spirit of a long-dead pirate are leading the crazy adventure on Pirate Island. And what they find is far bigger than the treasure they imagined.

Find PIRATE ISLAND at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, IndieBound, and other book retailers.

Young Kids, Short Attention Span, Short Writing Time

Babies and young children have short attention spans, but the title of this post doesn’t refer to my kids’ attention spans; it refers to mine. I once read a quote about a mother’s attention span is only as long as that of her youngest child (I tried looking it up to cite it but couldn’t find it and, honestly, didn’t look that long 😉 ). My youngest is 7 months old, so that tells you about how long I can concentrate on any one thing. The shiny hot mess that is social media doesn’t help either!


Hence why I’ve been focusing a lot of my writing time on picture books. Not easier to write than novels, but easier to feel like I’m actually making some progress on it in the shorter work sessions that fit into my current life. I’ve also been reading a ton of picture books with the kids, so I’m naturally inspired by that form.

Yet that old perpetual WIP (work-in-progress) Elixir Saved is weighing on me. I’m at the point where not working on it is always in the back of my mind. It’s different than when I’ve consciously taken a break from it because I needed to. This time I kind of feel like I’m just avoiding it. I’m in the meaty middle of the draft. I know where the story needs to go and I have a solid idea of how to get it there, but it’s gonna take a lot of work. So, yeah, I should probably make it a priority to work on it, instead of finding new things to work on.

Not that I’m going to stop working on my picture books. I just think I need a better balance. Isn’t is that what it always comes down to in pretty much everything in life: finding the right balance.

One last thing. I’m also in the market for a picture book critique partner. I’ve got plenty of writing buddies to exchange novels with, but not so much when it comes to picture books. I’d like someone with a little bit of experience in the area, but you you certainly don’t have to be an expert. Send me a message if you’re interested in seeing if we’re a good match!

Where Do I Find The Time To Write?

I often get asked the question of how I find the time to write. The short answer to this–and every single writer you know will also have this answer–is that I make the time to write. It’s important to me; it’s part of who I am and how I navigate the world. So no matter how busy I am, I make sure there is time for writing.

I’m lucky to have help from relatives a couple days of weeks with the kiddos. I have a husband who financially supports me, so I don’t have to work for money. Do I have as much time as I’d like to write? Nope. Do I find myself distracted when I do have writing time? You betcha (I’m looking at you, social media!). Is it hard to write when the country feels like a pile of garbage? It sure is. Do I sometimes have to put the writing aside to deal with the business of being a writer? Of course (there’s submitting to do, marketing to plan, chasing people down to get paid, and lots of other stuff that’s not actually writing). Do I write every day? Nope, not even close.

But I do it. With help. I recognize the privilege I have. I think it’s important to point out my privilege because it’s not something writers always talk about. It’s easier to be a writer when you have support. That’s not to say I don’t have my own struggles. I have trouble balancing writing time and taking care of the kids (which is my primary responsibility in life right now). I worry about money, my retirement, and how to pay for the kids to go to college. Now that the boys are growing, I worry about having to go out and get a job just to feed those growing little bodies. Yet, I still make the time to write.

Here’s the thing, I know writers who work full time, have kids, and don’t have the kind of help I have. They make time to write. They do it because it’s important to them. They find a way to create, even when it’s hard, even when it’s done in the wee hours of the night when it feels like everyone else is asleep. They do it even though they’re bone tired. They do it because it’s important to them.

I find the time to write because it’s important to me. So when people ask me about how I find the time to write. I usually say something like, “Oh, I have help with the kids a couple of days a week.” Though the real answer feels far more complicated than that. Or maybe it’s not. Maybe it all comes back to the short answer. I find the time to write because I make the time to write. I’m a writer. I don’t know how not to be one…so I write (but not every day!).

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