Books for kids, teens, & those who are young at heart

Blog in Review 2013

I hope the New Year is treating everyone well. I’m coming back to the blog feeling energized and excited about 2014. It’s shaping up to be a busy year and I’ll be sharing why at a later date (nothing like starting the year with a teaser 🙂 ). I’m keeping my writing in the bubble for a little while longer (it seems to be working), but I can tell you I’m making progress on several manuscripts. Yay!

You’re probably sick of all the best of 2013 lists and this is what happened in 2013, but I had a great year on the blog and wanted to share a few tidbits with you. As much as I enjoy my space here on the Observation Desk to share my thoughts, it’s even better when you share as well, whether with a guest post, in the comments, or by helping spread the word on social media. So thanks to all of you, my blog readers, for coming by and joining in the shenanigans.

I was tickled to see the most active day on the blog was April 16th, the anniversary of my sister’s death. It’s always a hard day and I find comfort in sharing a little piece of her with as many people as I can. On that day, I posted Thinking of Kylene and it was among the top view getters in 2014.

The announcement of Elixir Bound coming out in paperback received the most views of all the posts. It has been such a joy to have so many supporters share with me in the good news and milestone mark in my writing career. BTW…Elixir Bound is now out in paperback and ready for purchase (gotta plug my own work here) at the MuseItUp bookstore, IndieBoundAmazon, and Barnes & Noble. I’ll hopefully be setting up some local signings in 2014 and will keep you all posted. For you non-locals, I can send personalized bookplates to put in your copies. Just send me a note with the contact me page. 

One of the reasons why this year was so successful was because I was more consistent posting content than in any other year, with two posts most weeks. I wouldn’t have been able to do that without guest bloggers. Thanks to all the wonderful guests who shared their stories and wisdom. Among the most viewed guest posts were Scott R. Caseley’s Twice in A Millennium Inspiration post, Anna Staniszewski’s post on writing middle grade, and an interview of Erin Albert on her debut YA fantasy The Prophecy. I’ve already got some great guest posts lined up for this year and am always open to hosting others (contact me here).

I always get a kick out of seeing some of the stranger things people have searched to come up with my site, so I’ll end with my favorites: “am i crazy or in love? how to stay grounded?”, “sweatpants say i’ve given up on life”, “i’m sorry i kicked you lilo and stitch”, “how dare you bind and gag me?”, and “stardust blowing at you”.

Happy writing and living in 2014!

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  1. Mary

    Love the search terms. They crack me up!

    Glad 2013 was such a great year. Here’s wishing you all the best for 2014!!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      I love finding those search term gems!

      Thanks, Mary! I’m sure 2014 will be great year for you. You’ve got a couple of books coming out, right? 🙂

  2. Anne Stenhouse

    Hi Katie, it was a good year for me, too, as MIU showed their faith and published my two historicals. I also write a blog and love the stats. I ran a series on aphorisms. Things like Honesty is the best policy. They attract a lot of attention and particularly from India. I wonder of that’s to do with English homework. Power to your pen for 2014. Anne Stenhouse

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Hi, Anne! You did have a good 2013! Hope you have a great 2014 as well. 🙂

  3. Leona Pence

    Hi Katie,
    May 2014 be a great year for all of us at MuseItUp. Did all those search words actually find you? Says a lot for Google and the power of the internet.

    Thanks again for sharing your expertise with us at Writer’s Village University last night. You were amazing.

    Best wishes for the new year.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Hi, Leona. Thanks! Apparently those search terms found me. Who knows what algorithm was used to take some of those to me? I’m guessing some of those people were disappointed their search terms led to me. I’m guessing I’m not what they were looking for. 😉

      It was great chatting with the Writer’s Village University last night. It was quite exhilarating for me to have such a rapt audience to listen to me wax on about revision and scenes!

      Cheers to you in 2014!

  4. Kerry

    Hey Katie! I had fun reading your blog throughout 2013! I definitely have some questions for you too! How did you find out about the search terms people were using to find your blog? There sure were some doozies! 🙂 Fun! I was also wondering how you set up the sidebar on your website?! (The Shelfari and the area where people can sign up to subscribe to your blog are some really fun features for a website!)
    Looking forward to enjoying 2014 with a fellow writer! 🙂 See you around on the blog and in person! 🙂

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Hi, Kerry! I’m glad you enjoyed the blog in 2013…it’s been fun connecting with you here.

      WordPress stats (included with the website) has a feature where I can look up all the search terms people use to find the site, plus a bunch of other viewer stats. The sidebar is part of the design of the website. I used a free WordPress template to create the whole site. Other designs have no sidebar or two sidebars. Shelfair offers a widget where you can post your read shelf on your website. I’m self-taught as far as web design goes, so all of this I’ve learned on the fly. Google is my best friend when I’m trying to figure out how to do something on the site. I’ve slowly added more and more to the site as I’ve learned more. One day I’ll earn enough writing money to hire someone to create a custom site, but for now this is a self-run show. 🙂

      See you around in 2014!

  5. Loren

    Katie, I’ve only had the pleasure of snooping around your blog for the last half a year, but when I walked away from the screen I was left with inspiring ideas and smiles from your posts!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      That’s so sweet of you to say, Loren. It gives me a big smile to know that. Thanks for all your reading and commenting on the blog.

  6. Kai

    I love looking at stats and those funny key words. Cheers to a productive 2014!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      WordPress sends me a nice little summary of my year on the blog, which makes the review easy for me to write. I’ll raise a glass to a productive 2014!

  7. Meradeth

    I’m stoked to hear that your projects are going well, and I hope 2014 is a great year for you! Looking forward to your announcements, too 🙂 And working together–I’m SO happy about that!! The search terms are way too funny, especially the sweatpants one…mainly because, yeah, still in mine this morning. I’ll admit it!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Meradeth! One of these days I’ll have something for you to read. I’m excited to be working with you, too. Yay!

      BTW…you were my top commenter for the year, so a hug and a gold star to you. 🙂

  8. Beverly

    Thanks for sharing your year with us. May 2014 be even better for you. Will be watching for your announcements.

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Hi, Beverly! Thanks! I hope 2014 brings you the best.

  9. Marsha R. West

    Congrats on a great year and best wishes for continued writing success, Katie. I don’t come often, but always enjoy it. I’m so impressed you do all this yourself! Happy 2014!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Marsha! Thanks for stopping in, whenever you get the chance. All the best to you in 2014!

  10. Marcia Strykowski

    Fun post — I love looking at stats, too!

    • Katie L. Carroll

      Thanks, Marcia! The stats are always fun.

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